Announcement according to article 119 section 9 BörseG
Erste Group Bank AG: Disclosure persuant to § 65 (1a) Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in connection with § 119 (9) Stock Exchange Act (BörseG)
(pta019/20.05.2021/11:50 UTC+2)
The 28th Annual General Meeting of Erste Group Bank AG, 1100 Wien, Am Belvedere 1, held on 19 May 2021, passed following RESOLUTIONs regarding item 10 and item 11 on the agenda
Agenda Item 10
Resolution on the Management Board's authorisation to acquire own shares for the purpose of offering free or concessionary shares to Erste Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Privatstiftung and to its beneficiaries, to employees, managers and to members of the Management Board of Erste Group Bank AG or of an affiliated undertaking or of any other undertaking pursuant to sec 4d (5) (1) Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG).
The Management Board is entitled, pursuant to sec 65 (1) (4) as well as (1a) and (1b) Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and for a period of 30 months from the date of the resolution, i.e. until 18 November 2023, to acquire own shares of up to 10% of the share capital, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, with the option of making repeated use of the 10% limit, either at the stock exchange or over the counter, likewise to the exclusion of the shareholders' right to tender proportional payment for the purpose of offering free or concessionary shares to Erste Mitarbeiterbeteiligung Privatstiftung and to its beneficiaries, to employees, managers and to members of the Management Board of Erste Group Bank AG or of an affiliated undertaking or of any other undertaking pursuant to sec 4d (5) (1) Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG). The authorisation may be exercised in whole or in part or in several instalments and in pursuit of one or several purposes. The market price per share must not fall below EUR 2.00 or exceed EUR 120.00.
Reference is made to the Management Board Report published on the Company's website referenced in the Company Register.
Agenda Item 11
Resolution on the Management Board's authorisation to acquire own shares for no designated purpose and to the exclusion of trading in own shares as the purpose of this acquisition, and authorisation of the Management Board to divest the repurchased shares, also by means other than the stock exchange or a public offering, combined with the authorisation of the Management Board to exclude the shareholders' general right to tender and general subscription right, subject to the Supervisory Board's approval, as well as the authorisation of the Management Board to redeem own shares, likewise subject to the Supervisory Board's approval.
The authorisation granted to the Management Board in the 26th Annual General Meeting of Erste Group Bank AG to acquire own shares for no designated purpose shall be revoked and the Management Board shall be authorised, for the duration of 30 months from the date of the resolution, i.e. until 18 November 2023, to acquire own shares pursuant to sec 65 (1) (8) as well as (1a) and (1b) Stock Corporation Act (AktG) of up to 10% of the share capital, subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, with the option of making repeated use of the 10% limit, either on the stock exchange or over the counter, likewise to the exclusion of the shareholders' right to tender proportional payment. The authorisation may be exercised in whole or in part or in several instalments and in pursuit of one or several purposes. The market price per share must not fall below EUR 2.00 or exceed EUR 120.00.
Pursuant to sec 65 (1b) in conjunction with sec 171 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and subject to the Supervisory Board's approval, the Management Board shall be authorised for a period of 5 years from the date of the resolution, i.e. until 18 May 2026, to sell or use the Company's own shares, also by means other than the stock exchange or a public offering for any purpose allowed by the law, particularly as consideration for the acquisition and financing of the acquisition of undertakings, businesses, business divisions or shares in one or several businesses in Austria or abroad and to the exclusion of the shareholders' proportional purchase option (exclusion of purchase option).
The Management Board shall be authorised to redeem own shares subject to approval by the Supervisory Board without requiring any further Annual General Meeting resolution.
Reference is made to the Management Board Report published on the Company's website referenced in the Company Register.
Emitter: |
Erste Group Bank AG Am Belvedere 1 1100 Wien Austria |
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Contact Person: | Thomas Sommerauer / Gerald Krames | |
Phone: | +43 (0)5 0100 - 17326 | |
E-Mail: | | |
Website: | | |
ISIN(s): | AT0000652011 (Share) | |
Stock Exchange(s): | Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade) | |
Other Stock Exchanges: | Bucharest Stock Exchange, Prague Stock Exchange |