Shareholders' meeting according to article 107 section 3 AktG
OMV Aktiengesellschaft: Invitation to the annual general meeting according to Sec. 107 (3) Stock Corporation Act
Vienna (pta010/23.04.2024/09:30 UTC+2)
OMV Aktiengesellschaft
Corporate register number: 93363z
ISIN: AT0000743059
Convocation of the Annual General Meeting
of OMV Aktiengesellschaft ("OMV" or "Company" or "we") on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 10:00 am CET (local time Vienna) at Congress Center Messe Wien, Reed Messe Wien GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria (U2-station Messe-Prater).
The General Meeting is held as a presence meeting. The meeting will be publicly webcast at The webcast will end after the Executive Board's report on the financial year 2023. The recording will remain accessible after the meeting.
1.Submission of the adopted Financial Statements 2023 including the Directors' Report, the (consolidated) Corporate Governance-Report, the (consolidated) Payments to Governments Report, the consolidated Non-financial Report, the Group Financial Statements 2023 including the Group Directors' Report, the proposal for the appropriation of the balance sheet profit as well as the Supervisory Board Report for the financial year 2023.
2. Resolutions on the appropriation of the balance sheet profit reported in the Financial Statements 2023.
3. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Executive Board for the financial year 2023.
4. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2023.
5. Election of the auditor and Group auditor as well as (if applicable) the auditor of the sustainability reporting for the financial year 2024.
6. Resolution on the Remuneration Report for the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
7. Resolution on the Remuneration Policy for the Supervisory Board.
8. Resolution on the remuneration for the members of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2024.
9. Resolutions on the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) and the Equity Deferral.
10. Elections to the Supervisory Board.
11. Resolutions on the following amendments of the Articles of Association
(a) Resolution on the amendments of the Articles of Association in Art. 2 A. (2) and (10) (objects of the Company).
(b) Resolution on the amendments of the Articles of Association in Art. 21 (virtual/hybrid general meeting).
(c) Resolution on the amendments of the Articles of Association in Art. 11 (2), Art. 12 (1), Art. 16 (1), (2) and (4), Art. 18 (2), Art. 27 (6), Art. 28 (2) und Art. 29 (other amendments).
12. Resolution on the authorization of the Executive Board to repurchase shares in the company in accordance with Section 65 para 1 number 8 Austrian Stock Corporation Act as well as on the authorization of the Executive Board to cancel shares and of the Supervisory Board to adopt the amendments to the Articles of Association resulting from such cancellation as well as revocation of the respective existing authorization granted by resolution in the General Meeting of May 31, 2023.
Documents for the General Meeting
To prepare for the General Meeting, the following documents will be available to our shareholders from May 7, 2024, at the latest:
- documents listed in agenda item 1;
- joint resolution proposals of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board concerning agenda items 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12;
- resolution proposals of the Supervisory Board concerning agenda items 5, 7 and 10;
- Remuneration Report for the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board;
- Remuneration Policy for the Supervisory Board; as well as
- declarations pursuant to Section 87 para 2 of the Stock Corporation Act including resumes concerning agenda item 10.
The documents listed above, the complete text of this convocation, and forms for granting and revoking proxy as well as all further publications of the Company in connection with this General Meeting will be made available on the Company's website (which is recorded with the corporate register) at from May 7, 2024, at the latest.
Attendance of shareholders at the General Meeting
The entitlement to attend the General Meeting and to exercise voting rights and all other shareholders' rights at the General Meeting is conditional upon shareholding on the record date, which is Saturday, May 18, 2024, 24:00 (midnight) CET (local time Vienna).
Only those who are shareholders on the record date and provide evidence thereof to the Company are entitled to participate in the General Meeting.
Evidence of shareholdings on the record date is made by way of a confirmation issued by the credit institution where the shareholder has deposited his/her shares (deposit confirmation) provided that the credit institution is domiciled in a member state of the EEA or in a full member state of the OECD. Shareholders who have deposited their shares with a custodian which does not meet these criteria are requested to contact the Company.
