
AMAG Austria Metall AG: Announcement sec. 93 para. 2 BörseG with objective of Europe-wide dissemination

Ranshofen (pta022/20.10.2014/18:30 UTC+2) AMAG Austria Metall AG ("AMAG") (ISIN AT00000AMAG3) listed on the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange was informed by Oberbank Industrie und Handelsbeteiligungsholding GmbH and Oberbank AG of the limits of 4% and 5% defined in sec. 91 para. 1 of the Stock Exchange Act being fallen short of, and AMAG therefore announces as follows in accordance with sec. 93 para. 2 of the Stock Exchange Act:

1) that Oberbank Industrie und Handelsbeteiligungsholding GmbH on October 15, 2014 sold 1,729,737 ordinary non-par value shares (corresponding to approx. 4.9% of the share capital and voting rights) in AMAG Austria Metall AG (registry number FN 310593f) to Eff dreißigeins Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH, thus falling short of the limits of 5% and 4% defined in sec. 91 para. 1 of the Stock Exchange Act for the obligation to report.

2) that Oberbank Industrie und Handelsbeteiligungsholding GmbH continues to hold 35,264 ordinary non-par value shares (corresponding to 0.1% of the share capital and voting rights) in AMAG Austria Metall AG upon the subject matter sale being carried out.

3) that Oberbank AG has not exceeded or fallen short of any reporting limit as a result of its wholly-owned subsidiary Oberbank Industrie und Handelsbeteiligungsholding GmbH having sold such 1,729,737 ordinary non-par value shares in AMAG Austria Metall AG as the subject matter ordinary shares and voting rights continue to be attributable to Oberbank AG pursuant to sec. 92 of the Stock Exchange Act due to the valid Participation Agreement of February 1, 2013 concluded with B&C Industrieholding GmbH.

The total number of shares and voting rights in AMAG is 35,264,000.


Emitter: AMAG Austria Metall AG
Lamprechtshausenerstraße 61
5282 Ranshofen
Contact Person: Dipl.Kfm. Felix Demmelhuber
Phone: +43 7722 801 2203
ISIN(s): AT00000AMAG3 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)