ptp20180723027 in Business

Filter Manufacturer Dexwet pushing for NASDAQ

Dexwet Holdings Corporation new umbrella company and market entry in China

Vienna / New York (ptp027/23.07.2018/18:30) Austro-American filter manufacturer Dexwet International AG is currently preparing for its IPO on the NASDAQ in New York. This was announced by CEO Clemens Sparowitz at the presentation of the new NASCAR factory team Dexwet-DF1 Racing last week in Vienna. The company had already missed a new international structure at the turn of the year based on unanimous shareholder resolutions. The new parent company Dexwet Holdings Corporation is leading the way on the US market.

The new holding company was founded shortly before the turn of the year 2017 with international partners and the investment bank Maxim Group Ltd. It directly took over the majority stake in Dexwet International AG, all 150 Dexwet shareholders approved within a month. Also, two IP licensing units were established and incorporated as wholly owned subsidiaries in Hong Kong. Dexwet Technology Ltd. will drive forward the international technology licensing business, Dexwet Brand Management Ltd. focusses on the exploitation of international trademark and distribution rights.

Before the Listing / Initial Public Offering (IPO) on NASDAQ, dexwet will carry out two pre-IPO financing rounds with selected investors. At the core of the stock market strategy, however, the company is looking forward to the market entry in China, where the fine dust problem is bigger than ever. Responsible for this move is the new Chairman Hansjoerg Wagner, who has contributed significantly to this strategic focus and supports the management in its expansion efforts.

Hidden champion of filter industry

With its worldwide unique filter patents Dexwet is one of the "hidden champions" of environmental technology and has consistently developed its product range in recent years despite setbacks and the loss of company founder Erich Peteln. The focus is on resource-saving and reusable filters for better room air, installed in convection heaters, office and cash machines, ventilation systems or in the automotive industry.

Around 150 Dexwet shareholders, investors, partners and motorsport enthusiasts gathered in Vienna on 17 July 2018 to find out about the latest developments. "There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. Our time has now come," said CEO Clemens Sparowitz, President of the new US parent Dexwet Holdings Corporation. "We have conquered a technology niche in which we are absolutely unique." This is the basis for a successful future and long-term growth, for the benefit of the environment and shareholders.

NASCAR commitment paves way to the U.S.

The involvement in the motor racing series NASCAR has proven to be fundamental. The European NASCAR Whelen Euro Series was a perfect platform to draw the attention of the automotive industry to Dexwet Filter Technology. Now further activities in this field are to be done. With the NASCAR High Performance Filter, Dexwet shows that its filters are unbeatable for comparable competitors in the high-end range. The high air permeability of Dexwet filter translates into improved performance in the Monster Cars, while the high filter effect protects the engine throughout the season. The filters can then be cleaned, rewetted with an absorber fluid and used for the next season.

Multi-use instead of disposable filter

Carefully treated, Dexwet filters can last a lifetime - as a multi-use filter - in contrast to the much more expensive disposable filters of competitors. That is good for the wallet and good for the environment, explained Sparowitz. The reprocessing is simple, the filters can be cleaned in a dishwasher and then moistened again with the dexwet fluid before being used again.

Particulate matter and ultra-fine dust pose a real challenge to traditional dry filters, and Dexwet has been designed to do just that. Sparowitz: "We offer a suite of home solutions for energy-efficient indoor air purification, useful for everyone, but especially for allergy sufferers and people with respiratory problems." Our filters transform radiators into permanent, noiseless passive vacuum cleaners. These not only reduce coarse and fine dust, but also reduce pollen, bacteria and other biological pathogens in the indoor air. Even this year, new devices - so-called air purifiers - are brought to market to provide customers with year-round Dexwet protection. Also business solutions for the automotive and electronics industry are constantly being expanded.

About Dexwet: True Filter Solutions

Dexwet is an innovative, Austro-American technology company specializing in the advancement and commercialization of the patented Dexwet wet-filter technology. For the well-being of man and machine: "What Dexwet filters remains in the filter - True Filter Solutions". Dexwet filters are durable, high quality and can be easily recycled and reused after use. Originally developed to effectively remove particulate matter emitted by heat-sensitive equipment, Dexwet today offers a broad range of customized solutions for particle sizes from grit to ultrafine dust. The extreme air permeability of the Dexwet filters, combined with high filter efficiency, translates into energy savings and improved performance.

For end users, and especially for allergy sufferers, asthmatics and those with sensitive airways, Dexwet offers a uniquely effective range of products that provides clean breathing air at home and at work. With innovation partners, its wet filter technology is being brought into new fields of application, with technology partners Dexwet is developing industry-oriented applications and setting new filter standards that make the whole production processes more environmentally friendly and at the same time reduce costs significantly. "Cleantech, sustainable, disruptive and game-changing - these are Dexwet filters, in a class of their own."

Foto Service
Information: Clemens Sparowitz, CEO
Dexwet International AG
+43 (1) 382 0013 - 91

Aussender: Dexwet International AG
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Wilfried Seywald
Tel.: +43 699 18114006