
Erste Group Bank AG: Change of significant voting right thresholds

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Vienna (pta011/22.12.2014/14:30 UTC+1) Erste Group Bank AG informs the public pursuant to sec. 93 Austrian Stock Exchange Act in connection with sec. 91 art. 1 Austrian Stock Exchange Act that Lone Pine Capital LLC, Two Greenwich Plaza, Greenwich, CT 06830, United States of America, holds 17,642,739 Erste Group Bank AG shares (rounded stake in share capital of 4.105%), thus more than 4% of Erste Group Bank AG´s share capital (EUR 859,600,000 divided into 429,800,000 voting no-par value bearer shares - ordinary shares) as of 17 December 2014.


Emitter: Erste Group Bank AG
Milchgasse 1
1010 Wien
Contact Person: Thomas Sommerauer / Gerald Krames
Phone: + 43 (0)5 0100 - 17741
ISIN(s): AT0000652011 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)