Public disclosure of inside information according to article 17 MAR

Castilla Finance DAC: Company Announcement Castilla Finance Designated Activity Company

Dublin 1 (pta017/11.04.2022/11:25 UTC+2)

The Issuer wishes to announce that it has become aware that legal proceedings have been initiated in the courts of the State of New York by JZ International LLC and Euromicrocap Fund-B, L.P., being private equity investment funds, against Miguel Rueda Hernando and Ole Groth, individuals who had been responsible for managing the assets of the plaintiff funds, and Stator Management, S.L.U., a company alleged to be controlled by those individuals. The legal proceedings allege, inter alia, that the defendants caused Gedesco Finance S.L. ("Gedesco") and Toro Finance S.L. ("Toro"), being companies in which the plaintiff funds have interests, to provide finance to companies and projects in which Miguel Rueda Hernando and Ole Groth had substantial personal financial interests and that this was in breach of fiduciary duties owed by Miguel Rueda Hernando and Ole Groth to the plaintiff funds. It is alleged that Miguel Rueda Hernando and Ole Groth used Gedesco and Toro assets to fund Stator Managements' equity investments in other companies solely to benefit themselves to the detriment of the plaintiff funds.

Gedesco acts as Servicer for the Issuer and Toro acts as Seller to the Issuer.

Neither the Issuer nor its directors offer any comment or opinion on the substance of the allegations made in the legal proceedings instituted by JZ International LLC and Euromicrocap Fund-B, L.P. against Miguel Rueda Hernando, Ole Groth and Stator Management, S.L.U., nor at this stage do they offer any opinion or guidance on the implications of the legal proceedings for the business of the Issuer or the holders of the Notes.


Emitter: Castilla Finance DAC
Fourth Floor, 3 George's Dock, IFSC
D01 X5X0 Dublin 1
Contact Person: The Directors
Phone: +353 1 611 9146
ISIN(s): XS1382379409 (Bond) XS2110110090 (Bond)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Vienna MTF)