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Photon Energy N.V.: New Strategy for the Solar Age

Photon Energy announces new global strategy

Photon Energy power plant in the Czech Republic (Photo: Photon Energy)

Amsterdam (pta016/21.11.2013/11:35 UTC+1) Photon Energy wants to get away from government support schemes and unpredictable political behaviour and focus on delivering lifecycle-solutions directly to customers. PV plants are no longer primarily financial assets but built to cover on-site consumption. Customers require sophisticated energy solutions and financing models similar to mortgages or car leasing.

Global solar power solutions provider Photon Energy N.V. is announcing its new global strategy with the intention to focus on investments and services in multiple sweet spots in the value chain. The strategy is tailor made for the Solar Age, now that the world's most abundant energy source is available for on-site electricity generation globally at an ever more competitive cost.

After having ridden the rollercoaster of the European PV industry for the past six years Photon Energy's management translated several key experiences and insights into its new strategy. These are:
-"What the government gives, it can and will take away, and then some", hence no more bets on any support schemes for PV electricity
-PV plants are no longer merely financial assets but will be mostly built to cover on-site consumption
-Customers require sophisticated energy solutions with a PV system being ideally the main supply source
-Financing is by far the largest bottleneck for the global roll-out of PV; the solutions are standardised financing solutions similar to mortgages or car leasing
-Operations & maintenance including performance guarantees in combination with insurance solutions are the key to standardised financing
-Diversification along the value chain and by geography are crucial for risk mitigation
-Sustainable shareholder value is only created by activities generating recurring revenue streams
-The PV industry suffers from a strongly lacking life cycle approach towards generating assets

The goal is to generate recurring revenue streams while maximising customer value. Photon Energy's revised focus is now on Customised Energy Solutions, Decentralised Energy Production, Standardised Financing, Operations & Maintenance and Asset Management.

"The worldwide harnessing of solar energy will have a lasting impact on humanity comparable to mobile communications and the internet, not least because it will provide the 2 billion people living without electricity with access to these two platforms that we take for granted", Photon Energy's CEO Georg Hotar comments. "Solar energy also provides the only viable exit from our dirty and dangerous energy dilemma", Hotar adds. "The most exciting aspect is that we can be certain that there will be plenty of work over the next 30 years and beyond. The only constant variable will be the need to keep adjusting our strategy and business model", explains CEO Georg Hotar. "Our desire to play a leading role in the global adoption of solar energy is what drives our passion: Energy must be affordable, clean, safe and accessible for everyone", he concludes.

A detailed presentation of Photon Energy's new strategy can be downloaded from

Jan Krcmar
T +420 773 032 182

Photon Energy NV is a global solar power solutions and services company with six divisions of expertise that together cover the entire lifecycle of solar power systems. The company serves the needs of clients with extensive know-how in project development, investment management, project finance, insurance, technology solutions, EPC and O&M. Photon Energy is headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands and has offices in Germany, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy. For more information please visit


Emitter: Photon Energy N.V.
Barbara Strozzilaan 00201
1083 HN Amsterdam
Contact Person: Jan Krcmar
Phone: +420 277 002 910
ISIN(s): NL0010391108 (Share)
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