The deposit confirmation must be issued in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions (Section 10a Stock Corporation Act) in German or English and contain the following information:
- Details of the issuing credit institution: name (company) and address or a standard code used in communication between credit institutions;
- Shareholder details: name (company) and address, date of birth for natural persons, corporate register and register number for legal persons;
- Deposit number or other relevant description of the deposit;
- Details of the shares: number of shares and their designation or ISIN;
- Express declaration that the confirmation relates to the deposit holding as of May 18, 2024, 24:00 (midnight) CET (local time Vienna).
Transmission of deposit confirmations
Deposit confirmations must be received by the Company no later than 24:00 (midnight) CET (local time Vienna) on May 23, 2024, by one of the following means only:
- by mail, courier or personal delivery: OMV Aktiengesellschaft, c/o HV-Veranstaltungsservice GmbH, Köppel 60, 8242 St. Lorenzen/Wechsel, Austria;
- by e-mail:, whereby the deposit confirmation must be attached to the e-mail in text form, e.g., as PDF or TIF;
- by fax: +43 1 8900 500 50;
- by SWIFT: GIBAATWGGMS - Message Type MT598 or MT599; please ensure that ISIN AT0000743059 is stated in the wording.
A deposit confirmation used to evidence the current shareholder status must not be older than seven days upon presentation to the Company.
The transmission of deposit confirmations to the Company serves as the shareholder's registration to participate in the General Meeting. Where possible, depositary credit institutions are requested to send deposit confirmations collectively (in list form).
Shareholders are not blocked by registering their attendance at the General Meeting or by submitting a deposit confirmation. Shareholders may therefore continue to freely dispose of their shares after registration or transmission of a deposit confirmation.
Representation of shareholders at the General Meeting
Each shareholder who is entitled to attend the General Meeting has the right to appoint a natural or legal person to represent him/her. The proxy holder attends the General Meeting on behalf of the shareholder and has the same rights as the represented shareholder.
Each proxy must name his/her proxy holder(s). A shareholder is not restricted in terms of the number of persons he/she appoints to represent him/her and in his/her choice of a proxy holder. However, the Company itself, or a member of the Executive or Supervisory Board, may only exercise the right to vote as a proxy holder, if the shareholder has provided express instructions regarding the individual agenda items.
A shareholder may grant proxy to the depositary credit institution where he/she has deposited his/her shares subject to the agreement with that depositary credit institution. In such case, in addition to the deposit confirmation, it is sufficient for the depositary credit institution to provide the Company with a declaration by one of the permitted means (see above under "Transmission of deposit confirmations") that it has been granted a proxy; the proxy itself does not need to be sent to the Company in this case.
A proxy may be revoked by the shareholder. The revocation becomes effective upon receipt by the Company.
Declarations concerning the granting and revoking of proxies may be sent to the Company in text form by May 27, 2024, 4:00 pm CET (local time Vienna) (receipt), solelyby one of the following means:
- by mail, courier or personal delivery: OMV Aktiengesellschaft, c/o HV-Veranstaltungsservice GmbH, Köppel 60, 8242 St. Lorenzen/Wechsel, Austria;
- by e-mail:, whereby the proxy must be attached to the e-mail in text form, e.g., as PDF or TIF;
- by fax: +43 1 8900 500 50;
- by SWIFT: GIBAATWGGMS - Message Type MT598 or MT599; please ensure that ISIN AT0000743059 is indicated in the wording.
After the aforementioned date, a proxy or a revocation of a proxy may be handed over in person on the day of the General Meeting by presenting it at the registration to the General Meeting at the meeting place.
As a service, we provide our shareholders with the option of having their voting right exercised by a representative of the Association for Investors (Interessenverband für Anleger - IVA), Feldmühlgasse 22, 1130 Vienna, as an independent proxy. On behalf of the Association for Investors, most likely, Mr. Florian Beckermann (, tel. +43 1 87 63 343 / 30) will represent these shareholders at the General Meeting. OMV bears the costs for the proxy. All other costs have to be borne by the shareholder, especially their own banking fees for the deposit confirmation or postal charges.
