Beteiligungsmeldung gemäß § 135 Abs. 2 BörseG (ESMA 2015/1597)

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 135 Abs. 2 BörseG

Wien (pta007/09.10.2023/08:00 UTC+2) - Veröffentlichung einer Beteiligungsmeldung nach § 135 Abs. 2 BörseG


1. Emittent
CA Immobilien Anlagen AG, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Wien, Österreich

2. Grund der Mitteilung
Erwerb/Veräußerung von Finanz- oder sonstigen Instrumenten

3. Meldepflichtige Person

Name: Klaus Umek

4. Namen der Aktionäre (sofern es sich nicht um die unter Punkt 3 genannte Person handelt)
Klaus Umek, Petrus Advisers Ltd., Petrus Advisers Investments Fund L.P., Petrus Advisers Bratislava k.s.

5. Datum der Schwellenberührung

6. Gesamtpositionen der meldepflichtigen Person

  % der Stimmrechte, die zu Aktien gehören (7.A) % der Stimmrechte, die die Finanz-/sonstigen Instrumente repräsentieren (7.B.1 + 7.B.2) Total von beiden in % (7.A + 7.B) Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte des Emittenten
Situation am Tag der Schwellenberührung 2,4 5,21 7,61 106.496.426
Situation in der vorherigen Meldung 2,30 4,18 6,47

7. Einzumeldende Daten - Details über die gehaltenen Instrumente am Tag der Berührung der Schwelle

7.A: Stimmrechte die zu Aktien gehören

ISIN der Aktien Absolut direkt (§ 130 BörseG 2018) Absolut indirekt (§ 133 BörseG 2018) Direkt in % (§ 130 BörseG 2018) Indirekt in % (§ 133 BörseG 2018)
AT0000641352 1.605.627 948.092 1,51 0,89
Summe:   2.553.719   2,4

7.B.1: Finanzinstrumente / Sonstige Instrumente gem. § 131 Abs 1 Z 1 BörseG 2018

Art des Instruments Verfalldatum Ausübungszeitraum / Laufzeit Stimmrechte absolut Stimmrechte in %
Call Option December 2023 - December 2024 Anytime 5550000 5,21
    Summe: 5.550.000 5,21

7.B.2: Finanzinstrumente / Sonstige Instrumente gem. § 131 Abs 1 Z 2 BörseG 2018

Art des Instruments Verfalldatum Ausübungszeitraum / Laufzeit Barausgleich oder physische Abwicklung Stimmrechte absolut Stimmrechte in %
      Summe: 0 0

8. Information in Bezug auf die meldepflichtige Person

Volle Kette der kontrollierten Unternehmen, über die die Stimmrechte und/oder Finanz-/sonstigen Instrumente gehalten werden, beginnend mit der obersten kontrollierenden natürlichen oder juristischen Person:

Ziffer Name Direkt kontrolliert durch Ziffer Direkt gehaltene Stimmrechte in Aktien (%) Direkt gehaltene Finanz-/sonstige Instrumente (%) Total von beiden (%)
1 Klaus Umek 1,51 n/a 1,51
2 Petrus Advisers Ltd. 1 0 n/a 0
3 Petrus Advisers Investments General Partner Inc. 2 n/a n/a n/a
4 Petrus Advisers Investments Fund L.P. 3 0,79 5,21 6
5 Petrus Advisers Bratislava k.s 1 0,01 n/a 0,01

9. Im Falle von Stimmrechtsvollmacht

Datum der Hauptversammlung:
Stimmrechte nach der Hauptversammlung:

10. Sonstige Informationen

The numbers notified above do not include the voting rights from 202,063 shares held by UI Petrus Advisers Special Situations Fund as at 03 October 2023. Klaus Umek / Petrus Advisers Ltd. can only issue recommendations on the exercise of the voting rights concerned but cannot otherwise exercise any further influence. Therefore, these voting rights are not to be attributed to Klaus Umek / Petrus Advisers for the purpose of this notification, but are merely disclosed in this section 10 herein of this notification for full transparency only. The voting rights from 731,738 shares notified under point 7.A (indirect) are attributable to Petrus Advisers Ltd. based on a power of attorney and the corresponding right to exercise the voting rights.

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG: Release according to article 135 section 2 BörseG

Vienna (pta007/09.10.2023/08:00 UTC+2) - Release of Announcement according to article 135 section 2 BörseG

Notification of Major Holdings

1. Issuer
CA Immobilien Anlagen AG, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Wien, Austria

2. Reason for notification
Acquisition / disposal of instruments

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation

Name: Klaus Umek

4. Names of shareholders, if different from declarants (3)
Klaus Umek, Petrus Advisers Ltd., Petrus Advisers Investments Fund L.P., Petrus Advisers Bratislava k.s.

5. Date on which threshold was crossed or reached

6. Total positions

  % of voting rights attached to shares (total of 7.a.) % of voting rights through instruments (total of 7.b.1 + 7.b.2) total of both in % (7.a. + 7.b.) total number of voting rights of issuer
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed / reached 2,4 5,21 7,61 106,496,426
Position of previous notification 2,30 4,18 6,47

7. Notified details of the resulting situation

7.A: Voting rights attached to shares

ISIN code absolute direct (Sec 130 BörseG 2018) absolute indirect (Sec 133 BörseG 2018) in % direct (Sec 130 BörseG 2018) in % indirect (Sec 133 BörseG 2018)
AT0000641352 1,605,627 948,092 1.51 0.89
Total:   2,553,719   2.4

7.B.1: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 1 BörseG 2018

type of instrument Maturity / Expiration Exercise or conversion period Voting Rights Absolute Voting Rights in %
Call Option December 2023 - December 2024 Anytime 5550000 5.21
    Total: 5,550,000 5.21

7.B.2: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 2 BörseG 2018

type of instrument Maturity / Expiration Exercise or conversion period Cash or physical transaction Voting Rights Absolute Voting Rights in %
      Total: 0 0

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity.

No. Name Directly controlled by No. Shares held directly (%) Financial/other instruments held directly (%) Total of both (%)
1 Klaus Umek 1,51 n/a 1,51
2 Petrus Advisers Ltd. 1 0 n/a 0
3 Petrus Advisers Investments General Partner Inc. 2 n/a n/a n/a
4 Petrus Advisers Investments Fund L.P. 3 0,79 5,21 6
5 Petrus Advisers Bratislava k.s 1 0,01 n/a 0,01

9. In case of proxy voting

Date of general meeting:
Voting rights after general meeting:

10. Other useful information

The numbers notified above do not include the voting rights from 202,063 shares held by UI Petrus Advisers Special Situations Fund as at 03 October 2023. Klaus Umek / Petrus Advisers Ltd. can only issue recommendations on the exercise of the voting rights concerned but cannot otherwise exercise any further influence. Therefore, these voting rights are not to be attributed to Klaus Umek / Petrus Advisers for the purpose of this notification, but are merely disclosed in this section 10 herein of this notification for full transparency only. The voting rights from 731,738 shares notified under point 7.A (indirect) are attributable to Petrus Advisers Ltd. based on a power of attorney and the corresponding right to exercise the voting rights.


Aussender: CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Mechelgasse 1
1030 Wien
Ansprechpartner: Christoph Thurnberger
Tel.: +43 1 532 5907 504
ISIN(s): AT0000641352 (Aktie)
Börse(n): Wiener Börse (Amtlicher Handel)