Public disclosure of inside information according to article 17 MAR

Creactives Group SpA: Resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting – 26 October 2022

Verona (pta018/26.10.2022/15:04 UTC+2)

Verona, October 26, 2022. The ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Creactives Group S.p.A. ("Creactives Group") (ISIN IT0005408593 - ticker: CREG), an international company that develops Artificial Intelligence technologies to address real-life business problems in the Supply Chain, today convened at the local office in Verona, Via Enrico Fermi 4 and via teleconference as indicated in the notice of call of the Meeting which was published on "Gazzetta Ufficiale", nr. 116 of 4 October 2022 and on the Company's website

The ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Creactives Group S.p.A. has:

  • approved the Financial Statements as at 30 June 2022, and approved to carry forward the loss produced.
  • renewed the mandate of the Board of Directors in office for the period 2023/2025 and until the approval of the financial statements as at 30 June 2025, also reconfirming all the powers previously attributed to them.
  • determined the compensation of the Board of Directors.

Availability of related documentation

The minutes of the Shareholders' Meeting will be made available to the public on the Company's website to the extent and when established by current laws and regulations.


Emitter: Creactives Group SpA
Piazzale Luigi Cadorna 6
37126 Verona
Contact Person: Massimo Grosso
ISIN(s): IT0005408593 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Vienna MTF)