The shareholder must request a deposit confirmation from the depositary credit institution where his/her shares are deposited. Mr. Florian Beckermann must be granted an authorization in text form to act as proxy either in this deposit confirmation or using the form specifically provided on the Company's website at The deposit confirmation and authorization must then be sent by the shareholder to Mr. Florian Beckermann, IVA, c/o HV-Veranstaltungsservice GmbH, Köppel 60, 8242 St. Lorenzen/Wechsel, Austria, or by e-mail to As the deposit confirmation and proxy must be received by IVA in time before the General Meeting, we would request that shareholders bear in mind the duration of delivery. The shareholder must provide Mr. Beckermann with instructions as to how he (or a sub-proxy authorized by Mr. Beckermann) should exercise the voting right.
Mr. Florian Beckermann exercises the voting right exclusively on the basis of the instructions given by the shareholder. If no instructions are issued (e.g. concerning individual agenda items) or if the instructions are unclear (e.g. simultaneously FOR and AGAINST the same proposed resolution), Mr. Florian Beckermann will insofar abstain from voting. Should separate votes be taken on an agenda item, any instruction provided in connection with the respective agenda item shall apply accordingly to each separate vote on such agenda item. Please note that the proxy holder does not accept any requests to make comments, object to General Meeting resolutions, ask questions or propose resolutions.
An e-mail address has been set up for the General Meeting to give shareholders the possibility of giving or amending instructions to Mr. Florian Beckermann at short notice during the General Meeting. This e-mail address is:
Resolutions to be put to vote are posted on the Company's website at
We recommend that shareholders use the forms available on the internet at to grant or revoke proxies.
Shareholders' rights pursuant to Sections 109, 110, 118 and 119 Stock Corporation Act
Shareholders whose individual or combined holdings represent a total of at least 5 % of the capital stock and who have held these shares for at least three months may request in writing the inclusion and announcement of additional General Meeting agenda items by May 7, 2024 (receipt). A resolution proposal and justification thereof must be submitted for each such agenda item.
Shareholders whose individual or combined holdings represent a total of at least 1 % of the capital stock may submit resolution proposals in text form for each agenda item by May 16, 2024 (receipt), to be accompanied by a justification and request the resolution proposals be published on the Company's website (as registered with the corporate register) with the names of the relevant shareholders, the attached justification and a possible statement by the Executive Board or the Supervisory Board.
For elections to the Supervisory Board (agenda item 10) the following must be noted: In case of a proposal for the election of a member of the Supervisory Board, the statement of a nominated person pursuant to Section 87 para 2 Stock Corporation Act replaces the justification. Such statements also must be received by the Company by May 16, 2024. Proposals for the election of Supervisory Board members must be published by the Company on its website (as registered with the corporate register) by May 21, 2024; otherwise, the nominated person cannot be included in the election. Regarding the election of members of the Supervisory Board, the General Meeting shall take into consideration the criteria of Section 87 para 2a Stock Corporation Act; in particular the professional and personal qualifications of the members of the Supervisory Board, a balanced composition of expertise of the Supervisory Board, aspects of diversity and internationality as well as the professional reliability.
Regarding proposals for the election of Supervisory Board members it is further declared that the Company is subject to Section 86 para 7 Stock Corporation Act. In accordance with Section 86 para 9 Stock Corporation Act, more than six weeks prior to the General Meeting, an objection against the joint fulfillment was raised by the majority of the Supervisory Board members elected by the General Meeting (capital representatives). Therefore, the minimum quota of 30 % women and 30 % men must be fulfilled by the capital representatives in the Supervisory Board separately for this election. At present, the Supervisory Board is composed of fifteen members (ten capital representatives and five employee representatives). Assuming an unchanged number of Supervisory Board members, at least three seats of the capital representatives on the Supervisory Board of the Company must therefore be filled by women and men respectively, in order to meet the minimum quota. Currently, six seats of the capital representatives are filled by men and four seats by women.
Each shareholder has the right to propose motions at the General Meeting for each agenda item. Prerequisite thereof is evidence of the entitlement to attend the General Meeting. A shareholder's motion proposing the election of a member to the Supervisory Board mandatorily requires the timely submission of an election proposal in text form pursuant to Section 110 Stock Corporation Act, to be accompanied by a statement pursuant to Section 87 para 2 Stock Corporation Act (see above).
