Shareholders' meeting results
Erste Group Bank AG: 28th Annual General Meeting - voting results
(pta037/19.05.2021/18:40 UTC+2)
Address: Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)5 0100 10100
Fax: +43 (0)5 0100 910100
AT0000652011: Ordinary shares, non-par value (Stammaktien o.N.)
The venue of the Annual General Meeting within the meaning of sec. 106 (1) Stock Corporation Act (AktG) was the Company's registered office at Erste Campus, 1100 Vienna, Am Belvedere 1.
The Annual General Meeting of Erste Group Bank AG on 19 May 2021, 10:00 am (Vienna Time/CET) was held as a "virtual Annual General Meeting" on the basis of sec. 1 (2) COVID-19 Company Law Act (COVID-19-GesG), Federal Law Gazette I No 16/2020 and COVID-19 Company Law Ordinance (COVID-19-GesV) (Federal Law Gazette II No 140/2020), both as amended, taking into account the interests of both company and the participants.
Published in the Official Journal of Wiener Zeitung on 20 April 2021, No 96.
Record date and right to attend the AGM: 9 May 2021 (24:00 Vienna Time).
Items 2-11 on the agenda of the AGM were approved with the required majority.
The voting results are also available at our website at:
1. Presentation of the approved annual financial statements, the management report and the (consolidated) corporate governance report of the management board, the (consolidated) non-financial report, the draft resolution on the appropriation of profit as well as the report of the supervisory board for the financial year 2020, and presentation of the consolidated financial statements and the group management report for the financial year 2020.
2. Resolution on the appropriation of the 2020 profit.
Number of shares voting valid: 314,709,623
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 73.22%
Total number of valid votes: 314,709,623
FOR-Votes: 314,416,478 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 293,145 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 6,246 votes
3. Resolution on granting discharge to the members of the management board with regard to the financial year 2020.
Number of shares voting valid: 313,029,735
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 72.83%
Total number of valid votes: 313,029,735
FOR-Votes: 312,985,567 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 44,168 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 1,685,122 votes
4. Resolution on granting discharge to the members of the supervisory board with regard to the financial year 2020.
Number of shares voting valid: 312,849,168
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 72.79%
Total number of valid votes: 312,849,168
FOR-Votes: 294,008,757 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 18,840,411 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 1,866,173 votes
5. Appointment of an additional auditor for the audit of the annual financial statements and the management report as well as the group financial statements and the group management report for the financial year 2022.
Number of shares voting valid: 314,708,731
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 73.22%
Total number of valid votes: 314,708,731
FOR-Votes: 313,667,890 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 1,040,841 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 7,138 votes
6. Election of Michael Schuster to the supervisory board
Number of shares voting valid: 314,697,476
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 73.22%
Total number of valid votes: 314,697,476
FOR-Votes: 314,646,730 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 50,746 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 18,393 votes
7. Resolution on the remuneration policy setting out the principles for emoluments payable to management board members and supervisory board members.
Number of shares voting valid: 311,356,618
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 72.44%
Total number of valid votes: 311,356,618
FOR-Votes: 308,502,199 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 2,854,419 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 3,358,239 votes
8. Resolution on the remuneration report for the emoluments payable to management board members and supervisory board members for the financial year 2020.
Number of shares voting valid: 311,138,754
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 72.39%
Total number of valid votes: 311,138,754
FOR-Votes: 283,368,685 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 27,770,069 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 3,577,115votes
9. Resolution on the management board's authorisation to acquire own shares for the purpose of securities trading
Number of shares voting valid: 314,450,710
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 73.16%
Total number of valid votes: 314,450,710
FOR-Votes: 310,528,181 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 3,922,529 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 265,159 votes
10. Resolution on the management board's authorisation to acquire own shares for the purpose of offering free or concessionary shares to Erste Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Privatstiftung and to its beneficiaries, to employees, managers and to members of the management board of Erste Group Bank AG or of an affiliated undertaking or of any other undertaking pursuant to sec 4d (5) (1)Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG).
Number of shares voting valid: 314,452,308
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 73.16%
Total number of valid votes: 314,452,308
FOR-Votes: 309,264,778 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 5,187,530 votes
ABSTENTIONS: 263,561 votes
11. Resolution on the management board's authorisation to acquire own shares for no designated purpose and to the exclusion of trading in own shares as the purpose of this acquisition, and authorisation of the management board to divest the repurchased shares, also by means other than the stock exchange or a public offering, combined with the authorisation of the management board to exclude the shareholders general right to tender and general subscription right, subject to the supervisory boards approval, as well as the authorisation of the management board to redeem own shares, likewise subject to the supervisory boards approval.
Number of shares voting valid: 314,296,820
Those correspond to this portion of the registered capital: 73.13%
Total number of valid votes: 314,296,820
FOR-Votes: 309,287,218 votes
AGAINST-Votes: 5,009,602votes
ABSTENTIONS: 419,049 votes
Emitter: |
Erste Group Bank AG Am Belvedere 1 1100 Wien Austria |
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Contact Person: | Thomas Sommerauer / Gerald Krames | |
Phone: | +43 (0)5 0100 - 17326 | |
E-Mail: | | |
Website: | | |
ISIN(s): | AT0000652011 (Share) | |
Stock Exchange(s): | Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade) | |
Other Stock Exchanges: | Bucharest Stock Exchange, Prague Stock Exchange |