
Erste Group Bank AG: Announcement pursuant to sec. 93 BörseG (Austrian Stock Exchange Act)

Vienna (pta017/04.07.2013/14:10 UTC+2) Announcement pursuant to sec. 93 BörseG (Austrian Stock Exchange Act)

In accordance with sec. 93 (2) BörseG, Erste Group hereby informs that J.P. Morgan Securities plc (JPM) held on 2 July 2013 directly or indirectly 25,061,378 Erste Group Bank AG shares which corresponded to 6.35% of the pre-capital increase number of 394,568,647 voting rights.

Upon registration of the capital increase JPM will fall below the thresholds of 5% and 4%. To the extent applicable, this will be subject of a separate notification.

The full notification of JPM reads as follows:

J.P. Morgan Securities plc., 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP, United Kingdom ("JPM"), herewith notifies in accordance with section 92a para 1 in connection with sections 91 et seq Austrian Stock Exchange Act in relation to Erste Group Bank AG, Graben 21, 1010 Vienna, Austria (the "Issuer"), and the Issuer's voting shares admitted to trading on the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, AT 0000652011 (the "Shares"), as follows:

On 2 July 2013, the Issuer resolved a capital increase by a nominal amount of EUR 70,462,706 through the issuance of 35,231,353 new Shares. In connection with this capital increase, JPM was admitted by the Issuer pursuant to section 153 para 6 Austrian Stock Corporation Act to subscribe to 20,786,498 new Shares with the obligation, to offer them to the Issuer's shareholders for subscription. Upon registration of the capital increase, which is expected to occur on 4 July 2013, the 20,786,498 new Shares will come into legal existence.

However, the capital increase is not yet legally effective and the new Shares from the capital increase have not yet come into existence. Therefore, in this notification, the calculation of the voting rights pursuant to sections 91 et seq Austrian Stock Exchange Act is made on the basis of the current number of voting shares of the Issuer in the amount of 394,568,647.

By agreeing to underwrite and subscribe to 20,786,498 new Shares from the capital increase of the Issuer (the underwriting commitment is, basically, effective until 5 July 2013), JPM has acquired on 2 July 2013 financial instruments in the meaning of section 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act to acquire 20,786,498 new Shares of the Issuer, and held on 2 July 2013 financial instruments in the meaning of section 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act relating to 23,264,498 Shares of the Issuer (which corresponds to 5.89%), thereby also taking into account already held financial instruments and/or financial instruments attributable pursuant to section 92 Austrian Stock Exchange Act in relation to up to 2,478,000 existing Shares of the Issuer. Therefore, JPM has reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4% and 5% on 2 July 2013.

On 2 July 2013, JPM also held directly or indirectly an additional number of 1,796,878 existing Shares of the Issuer, also taking into account Shares to be attributed to JPM in accordance with section 92 Austrian Stock Exchange Act. Pursuant to sections 91a para 7 and 92a para 1 no 7 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (aggregation of voting rights pursuant to sections 91, 91a and 92 Austrian Stock Exchange Act), the aggregate number of Shares and financial instruments relating to Shares held on 2 July 2013 amounted to 25,061,378 (which corresponds to 6.35%). Therefore, JPM has reached and exceeded the thresholds of 4% and 5% on aggregated basis pursuant to sections 91a para 7 Austrian Stock Exchange Act on 2 July 2013.

Upon registration of the capital increase, which is expected to occur on 4 July 2013, JPM will own the 20,786,498 new Shares of the Issuer so that the number of financial instruments pursuant to section 91a Austrian Stock Exchange Act will be reduced by this number. Consequently, JPM will fall below the thresholds of 5% and 4% on 4 July 2013. To the extent applicable, this will be subject of a separate notification pursuant to sections 91 et sec Austrian Stock Exchange Act by JPM.


Emitter: Erste Group Bank AG
Milchgasse 1
1010 Wien
Contact Person: Thomas Sommerauer/ Simone Pilz
Phone: + 43 (0)5 0100 - 17741
ISIN(s): AT0000652011 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)