Each shareholder has the right to request information regarding Company matters at the General Meeting, provided that such information is necessary for the proper assessment of an agenda item. The duty to provide information extends to legal and business relationships between the Company and Group companies, and to the condition of the Group and its consolidated subsidiaries. The provided information must comply with the principles of diligent and truthful accountability. Information may be denied if, according to reasonable commercial judgment, it could cause significant harm to the Company or a Group company, or if the provision of information would violate criminal laws or if it has been continuously available on the Company's website, as registered with the corporate register, in the form of question and answer for at least seven days prior to the beginning of the General Meeting.
In the interests of efficiency, questions which require lengthy preparation to answer may be submitted to the Company in writing and in good time before the General Meeting. The questions may be sent to the company by e-mail stating the full name/corporate name of the shareholder and his/her deposit number to The answering of questions submitted in advance at the General Meeting requires that these questions are asked by the shareholder during the general debate.
Further information regarding these rights, in particular on how to submit applications/requests to the Company and how to provide evidence of the respective required shareholdings can be found in the document "Shareholders' Rights 2024" which is now available on the Company's website registered with the corporate register, under
Total number of shares and voting rights
At the time of convocation, the Company's share capital is divided into 327,272,727 no par value shares. Each share confers one vote. Shares owned by the Company do not confer any voting rights. As of April 19, 2024 (time of drafting of the convocation), the Company holds 64,951 treasury shares. The total number of shares entitled to participate and vote is therefore 327,207,776 shares at this time. In this context, reference is made to the imminent transfer of 7,622 treasury shares of the Company as part of the Long Term Incentive Plan 2021. At the time of drafting of the convocation, the Company assumes that this transfer will take place at the beginning of May 2024 and, thus, before the General Meeting. In this case, the number of shares entitled to participate and vote would change to 327,215,398. Further details on this proposed transfer of treasury shares are available under "Share buyback/sales 2024" on the website:
A dividend pursuant to the resolution by the General Meeting becomes due 30 days after the General Meeting's resolution pursuant to Section 27 para 6 of the Articles of Association of OMV, unless resolved otherwise. A relevant dividend announcement will be made on May 31, 2024, at the latest. Shareholders may exercise their dividend rights through their depositary credit institution which will credit the dividend to the relevant account via the points of payment.
Admission to the General Meeting
Shareholders or their proxies are advised that they must present an official identification document (driver's license, passport or identity card) to confirm their identities for admission to the General Meeting. Please bear in mind that attendance is expected to be high and plan your arrival time according to the appropriate safety procedures in place. Admission to obtain ballot forms commences at 8:30 am CET (local time Vienna).
The General Meeting is the key governing body of a stock corporation as it is the forum for the Company's owners – the shareholders. We therefore hope you will appreciate that we cannot turn a General Meeting into an event for guests, as much as we value such interest. The attendance by guests is therefore limited and is only possible after prior coordination via telephone with the Company.
General data protection declaration for participants of the General Meeting of OMV Aktiengesellschaft
In the course of attending the General Meeting of OMV, it is necessary for us that we process your personal data. "Personal data" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. We will always process your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), the Data Protection Act ("DSG"), the Austrian Stock Corporation Act ("AktG") and any other relevant legal provisions, as described below:
1. Data processing activities
1.1. Purpose of data processing
The processing of personal data ("data") in connection with the General Meeting is carried out for the following purposes:
- Organisation of participation in the General Meeting by creating a directory of all participants (shareholders and shareholder representatives),
- Verification of entitlement to participate as a holder of bearer shares or as shareholder representative,
- Processing of registration for the General Meeting (creation of a registration list and – if necessary for organisational reasons – a guest list),
- Documentation of the granting and revocation of powers of attorney (creation of a list of powers of attorney),
- Exercise of shareholder rights in connection with the General Meeting and the related partly live Internet transmission of the General Meeting,
- Preparation of the minutes of the General Meeting,
- Determination of voting behaviour and documentation of voting results,
- Fulfilling compliance obligations, including recording, disclosure and reporting obligations.
