Shareholders' meeting results

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG: Voting results of the 26th Ordinary General Meeting

Vienna (pta024/08.05.2013/11:30 UTC+2) Voting results:

Agenda item 2:
Resolution appropriating the net profit recognized in the Annual Financial Statements for 2012.

Presence: 391 shareholders with 28,062,604 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,062,604
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.94 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,062,604
Pro: 391 shareholders with 28,062,604 votes.
Contra: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Abstentions: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Agenda item 3:
Resolution discharging the members of the Management Board for the 2012 financial year.

Presence: 389 shareholders with 28,050,673 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,050,673
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.93 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,050,673
Pro: 387 shareholders with 28,030,589 votes.
Contra: 2 shareholders with 20,084 votes.
Abstentions: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Agenda item 4:
Resolution discharging the members of the Supervisory Board for the 2012 financial year.

Presence: 392 shareholders with 28,061,269 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,060,594
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.94 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,060,594
Pro: 389 shareholders with 28.040.510 votes.
Contra: 2 shareholders with 20.084 votes.
Abstentions: 1 shareholder with 675 votes.
Agenda item 5:
Resolution on the remuneration of the Supervisory Board for the 2012 financial year.

Presence: 394 shareholders with 28,061,275 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,060,275
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.94 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,060,275
Pro: 391 shareholders with 28.041.139 votes.
Contra: 3 shareholders with 20.136 votes.
Abstentions: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Agenda item 6:
Appointment of the auditor and Group auditor for the 2013 financial year.

Presence: 394 shareholders with 28,051,071 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,051,071
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.93 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,051,071
Pro: 377 shareholders with 27.486.162 votes.
Contra: 17 shareholders with 564.909 votes.
Abstentions: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Agenda item 7:
Revision and amendment of the authority to issue convertible bonds (2008 convertible bond issue authorisation) granted the Management Board on 13 May 2008 according to Section 174 (2) AktG, by way of a resolution concerning the renewal of the Management Board's authority, within five years of the date of the resolution and with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to issue, also in several tranches, convertible bonds up to an total amount of approx. 100 m euros (2013 convertible bond issue authorisation) being associated with a conversion or subscription right to up to 13,756,000 ordinary bearer shares in the company, representing a portion of the share capital in the amount of up to 100,006,120 euros (approx. 16% of the current share capital), and to regulate all further conditions for the convertible bonds, their issue and the conversion procedure; as well as resolution on the exclusion of shareholders' subscription rights according to Section 174 (4) AktG in conjunction with Section 153 AktG.

Presence: 396 shareholders with 28,062,336 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,061,636
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.94 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,061,636
Pro: 342 shareholders with 27.063.468 votes.
Contra: 53 shareholders with 998.168 votes.
Abstentions: 1 shareholder with 700 votes.

Agenda item 8:
Resolution concerning
a) an amendment of Section 4 Subsection 4 Sentence 1 of the Articles of Association, by restricting the scope of the contingent capital increase adopted by the 21st Ordinary General Meeting on 13 May 2008 according to Section 159 (2) Clause 1 AktG to the amount required to safeguard the convertible bonds already issued in the amount of 135,000,000 euros on the basis of the authority granted the Management Board on 13 May 2008 (2008 convertible bond issue authorisation), being associated with conversion or subscription rights to up to 18,569,464 ordinary bearer shares in the company, representing a portion of the share capital in the amount of up to 135,000,003.28 euros (contingent capital increase I);
b) a contingent capital increase of the share capital according to Section 159 (2) Clause 1 AktG by up to 100,006,120 euros by issuing up to 13,756,000 ordinary bearer shares in the company to safeguard conversion rights arising from the convertible bond issue authorisation granted on 7 May 2013 (agenda item 7), and a corresponding amendment of Section 4 (share capital and shares) of the Articles of Association by adding an additional Subsection 5 (contingent capital increase II).

Presence: 394 shareholders with 28,036,049 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,036,049
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.91 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,036,049
Pro: 350 shareholders with 27.308.534 votes.
Contra: 44 shareholders with 727.515 votes.
Abstentions: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Agenda item 9:
Resolution concerning the revision of Section 2 of the Articles of Association (purpose of the business).

Presence: 399 shareholders with 28.059.087 votes.
Number of shares voting valid: 28,054,767
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 31.93 %
Total numbers of valid votes: 28,054,767
Pro: 398 shareholders with 28.054.767 votes.
Contra: 0 shareholders with 0 votes.
Abstentions: 1 shareholder with 4.320 votes.


Emitter: CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Mechelgasse 1
1030 Wien
Contact Person: Mag. Claudia Hainz
Phone: (+431) 532 59 07 - 502
ISIN(s): AT0000641352 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)