pts20180427037 in Leben

AVISO VIDEO: Order of Malta against Drug Abuse

UNODC Education Program for Millions of Young People worldwide

Vienna (pts037/27.04.2018/16:15) Every year, about 1,500 participants from more than 100 countries worldwide are taking part at the United Nations Conference on Drugs and Crime in Vienna, among them State Presidents, Heads of Governments, Chairmen and Members of numerous International Organizations, but also many young people representing their home countries at the annual Youth Forum. Their mission is to exchange ideas on drug use prevention and the promotion of healthy living. For the Permanent Mission of the Order of Malta to the United Nations in Vienna, this year it was time to strengthen its own activities on drug prevention among young people. The pressetext video delivers impressions and statements.

According to the UNODC World Drug Report 250 million people take illegal drugs, 250.000 lose their lives due to direct or indirect causes of substance abuse annually. The costs of drug-related crimes and treatment of drug abuses are estimated to exceed 700 billion US-Dollars a year.

According to the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF about 1.2 billion adolescents live on our planet, which are almost 16 percent of the world's population. To protect them from drug abuse the UNODC Youth Initiative was launched, with the aim to support youth globally, more specifically, to help them recognize the threats and hazards of drug abuse at an early stage and to promote healthy and sustainable life styles among their peers.

In Vienna, committed young people from more than 60 countries worldwide joined the YOUTH INITIATIVE workshops on youth engagement in policy making processes and drafting of the statement to be delivered to the delegates in the plenary session. With the very important help of several countries and the Permanent Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the UN in Vienna, the UNODC Youth Initiative has reached millions of young people globally in 90 coutries on all continents.

"Whatever we are doing here is to support your future," said UNODC Director-General Yuri Fedotov to the address of the young delegates. "Especially your discussions, and your insight is highly important and relevant to all of us, to prevent drug abuse and move to a healthy future for yourself and, hopefully, your children." The Permanent Representative of the Sovereign Order of Malta at the United Nations in Vienna, Ambassador Günther A. Granser, added: "Investing in the safe and healthy development of young people is investing in the sustainable future for all of us."

More information

Sovereign Order of Malta urges for Drug Prevention

German Version of this press release

Foto Services:

Permant Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the United Nations Vienna und
UNODC Vienna:

Stefanie Schmatz, UNODC Youth Initiative,
Alberto Dona, SMOM Mission UN Vienna,

Responsible for the Content and Contact:
Ambassador Prof. Dr. Günther Granser
Head of the Permanent Observer Mission of SMOM to the United Nations, IAEA and other International Organizations
Opernring 17, 1010 Vienna Phone: +43158845-1303

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