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CA Immobilien Anlagen AG: Announcement to the simplified merger under § 221a Abs 1 AktG

Vienna (pta010/26.08.2010/07:00 UTC+2) It is intended by way of universal succession to merge CA Immo International AG, with its seat in Vienna, registered under FN 248937i ("transferor company"), with CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, with its seat in Vienna, registered under FN 75895k ("acquiring company"), by means of transfer of the assets of CA Immo International AG in their entirety to CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft with effect from 31.12.2009. The merger is based on the audited annual financial statements, with an unreserved audit report, for CA Immo International AG as at 31.12.2009 as the closing balance sheet.

In accordance with Article 221a Section 1 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the two companies involved in the merger give notice herewith that the draft merger agreement concluded on 25.08.2010 between CA Immo International AG as the transferor company and CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft as the acquiring company, has been submitted to the Commercial Court of Vienna (Commercial Register) after being audited by the court-appointed merger auditor and by the Supervi-sory Boards of the companies involved in the merger.

The documents listed below are available at the offices of the companies involved in the merger for inspection by shareholders:

- Draft of the merger agreement dated 25.8.2010 together with the audited annual financial statements of CA Immo International AG as the closing balance sheet and the audit report from the external auditor as at 31.12.2009
- Annual financial statements and Management Reports of CA Immobilien Anlagen Akti-engesellschaft and CA Immo International AG for the last three financial years and the Corporate Governance reports for the 2009 business year for the companies involved in the merger
- Interim balance sheets for CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft and CA Immo In-ternational AG as at 30.6.2010
- Joint merger report by the Management Boards of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesell-schaft and CA Immo International AG
- Joint audit report by PwC Transaction Services Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH on CA Immobi-lien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft and CA Immo International AG
- Audit reports by the Supervisory Boards of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft and CA Immo International AG

On request, every shareholder shall be given, at the seat of each of the companies involved in the merger, a copy of the documents listed above without delay and free of charge. With effect from today's date, the documents listed above are also available on the internet at and Reference is also made to the invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of CA Immo International AG issued at the same time and to shareholders' rights under Article 221a Section 2 and Article 108 AktG.

Under Article 231 Section 1 AktG, the Management Board of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft has waived obtaining the consent of the General Meeting of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft to the merger (simplified merger) and the Management Board of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft will make use of the powers accorded it under Article 4 Section 3 of the Articles of Association in ac-cordance with Article 169 AktG and increase the capital stock of the company, with the agreement of the Supervisory Board, from the current figure of Eur 634,370,022 by up to Eur 4,757,851.50 to up to Eur 639,127,873.50 by means of the issue of up to 654,450 new shares.

Shareholders in CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, whose combined shares amount to at least 5% of the capital stock of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, may, up to one month after adoption of the resolution by the General Meeting of CA Immo International AG, request that a General Meeting of shareholders of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft be called. For bearer shares deposited with a custodian, evidence of share ownership shall be furnished simply by presentation of a deposit receipt according to Article 10a AktG, to be no more than seven days old at the time of presentation to the company; the deposit receipt must contain the information listed in Article10a Section 2 AktG.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of CA Immo International AG will be held on Monday, 27 September 2010, so that shareholders in CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft will have to request that a General Meeting be called under Article 231 Section 3 AktG by Wednesday, 27 October 2010 at the latest.

Vienna, August 2010

The Management Board
CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft


Emitter: CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Mechelgasse 1
1030 Wien
Contact Person: Mag. Claudia Hainz
Phone: (+431) 532 59 07 - 502
ISIN(s): AT0000641352 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)