Shareholders' meeting according to article 107 section 3 AktG

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG: Invitation to General Meeting

FN 75895k
ISIN AT0000641352

Invitation to Ordinary General Meeting

We hereby invite our shareholders to the 24th Ordinary General Meeting of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, which will take place at 5pm on Tuesday 10th May 2011 in the Olympia Mancini room of the Hotel Savoyen, Rennweg 16, 1030 Vienna.

1. Presentation of the adopted annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements, management report and Group management report as at 31 December 2010, along with the Supervisory Board report and corporate governance report
2. Resolution on approving the actions of Management Board members for business year 2010
3. Resolution on approving the actions of Supervisory Board members for business year 2010
4. Resolution on the remuneration of Supervisory Board members for business year 2010
5. Appointment of auditor and Group auditor for business year 2011
6. Elections to the Supervisory Board

Documentation relating to the Ordinary General Meeting
The following documents will be available for inspection by shareholders during normal business hours in the Investor Relations department at company headquarters (Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna) no later than 21 days prior to the Ordinary General Meeting (i.e. 19 April 2011):
* Annual financial statements with management report
* Corporate governance report
* Consolidated financial statements with Group management report
* Supervisory Board report
(pertaining to business year 2010)
* Proposed resolutions for agenda items 2-6
* Transparency statements regarding agenda item 5 in accordance with article 270 subsection 1a of the Austrian Commercial Code
* Statements by candidates for election to the Supervisory Board (see agenda item 6) according to article 87 subsection 2 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act

These documents, along with the full text of this convening notice and the form for granting and revoking power of representation, shall be available online at 21 days prior to the Ordinary General Meeting (i.e. 19 April 2011 at the latest); they will also be available at the Meeting itself. Shareholders will be sent a copy of the above documents on request, free of charge and without delay.

Notes on the rights of shareholders according to articles 109, 110 and 118 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act
Shareholders whose combined holdings amount to 5% of the capital stock and who have been the holders of these shares for at least three months before application, are entitled to demand in writing the addition of points to the agenda of this Ordinary General Meeting and the subsequent announcement thereof, provided the company receives the written demand no more than 21 days before the Ordinary General Meeting (i.e. 19 April 2011 at the latest); applications must be forwarded only to the Investor Relations department, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna. In accordance with article 10a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, ownership of bearer shares in safe deposit may be verified by the presentation of a deposit confirmation which confirms that the applicant shareholder has held the shares for no less than three months before making the application; the confirmation must not be more than seven days old at the time it is presented to the company. As regards other requirements on deposit confirmations, please refer to the remarks on eligibility to participate.
On any point of the agenda, shareholders whose combined holdings amount to 1% of the capital stock may submit proposals on resolutions (in text format and stating reasons) and demand that these proposals and the reasons for them are published on the company's Internet site, provided such a demand is submitted to the company in text format no later than seven working days prior to the Ordinary General Meeting (i.e. 29 April 2011 at the latest) either
by post: CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, Investor Relations, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna
by fax: +43 (0)1 8900 500 82
by email:, attaching the demand to the email in text format (e.g. as a PDF file).
In order to exercise this shareholder right, ownership of bearer shares in safe deposit may be verified by the presentation of a deposit confirmation in accordance with article 10a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act; the confirmation must not be more than seven days old at the time it is presented to the company. As regards other requirements on deposit confirmations, please refer to the remarks on eligibility to participate.
Registered shares must be entered in the stock register; no further verification of ownership by the shareholder is necessary.
By request, and where necessary to facilitate proper evaluation of an item on the agenda, shareholders are entitled to provide information on company matters during the Ordinary General Meeting.
More information on the rights of shareholders (particularly in relation to articles 109, 110 and 118 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act) is currently available on the company's Internet page at

Verification date and participation in the Ordinary General Meeting
Entitlement to attend the Ordinary General Meeting and exercise the right to vote and other shareholder rights that may be asserted at the Meeting is determined by share ownership at the end of the 10th day prior to the Ordinary General Meeting (i.e. midnight Vienna local time on 30 April 2011, the verification date).
Ownership of bearer shares in safe deposit as of the verification date may be verified by the presentation of a deposit confirmation in accordance with article 10a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act; the confirmation must be received by the company no later than three working days prior to the Ordinary General Meeting (i.e. 5 May 2011 at the latest) using only the contact details below:
By post: CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, Investor Relations, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna
By fax: +43 (0)1 8900 500 82
By email:, attaching the demand to the email in text format (e.g. as a TIF, PDF file).

