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Erste Group Bank AG: Changes to the Management Board

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Vienna (pta005/26.10.2014/12:06 UTC+1) Changes to the Management Board of Erste Group

* Peter Bosek to become Management Board Member responsible for Retail

* Jozef Síkela to succeed Franz Hochstrasser as Board Member for Corporates&Markets

* Herbert Juranek to leave Management Board

The Supervisory Board approved the strategic repositioning of Erste Group and in this context also personnel decisions. A Group function will be set up within the Holding for the Retail business, while business with commercial customers will be gradually transferred to the local banks. This also involves personnel changes as of 2015: Peter Bosek, currently Board Member of Erste Bank Oesterreich, will become Management Board Member of the Holding responsible for the Austrian as well as the group-wide Retail business. Jozef Síkela, CEO of the subsidiary Slovenská sporitea, will take over the management functions for Corporates&Markets at Erste Group from Franz Hochstrasser, who will leave the Management Board. Herbert Juranek, COO of Erste Group, will also leave the Management Board. A decision on his successor will be reached in the coming weeks.


Emitter: Erste Group Bank AG
Milchgasse 1
1010 Wien
Contact Person: Thomas Sommerauer/ Simne Pilz
Phone: + 43 (0)5 0100 - 17741
ISIN(s): AT0000652011 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)