Shareholders, who participate in the General Meeting and wish to exercise shareholder rights must provide the company with evidence of their ownership of shares on the record date. Shareholders are obliged to provide evidence of share ownership for bearer shares in the form of a confirmation from the custodian credit institution (deposit confirmation). The entitlement to participate in the General Meeting and to exercise the voting right and other shareholder rights to be exercised at the General Meeting is based on the ownership of shares on the record date. We will therefore process your data retrieved from the deposit confirmation as evidence of shareholding ownership for the purpose of attending the General Meeting and to enable you to exercise your rights as a shareholder.
1.2 Scope of data processing activities
The scope of data processing can be summarised as follows:
(a) Data from the deposit confirmation. From the deposit confirmation, which is issued by the custodian credit institution, we process the following data: name, company name, address, date of birth, registered office (for legal entities), company register number (for legal entities), issuer of the deposit confirmation, number of the securities account, the number and, if applicable, the nominal value of the shares; the designation of the class or the internationally customary securities identification number; the time or period the deposit confirmation refers to.
(b) Data from the proxy form, proxy revocation form, statement form or of the advance submission of questions. We collect the following data from the proxy, proxy revocation and statement forms which may need to be completed by the shareholders or their representatives: name, company name, address, date of birth, registered office (for legal entities), company register number (for legal entities), custodian credit institution, number of securities account, signature/company signature, number of shares, data of the authorized proxy (name/company name and address of proxy), data of the shareholder's representative (name/company name and address of the representative, proof of power of representation), statements and questions from shareholders or the authorised person, voting instructions and, if applicable, the telephone number and/or e-mail address of the shareholders. If shareholders make use of the possibility to submit questions to the company prior to the General Meeting, the answers to which require lengthy preparation, we may collect the name/company name and number of the securities account as well as questions from the shareholder.
(c) Data for access control. To verify the identity at the entrance to the General Meeting, an official photo ID of each participant (driving licence, passport, ID card) must be presented. For documentation purposes, we will record the relevant ID page, ID card number, type of ID card and issuing authority as well as the number of the voting card in case that you participate as a shareholder or shareholder representative.
(d) Proxy's data. Every shareholder who is entitled to attend the General Meeting has the right to appoint a natural or legal person as representative. The data of the proxy (see under point 1.2 (b), including his/her ID data) must also be processed by us accordingly. In the event that you are represented at the General Meeting, we will also collect the name and address of the representative as well as his or her scope of power of attorney as part of the access control.
(e) Data for submitting agenda items or proposed resolutions. If a shareholder requests that items be placed on the agenda (Section 109 AktG) or that proposals for resolutions be made (Section 110 AktG), we will publish these items on OMV's website, stating the name of the shareholder and the share ownership in accordance with the provisions of the AktG, if the conditions are fulfilled.
(f) Audio and video recording and (public) broadcasting of the General Meeting. Please note that an audio recording of the entire General Meeting will be made for the purpose of creating a transcript of the General Meeting by a notary, in accordance with Section 120 AktG. The General Meeting will be publicly broadcast in real time via the internet by one-way acoustic and optical connection until the end of the report of the Executive Board to the General Meeting for shareholders not present (Section 102 para 4 AktG in conjunction with Section 21 para 3 of the Articles of Association of OMV). The entire General Meeting will also be broadcast in real time to record shareholder questions in the back office area of the General Meeting. In addition, the video and audio recording until the end of the report of the Executive Board to the General Meeting will be made available on the Internet in the interest of those shareholders who cannot attend the General Meeting or the real-time transmission. All this is based on the applicable legal provisions. The processing of the above-mentioned data is necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.
If the above data is not provided or not provided to the extent required by law, it may not be possible to participate in the General Meeting or to exercise the statutory shareholder rights.
1.3 Legal basis for data processing
Within the framework of the purposes listed under point 1.1, shareholder data is in general processed by OMV to fulfil legal obligations (Art. 6 para. 1.c of the GDPR) or to safeguard the legitimate interests of the company or a third party (Art. 6 para. 1.f of the GDPR), in particular the conduct of a proper and legally compliant General Meeting. Furthermore, in individual cases the processing of shareholder data may be necessary for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims in judicial, administrative or extrajudicial proceedings.