Deposit confirmations may not be transferred by SWIFT (article 262 subsection 20 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act).

Deposit confirmation according to article 10a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act
Deposits must be confirmed by a custodian bank based in a member state of the European Economic Area or a full member state of the OECD. Confirmations must contain the following information:
* Details on the issuer: name/company and address, or a conventional code used in bank transactions (SWIFT code).
* Details on the shareholder: name/company, address, date of birth (for natural persons), register and register number (if applicable, for legal entities).
* Details on the shares: number of shares held by the shareholder (in the case of par value shares) as well as the par value and, where there is more than one share class, a description of the class or international securities identification number.
* Securities account number or other designation.
* Time at which the confirmation of deposit applies.
As verification of share ownership for the purpose of participation in the Ordinary General Meeting, deposit confirmations must apply to the verification date stated above (i.e. midnight Vienna local time on 30 April 2011).
Deposit confirmations may be composed in German or English.

Registered shares
With regard to registered shares, only shareholders who submit their enrolment to the company in text format using the contact details below no later than three working days prior to the Meeting (i.e. 5 May 2011 at the latest) will be eligible to attend the Ordinary General Meeting.
By post: CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, Investor Relations, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna
By fax: +43 (0)1 8900 500 82
By email:, attaching the demand to the email in text format (e.g. as a TIF, PDF file).

Enrolments will be accepted in German and English.

Shares registered to take part in the Ordinary General Meeting or by submitting a confirmation of deposit will not be blocked; shareholders are entitled to dispose freely of their shares after registering or submitting a deposit confirmation.

Representation by an authorised agent
Shareholders who are eligible to attend the Ordinary General Meeting are entitled to appoint a representative to take part in the Meeting on their behalf. This agent has the same rights as the shareholder they are representing.
Authorisation must be granted to a specified person (natural person or legal entity) in text format; more than one person or entity may be nominated.
Power of representation must be confirmed to the company using only the following contact details:
By post: CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft, Investor Relations, Mechelgasse 1, 1030 Vienna
By fax: +43 (0)1 8900 500 82
By email:, attaching the demand to the email in text format (e.g. as a TIF, PDF file).
In person: When registering for the Ordinary General Meeting at the venue.

An authorisation form will be sent out on request; the form is also available to download from the company's Internet site at
Unless the authorisation is made in person (when registering on the day of Ordinary General Meeting), the company must be in receipt of the authorisation form no later than 4pm Vienna local time on 9 May 2011.
Where a shareholder authorises their custodian bank to represent them, it is sufficient for the bank to issue a statement confirming the granting of authorisation along with the confirmation of deposit. The procedure for submitting this statement corresponds accordingly to the procedure for submitting deposit confirmations.
As a special service to shareholders, independent representatives are available from the IVA Austrian investors' association (IVA, Feldmühlgasse 22, 1130 Vienna) as proxies who will exercise voting rights at the Ordinary General Meeting; a special authorisation form may be downloaded from the company's Internet site at Alternatively, shareholders may call Dr. Michael Knap of the IVA directly on +43 (0)1 8763 3430, send a fax to +43 (0)1 876 334 349 or email
The regulations on granting power of representation outlined above apply accordingly to the revocation of the power of representation.

Total number of shares and voting rights
At the time of convening the Ordinary General Meeting, the company's capital stock stands at
EUR 638,713,556.20, divided into 87,856,060 no-par value shares (87,856,056 bearer shares and four registered shares). Each share entitles the holder to one vote; the total number of voting rights is 87,856,060.

When entering the Ordinary General Meeting, shareholders and representatives may be asked to show a generally accepted photo ID, such as a passport or driving licence. To ensure the entry checks proceed smoothly, shareholders are requested to arrive at the venue for the Ordinary General Meeting in good time. Doors open for the collection of voting cards at 4pm.

Vienna, April 2011
The Management Board


Emitter: CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Mechelgasse 1
1030 Wien
Contact Person: Mag. Claudia Hainz
Phone: (+431) 532 59 07 - 502
ISIN(s): AT0000641352 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange