Business news for the stock market

KTM AG: KTM AG - End of stock exchange listing

Mattighofen (pta047/02.05.2016/16:55 UTC+2) KTM AG - End of stock exchange listing

* Last trading day: 24 June 2016 (ISIN AT0000645403)
* Public purchase offer ends on 10 June 2016

KTM AG informs that the withdrawal of its shares from the Third Market (Dritter Markt) (MTF) of the Vienna Stock Exchange has been announced to the stock exchange. The shares of KTM AG will be withdrawn from the Third Market (Dritter Markt) (MTF) of the Vienna Stock Exchange with effect as of the end of 24 June 2016.
CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH is the majority shareholder of KTM AG. On 29 March 2016 CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH announced a public purchase offer to all free-float shareholders of KTM AG as an accompanying measure to the delisting of the shares of KTM AG from the Third Market (Dritter Markt) of the Vienna Stock Exchange. The tender offer memorandum has been published on 21 April 2016 and is available free of charge during normal business hours at the corporate seat of KTM AG, Stallhofner Straße 3, 5230 Mattighofen, and at the tender and payment agent Raiffeisen Centrobank AG, Tegetthoffstraße 1, 1010 Vienna. The tender offer memorandum can also be downloaded from the websites of CROSS KraftFahrZeug Holding GmbH ( and KTM AG (
Free-float shareholders of KTM AG can accept the offer in the period from 29 April 2016 to 10 June 2016. The offer price amounts to EUR 122.50 per share of KTM AG.

Legal disclaimer:
This ad-hoc release does neither constitute an offer to purchase nor an intimation to submit a proposal for the acquisition or sale of securities of KTM AG.


Emitter: KTM AG
Stallhofner Straße 3
5230 Mattighofen
Contact Person: Mag. Viktor Sigl, MBA
Phone: +43-7742-6000-144
ISIN(s): AT0000645403 (Share) AT0000A0UJP7 (Bond)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Regulated Open Market)