ptp20191202030 in Leben

Bastian Oldhouse - Criticism and tradition in first-class composition.

Artist presents his exclusive artworks digitally from during the Miami Art Week

Zurich/Miami (ptp030/02.12.2019/16:45) Real as himself, Oldhouse allows his visual visitor a tangible insight into his constructive and admonishing works. Nobody should leave the place of expression without a moving impression.

Unlike many of his artist colleagues, Bastian Oldhouse sticks to the hard and understandable reality, sets clear points of view and expects a profound approach from his works and their viewers in a mystical and spiritual frame. Ideas, thought approaches and dreamlike ideas are by no means restricted and leave room for new experiences and emotions. A work by Oldhouse does not always open up directly at first glance and reveals a wealth of small details that can always be individually interpreted.

Influenced by his period of life as an architectural draughtsman and engineer and finally returning to the ranks of free art, the experienced Swiss painter Struktur relies on his learned skills and on clear principles. Anchored in the valuable and traditional notions of ancient, dignified art, Bastian Oldhouse has high expectations of his compositions, in which he likes to draw inspiration from the masterpieces of historical celebrities such as Titian, Lacroix or Albert Anker. Messages and formative impressions that inspire reflection have absolute priority for Bastian Oldhouse.

To realise his views, he makes use of a wide range of different materials and techniques, which express the theme excellently. In his paintings and sculptures, world-political, social and critical views are thematized and presented in a perfect and ambitious way. Oldhouse's absolute attribute is the red stiletto shoe, which repeatedly recalls the creator and the message of the humorous and antidepressant character of his works. True to his own life motto "Art is always also craft", Bastian Oldhouse manages to immerse his works of art in a melancholic and expressive mood and at the same time makes successful and understandable appeals to his audience.

As a meanwhile well-known member of the creative and high-quality branch, the artist has made it to renowned exhibitions all over the world and presents his works exclusively at ARTBOX.PROJECT Miami 2.0. At the same time, lovers of his art can look forward to a newly published catalogue, which will be published in Miami during the project.

Bastian Oldhouse belongs to a select circle of artists who already participated in August 2019 in the ARTBOX.PROJECT Zürich 1.0 and the ARTBOX.PROJECT New York 1.0 with a unique ensemble of his creation and also inspires newcomers of the high-quality art industry.

His artist catalogue can now be ordered via the following link:

Ansprechpartner: Jenny-Rose Zenklusen
Tel.: +41 797880202