
AMAG Austria Metall AG: Announcement sec. 93 para. 2 BörseG with objective of Europe-wide dissemination

Ranshofen (pta037/13.08.2013/20:00 UTC+2) Ranshofen, August 13, 2013 - AMAG Austria Metall AG ("AMAG") (ISIN AT00000AMAG3) listed on the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange was informed, by B&C Industrieholding GmbH in the name of B&C Lambda Holding GmbH and B&C Holding GmbH, pursuant to sec. 91 para. 1 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act about the limit of 50% having been exceeded, and AMAG announces as follows in accordance with sec. 93 para. 2 of the Stock Exchange Act:

1.) B&C Alpha Holding GmbH directly holds 13,286,570 shares in AMAG Austria Metall AG (hereinafter "AMAG") and an identical number of voting rights.

In addition, a further 5,687,107 AMAG shares and an identical number of voting rights are attributable to B&C Alpha Holding GmbH according to sections 91, 92 para. 1 and para. 7 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act in conjunction with sec. 23 para. 1 of the Austrian Takeover Act (Übernahmegesetz, ÜbG) due to agreements with other shareholders, thus causing B&C Alpha Holding GmbH to exceed the 50% limit defined in sec. 91 para. 1 of the Stock Exchange Act (without taking into account any financial instruments pursuant to sec. 91a of the Stock Exchange Act). The fact that B&C Alpha Holding GmbH exceeded this limit was notified pursuant to sections 91 et seq. of the Stock Exchange Act already on May 26, 2013.

Additionally, financial instruments in respect of 2,292,160 AMAG shares and an identical number of voting rights are attributable to B&C Alpha Holding GmbH pursuant to sec. 91a of the Stock Exchange Act, and therefore by taking into account these financial instruments a total of 21,265,837 AMAG shares and an identical number of voting rights are attributable to B&C Alpha Holding GmbH. The acquisition of these financial instruments by B&C Alpha Holding GmbH was notified pursuant to sections 91 et seq. of the Stock Exchange Act already on March 11, 2013.

2.) Due to a spin-off for the formation of a new company resolved upon on July 30, 2013 and entered into the commercial register on August 10, 2013, B&C Lambda Holding GmbH acquired from B&C Holding GmbH the only corporate share in B&C Alpha Holding GmbH.

The entry of this spin-off into the commercial register has the following consequences:

- No more voting rights in AMAG are attributable to B&C Holding GmbH.

- Due to B&C Lambda Holding GmbH holding 100% of the shares in B&C Alpha Holding GmbH, the voting rights of B&C Alpha Holding GmbH in AMAG are attributable to B&C Lambda Holding GmbH pursuant to sec. 92 (4) of the Stock Exchange Act. Thus, B&C Lambda Holding GmbH exceeds the limit of 50% according to sec. 91 para. 1 of the Stock Exchange Act.

- The spin-off has no effects on the voting rights in AMAG that are attributable to B&C Industrieholding GmbH and to B&C Alpha Holding GmbH as B&C Industrieholding GmbH is the entity holding 100% of the shares in B&C Holding GmbH and in B&C Lambda Holding GmbH. Thus, B&C Industrieholding GmbH and B&C Alpha Holding continue to exceed the limit of 50% according to sec. 91 para. 1 of the Stock Exchange Act.


Emitter: AMAG Austria Metall AG
Lamprechtshausenerstraße 61
5282 Ranshofen
Contact Person: Mag. Gerald Wechselauer
Phone: +43 7722 801 2203
ISIN(s): AT00000AMAG3 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)