Announcement according to article 119 section 9 BörseG

Addiko Bank AG: Share Buyback Programme 2023

Vienna (pta040/06.04.2023/17:45 UTC+2)

Publication pursuant to § 119 para 9 Stock Exchange Act 2018 in connection with § 5 Publication Regulation 2018 and Article 2 para 1 Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052

Vienna, 6 April 2023 - Addiko Bank AG intends to implement a buyback programme ("Share Buyback Programme 2023") for its shares on the basis of the authorisation resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 27 November 2020 pursuant to § 65 para 1 no 4 and no 8 Stock Corporation Act. The ordinary shares of Addiko Bank AG are listed on the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange (ISIN AT000ADDIKO0) ("Shares"). The Management Board of Addiko Bank AG resolved on 4 April 2023 to exercise the authorisations of the Annual General Meeting pursuant to § 65 para 1 no 4 and no 8 Stock Corporation Act and to implement the Share Buyback Programme 2023.

  • Date of the authorisation resolutions of the Annual General Meeting pursuant to § 65 para 1 no 4 and 8 Stock Corporation Act: 27 November 2020
  • Date of publication of the authorising resolution: 27 November 2020 via an electronically operated information system that is distributed at least within the European Union (§ 65 para 1a sentence 2 Stock Corporation Act; § 119 para 9 sentence 2 Stock Exchange Act).
  • Start and expected duration of the Share Buyback Programme 2023: 11 April 2023 until 29 March 2024 at the longest (under the condition that the Annual General Meeting 2023 will renew the repurchase authorisations; if not, the Share Buyback Programme 2023 will expire automatically on 27 May 2023).
  • Class of shares to which the Share Buyback Programme 2023 relates: Bearer Shares.
  • Planned volume: up to 350,000 Shares, corresponding to approximately 1.3% of the current share capital of the company. The maximum pecuniary amount allocated to the Share Buyback Programme 2023 is EUR 3,205,625.
  • Highest and lowest consideration to be paid per Share: The consideration per Share may not exceed or fall below the arithmetic average of the official closing prices published by the Vienna Stock Exchange of the Shares of Addiko Bank AG listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange on the 20 trading days preceding the acquisition by more than 20%.
  • Type of repurchase: Acquisition via the stock exchange.
  • Purpose of the repurchase: The purpose of the repurchase is to offer the Shares to employees, executives and members of the management board of Addiko Bank AG or a company affiliated with it under the variable remuneration plan.
  • Possible effects of the buyback programme on the listing of the Shares: The Share Buyback Programme 2023 has no effects on the listing of the Shares.
  • Number and allocation of share options to be granted or already granted to employees, executives and to the individual members of the company's executive bodies: No share options have been or will be granted to employees, executives or to the individual members of the company's executive bodies.

Share repurchases under the Share Buyback Programme 2023 will be carried out by a credit institution which makes its decision concerning the timing of the purchases independently of the company and has to comply with the trading conditions pursuant to Article 3 Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052.

Note pursuant to § 5 para 4 Publication Regulation 2018: The information to be published pursuant to §§ 6 and 7 Publication Regulation 2018 shall be published on the website of Addiko Bank AG

This publication replaces the publication pursuant to § 65 para 1a Stock Corporation Act (§ 119 para 10 Stock Exchange Act).

This publication does not constitute a public offer to purchase shares or an invitation to make such offers and does not create any obligation on the part of the company or any of its subsidiaries to accept offers to repurchase shares or to implement the Share Buyback Programme 2023.


Constantin Gussich

Head of Investor Relations & Group Corporate Development, +43 664 884 268 31


About Addiko Group

Addiko Group is a specialist banking group focusing on providing banking products and services to Consumer and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) in Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEE). The Group consists of Addiko Bank AG, the fully-licensed Austrian parent bank registered in Vienna, Austria, listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange and supervised by the Austrian Financial Market Authority and the European Central Bank, as well as six subsidiary banks, registered, licensed and operating in five CSEE countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina (where it operates via two banks), Serbia and Montenegro. Through its six subsidiary banks, Addiko Group services as of 31 December 2022 approximately 0.8 million customers in CSEE using a well-dispersed network of 154 branches and modern digital banking channels.

Based on its strategy, Addiko Group has repositioned itself as a specialist Consumer and SME banking group with a focus on growing its Consumer and SME lending activities as well as payment services (its "focus areas"). It offers unsecured personal loan products for Consumers and working capital loans for its SME customers and is largely funded by retail deposits. Addiko Group's Mortgage business, Public and Large Corporate lending portfolios (its "non-focus areas") are subject of an accelerated run-down process, thereby providing liquidity and capital for the growth in its Consumer and SME lending.


Emitter: Addiko Bank AG
Canetti Tower, Canettistraße 5/12.OG
1100 Wien
Contact Person: Addiko Investor Relations
Phone: +43 664 884 268 31
ISIN(s): AT000ADDIKO0 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)