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Rosenbauer International AG: Provisional Figures 2019

Rosenbauer Group continues growth trajectory as planned in 2019

Leonding (pta007/12.02.2020/07:00 UTC+1) * Consolidated revenues increase by 7.6% to Eur 978.9 million
* Earnings in line with expectations at Eur 50.2 million
* Order intake again at 2018's record level despite weaker economic situation

GROUP KEY FIGURES2018 2019 provisional
Revenues Eur million909.4978.9
EBIT Eur million48.850.2
EBTEur million43.844.0
Order intake Eur million1,107.71,073.0
Order backlog as of December 31Eur million1,052.3 1,149.5

In the past 2019 financial year, the Rosenbauer Group continued its growth trajectory as planned and increased revenues by 7.6% to Eur 978.9 million (2018: Eur 909.4 million). The last three months of the year topped the previous year's figure (Q4 2018: Eur 345.9 million) with revenues of Eur 364.4 million and constituted the all-time strongest quarter. Expenses for staff and materials rose with the increased operating performance, although earnings were particularly affected by delayed deliveries and exchange rate differences. With EBIT of Eur 50.2 million (2018: Eur 48.8 million), profitability was better than in 2018 and met expectations. As of the end of the year, the EBIT margin amounted to 5.1%.

The global firefighting industry held its ground despite the weakening global economy in 2019, performing robustly. Against this backdrop, Rosenbauer expanded its business volume. Central and Eastern Europe as well as North America in particular recorded significantly higher deliveries. By contrast, business in Asia declined, with the biggest single market of China stagnating.

The financial result was significantly more negative than in the previous year, attributable primarily to increased financing requirements as well as the first-time application of the IFRS 16 standard and thus, the first-time recognition of interest from leasing transactions. Earnings before taxes (EBT) therefore amounted to Eur 44.0 million (2018: Eur 43.8 million).

In the past year, the Rosenbauer Group reported incoming orders at a similar level to 2018's record, at Eur 1,073.0 million (2018: Eur 1,107.7 million). Orders increased in the NISA area (Northern Europe, Iberia, South America, Africa) and the APAC area (Asia, Pacific, Australia, China); there was a decline in the NOMA (North and Middle America) and MENA (Middle East and North Africa) sales areas. A total of 14 aerial rescue vehicles were sold to Australia, including the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, the Tasmania Fire Service and the Australian Capital Territory

The order backlog was up 9.2% year-on-year at Eur 1,149.5 million as of December 31, 2019 (2018: Eur 1,052.3 million). With this massive order book, the Rosenbauer Group's production facilities have excellent capacity utilization in the coming months.

Based on this, the Executive Board expects the stable growth in consolidated revenue to continue in 2020, as well as a reduction in net debt and further improvement in profitability.

The above figures are based on advance calculations in accordance with IFRS. The final figures for 2019 will be published on April 3, 2020.


Emitter: Rosenbauer International AG
Paschinger Straße 90
4060 Leonding
Contact Person: Mag. Tiemon Kiesenhofer, MBA
Phone: +43 732 6794-568
ISIN(s): AT0000922554 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade); Free Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate