Announcement according to article 119 section 9 BörseG

conwert Immobilien Invest SE: Disclosure: Disposal of treasury shares

Transactions carried out in the framework of the disposal of treasury shares

Vienna, 2 July 2013 (pta025/02.07.2013/14:40 UTC+2) On 28 May 2013, conwert Immobilien Invest SE announced that it intended to sell treasury shares as an acquisition currency for the (indirect) acquisition of a minority stake in Pd sk bratislava s.r.o., an (indirect) subsidiary of conwert Immobilien Invest SE. The transaction has been concluded.

Transaction carried out:

+ Date of sale: 2 July 2013
+ Volume: 12,500 common shares (roughly 0.015% of issued capital)
+ Percentage of shares already repurchased based on the resolution adopted by the Annual General Meeting of 31 May 2012 in accordance with sec. 65 para. 1a and para. 1b of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in issued capital: 2.9%
+ Percentage of shares already sold based on the resolution adopted by the Annual General Meeting of 31 May 2012 in accordance with sec. 65 para. 1a and para. 1b AktG in issued capital: 4.4%
+ Disposal price: EUR 12.50 per common share (Premium of 51.2% above the closing price of the common share at 18 April 2013)
+ Weighted average price of the shares sold: EUR 10.8933
+ Value of shares sold: EUR 136,166.-
+ Form of disposal: ex-pit

This publication contains forward-looking estimates and statements that were made on the basis of the information available at this time. Forward-looking statements reflect the point of view at the time they are made. We would like to point out that the actual circumstances and, consequently, the actual results realised at a later date may differ from the forecasts presented in this publication for a variety of reasons.


Emitter: conwert Immobilien Invest SE
Alserbachstraße 32
1090 Vienna
Contact Person: Clemens Billek
Phone: +43 / 1 / 521 45-700
ISIN(s): AT0000697750 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)