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Rosenbauer International AG: Rosenbauer examines the issuance of a hybrid bond

Leonding (pta014/12.09.2023/10:00 UTC+2)

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Rosenbauer examines the issuance of a hybrid bond

Rosenbauer International AG is currently examining the issuance of a hybrid bond and has mandated Raiffeisen International Bank AG and M.M. Warburg & Co Bank AG for this purpose. A possible issue is intended to strengthen the equity base in the short term and finance further growth in the US.

After a challenging 2022 financial year, the Rosenbauer Group was, as previously announced, already able to close the first half of the year with a positive EBITDA of € 15.1m (1-6/2022: € -8.8 million) and EBIT of € 0.7m (1-6/2022: € -23.2 million). Assuming a further improvement in the supply of truck chassis, the Rosenbauer Group expects revenues to exceed € 1bn in 2023, with an expected EBIT margin of around 3 percent.

The issuance of a market-rate hybrid bond remains subject to the then prevailing market situation.


Emitter: Rosenbauer International AG
Paschinger Straße 90
4060 Leonding
Contact Person: Tiemon Kiesenhofer, MBA
Phone: +43 732 6794-568
ISIN(s): AT0000922554 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade); Free Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate