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Telekom Austria AG: Aquisition of Assets of Orange Austria for a max. EUR 390 mn

Vienna (pta002/03.02.2012/00:15 UTC+1) Vienna, 3 February 2012 - Today, the Telekom Austria Group (VSE: TKA, OTC US: TKAGY) informs that it has agreed to acquire assets currently owned by Orange Austria Telecommunication GmbH ("Orange Austria") for a total amount of up to EUR 390 mn. Following the acquisition of Orange Austria by Hutchison 3G Austria, Telekom Austria Group will acquire the assets from Hutchison 3G Austria. These assets comprise frequencies, base stations sites, the mobile phone operator YESSS! Telekommunikation GmbH ("YESSS!") as well as certain intellectual property rights.

The transaction is expected to close in mid 2012. The acquisition for the assets mentioned above will be financed out of Telekom Austria Group's existing cash-flow.

The transaction comprises the following assets:
> A total of 2 x 13.2 MHz of paired frequencies
The frequencies to be acquired include: 2 x 3.2 MHz in the 900 MHz band, 2 x 5.0 MHz in the 2,100 MHz band and 2 x 5.0 MHz in the 2,600 MHz band. In addition to its unpaired frequencies the Telekom Austria Group currently owns the following paired frequencies: 2 x 17.0 MHz in 900 MHz band, 2 x 14.8 MHz in 2,100 MHz band and 2 x 20.0 MHz in 2,600 MHz band. The intended acquisition of the frequencies will increase the network quality of Telekom Austria Group.
> Up to 634 base stations sites, with the total number remaining subject to negotiations
These base stations sites will improve the current geographic network allocation in Austria and will enhance network coverage particularly in rural areas in Austria.
> 100% of the mobile phone operator YESSS!
YESSS! offers voice, SMS and data services in the pre- and post-paid segment and has currently more than 740,000 subscribers and total revenues of EUR 56.4 mn in 2010. The acquisition enables Telekom Austria Group to add customers which are largely complementary to its existing customer base.
> Intellectual property rights on the brand "ONE"

The acquisition of Orange Austria by Hutchison 3G Austria is conditional to the approval of Telekom Austria Group's acquisition of YESSS! by the relevant regulatory and anti-trust authorities, which is still pending.

Key financial "YESSS!"
20109M 2011
Revenues* (EUR mn) 56.438.1
Subscribers ('000)710.6741.8
thereof pre-paid ('000)518.5537.1
thereof post-paid ('000)69.369.9
thereof mobile broadband ('000)122.8134.7

*including other operating income


Emitter: Telekom Austria AG
Lassallestrasse 9
1020 Wien
Contact Person: Matthias Stieber
Phone: +43 (0)50 664 39126
ISIN(s): AT0000720008 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)