1.4 Duration of data storage
Your data will be anonymized or deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was processed and unless other legal requirements do not require further storage. Hence, the video and audio recording until the end of the report of the Executive Board to the General Meeting as made available on the Internet after the General Meeting will be deleted after one year.
Our duties of proof and storage arise in particular from commercial and stock corporation law, tax and fiscal law and money laundering regulations. For example, obligations to provide proof and to keep records can last up to 7 years under company and stock corporation law, up to 10 years under tax and fiscal law and generally 5 years under money laundering regulations. The aforementioned periods may be extended in individual cases, for example if court or administrative proceedings are pending. Where legal claims are raised by shareholders against OMV or by OMV against shareholders, the storage of data serves to clarify and enforce claims in individual cases. In connection with legal proceedings before civil courts, this may result in data being stored for the duration of the statute of limitations (up to 30 years according to the Austrian Civil Code) plus the duration of the legal proceedings until their final conclusion. For further information on the storage period of your data, please contact our Group Data Protection Officer (see point 3 below).
1.5 Recipients of the data
Your data will be passed on to the following third parties in accordance with our legal obligation:
- the Commercial Register Court at the Commercial Court of Vienna;
- the Vienna Stock Exchange (on occasion);
- the Financial Market Authority (on occasion);
- the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (on occasion);
- the Austrian Takeover Commission (on occasion).
In accordance with our legal obligations, we also transmit your data to a notary public, who is appointed by OMV to draw up the legally required documents for the documentation of the General Meeting for the commercial register, as well as to lawyers who advise us in connection with the General Meeting.
In addition, we have engaged a service provider specialised in the organisation of General Meetings for the purposes of registering for the General Meeting, handling admission control, administering deposit confirmations and proxies, recording questions, carrying out votes and video recording. This service provider is contractually obliged to comply with data protection regulations in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.
All participants with a right to physically participate have the right to examine the register of participants on site. Due to a legal obligation, the register of participants will also be included in the minutes of the General Meeting, which must be recorded in the Commercial Register of the Commercial Court of Vienna in the publicly available collection of documents.
If you request the submission of agenda items or resolution proposals, we will publish the data mentioned in point 1.2. (e) on our website under to the extent required by law.
Furthermore, the data will not be passed on to third parties. Data will not be transferred to recipients in third countries.
2. Rights of the data subjects
According to the current legal situation, you as a data subject have at any time the following rights with regard to your data processed by us:
- to obtain confirmation about the data we process about you,
- correction of inaccurate data,
- data portability,
- restriction of processing and
- deletion.
If your data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interest, you also have the right to object to the processing of the data concerning you at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation.
If the processing of your data is based on your consent, you also have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. Such a revocation does not affect the legality of the data processing carried out on the basis of consent until the revocation.
We would like to point out that no automated decision making takes place within the framework of this data processing.
In order to exercise your aforementioned rights, please send a letter to OMV Aktiengesellschaft, Trabrennstraße 6-8, A-1020 Vienna, for the attention of Mr. Manfred Spanner MSc. or send an email to In order to efficiently respond to your requests, we ask you to provide us with confirmation of your identity, for example by sending an electronic copy of your ID.
If you are of the opinion that our processing of your data violates applicable law or that your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, please contact us as described above so that we are aware of your concerns and respond accordingly. Irrespective of the possibility of legal action at court and any other legal remedies, there is also the possibility of filing a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (in Austria: Austrian Data Protection Authority).
3. Data Protection Officer of OMV Aktiengesellschaft
The Data Protection Officer of OMV Aktiengesellschaft is Mr. Manfred Spanner, MSc. (e-mail:
Further information can be found at
Vienna, April 2024
The Executive Board
Emitter: |
OMV Aktiengesellschaft Trabrennstraße 6-8 1020 Wien Austria |
![]() |
Contact Person: | Thomas Hölzl | |
Phone: | +43 1 40440/23760 | |
E-Mail: | | |
Website: | | |
ISIN(s): | AT0000743059 (Share) | |
Stock Exchange(s): | Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade) |