Shareholders' meeting results

Erste Group Bank AG: 22nd Annual General Meeting - Voting Results

[ PDF ]

Vienna (pta039/13.05.2015/15:05 UTC+2) Address: Graben 21, 1010 Vienna, Austria
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AT0000652011: Ordinary shares, non-par value (Stammaktien o.N.)

On 12 May 2015 at 10 a.m.
Austria Center Vienna, Saal A, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna

Published in the Official Journal of Wiener Zeitung on 8 April 2015, No 68.
Record date and right to attend the AGM: 2 May 2015 (24:00 Vienna Time).

All items on the agenda of the AGM were approved with the required majority.

The voting results are also available at our website at:

For detailed voting results see pdf


1. Presentation of the approved annual financial statements, the management report and the corporate governance report of the management board as well as the report of the supervisory board for the financial year 2014, and presentation of the group financial statements and the group management report for the financial year 2014.

2. Resolution on granting discharge to the members of the management board with regard to the financial year 2014.

3. Resolution on granting discharge to the remuneration committee members of the supervisory board with regard to the financial year 2014.

Resolution on granting discharge to the other members of the supervisory board

4. Resolution on the remuneration of the members of the supervisory board.

5. Resolution on elections to the supervisory board.

5.1 Increase of the number of supervisory board members from eleven to twelve.

5.2 Election of Gonzalo Gortázar Rotaeche to the supervisory board.

5.3 Election of Maximilian Hardegg to the supervisory board.

5.4 Election of Antonio Massanell Lavilla to the supervisory board.

5.5 Election of Wilhelm Rasinger to the supervisory board.

6. Appointment of an additional auditor and group auditor for the audit of the annual financial statements and the management report as well as the group financial statements and the group management report for the financial year 2015.

7. Approval of the acquisition of own shares for the purpose of securities trading.

8. Authorisation to acquire own shares for no designated purpose and to the exclusion of trading in own shares as purpose of this acquisition, and authorisation of the Management Board to dispose of acquired shares, also by means other than the stock exchange or a public offering, combined with the authorisation of the Management Board to exclude the shareholders' general right to tender and general subscription option, subject to the Supervisory Board's consent, as well as the authorisation of the Management Board to redeem own shares, likewise subject to the Supervisory Board's consent.


Emitter: Erste Group Bank AG
Milchgasse 1
1010 Wien
Contact Person: Thomas Sommerauer/ Simone Pilz
Phone: + 43 (0)5 0100 - 17741
ISIN(s): AT0000652011 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)