ptp20160125012 in Leben

Dialogue on Tolerance more urgent than ever

Think Tank Fresach presented program of European Tolerance Talks 2016

Klagenfurt (ptp012/25.01.2016/10:45) The dialogue on tolerance and integration is more urgent than ever. That was the resumé of a program preview on the "European Tolerance Talks 2016" Tuesday evening held in Klagenfurt in the Mirror Hall of the provincial government. More than 50 top scientists, thinkers and philosophers will discuss "The borders of Europe - Human Rights and the Consequences of Climate Change" from 11 to 14 May at the Carinthian mountain village Fresach. To cover the costs, it still needs partners, the organizers said.

"When people die on our doorstep because of persecution, war and hunger, we can not look away. But we also must not close our eyes to the enormous challenges of increasing migration," the president of the Board of the European Tolerance Talks, Hannes Swoboda stressed in Klagenfurt. "Even in times of globalization it therefore needs boundaries, however permeable and not insurmountable bastions. The welcome culture for endangered refugees is not in contradiction to the active border protection. This protection must be accompanied by a global peace, development and climate change policy."

De-escalation of speechis necessary

In the discussion PEN president Helmuth A. Niederle called for a de-escalation of words, the President of Carinthian Landtag Reinhart Rohr for intensifying the dialogue at all levels. But the dialogue on the borders of Europe must also be a dialogue on the "art of the possible". Villach Mayor spoke of a "Decade of Tolerance" and announced to support the Tolerance Talks actively. Bettina Gruber from the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt called for a shift away from the purely economic thinking and acting penetrated logic. We must now step up efforts to realize a coexistence beyond the growth society. Photos on:

Aussender: Denk.Raum.Fresach
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Wilfried Seywald
Tel.: +43 699 18114006