ptp20170929023 in Business

SAFED Laboratory convinces Industry Leaders

Test plant for thermal processes inspiring innovations

Moedling (ptp023/29.09.2017/13:00) The SAFED laboratory that opened last year in Moedling has spurred the interest of numerous businesses within the European heat treatment industry. The test plant is already contributing to the continued advancement of thermal processes, says Dr Herwig Altena, head of development and applications engineering at AICHELIN Holding in Mödling. AICHELIN, a subsidiary of the Berndorf Group ranges among the worldwide leaders for the production of industrial furnace plants.

"We are very happy about the numerous inquiries and the exciting and informative experiments that we are now conducting together with our customers. This way, we can test processes individually under real-life conditions and work on solutions tailored to our customers' needs," Dr Altena says, satisfied.

Valuable tests for international customers

Visitors to the laboratory are mostly European companies and leaders of the screw, fastenings, and coin industry. In most cases, they come with very clear ideas but want to gain valuable knowledge before making a definitive decision to buy, or they want to test critical precision adjustments and clarify detailed issues in practice. AICHELIN also benefits from these manifold tests. The company can enhance their profound know-how and will thus be able to use the added value gained in product development and process optimization to the advantage of their customers.

Universal applications, real-life conditions

The test plant is a cast link belt furnace, which is ideally suited for bright annealing, hardening under protective gas atmosphere, carburization or case-hardening, artificial aging as well as tempering. At temperatures of up to 1,100 degrees Celcius, steel components can be treated under any desired composition of protective gas atmosphere. The gas supply panels of the SAFED plant enable the supply of nitrogen, endogas, hydrogen, propane, natural gas, and air.

At a maximum loading of 30 kilograms per running meter, the cycle time is between 7.5 and 60 minutes. The plant also has a rapid cooling device, enabling cooling down to under 100 degrees within 2 minutes. When working with thin-walled components such as razor blades, customers are also able to use gas cooling in order to reach their desired results.

Ever since 1936, the traditional Swiss brand SAFED has been specializing in the development and production of heat treatment plants for metal and non-metal serial parts in a large number of industry sectors. In 2007, SAFED became part of AICHELIN group, one of the leading international companies for high-quality industrial plants for thermal and thermo-chemical heat treatment of metallic components. As of 2013, SAFED plants are planned, constructed and manufactured at the Austrian site of AICHELIN Ges.m.b.H. This creates additional advantages such as international know-how, manifold solutions and a highly efficient field service team for all SAFED customers.

Press contact:
Harald Berger, Head of Marketing
Fabriksgasse 3, 2340 Mödling
Phone: +43 2236 236 46 - 210
Mobile: +43 676 83 646 210
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Aussender: AICHELIN Holding GmbH
Ansprechpartner: Wolfgang Brosche
Tel.: +43 2236 23646-210