Business news for the stock market
Business news for the stock market
Rosenbauer International AG: Rosenbauer Group Reports Solid Growth Again in 2019
(pta006/03.04.2020/07:00 UTC+2)
* Consolidated revenues rise by 7.6% to Eur 978.1 million, EBIT increases to Eur 51.9 million
* Business volume expanded significantly in Central and Eastern Europe in particular and in North America
* Incoming orders on par with previous year's record level at Eur 1,073.0 million
* Reduced dividend proposal of Eur 0.80 per share anticipates economic uncertainties
GROUP KEY FIGURES | 2018 | 2019 | |
Revenues | Eur million | 909.4 | 978.1 |
EBIT | Eur million | 48.8 | 51.9 |
Net profit for the period | Eur million | 34.7 | 34.6 |
Cash flow from operating activities | Eur million | -13.6 | -26.6 |
Equity in % of total assets | 30.3% | 25.9% | |
Earnings per share | Eur | 3.7 | 3.7 |
Dividend (proposal to AGM) | Eur per share | 1.25 | 0.80 |
Number of employees as of December 31 | 3,621 | 3,828 | |
Order backlog as of December 31 | Eur million | 1,052.3 | 1,149.5 |
In the past 2019 financial year, the Rosenbauer Group has grown as planned and increased its revenues by 7.6% to Eur 978.1 million (2018: Eur 909.4 million). The last three months of the year also topped the previous year's figure (Q4 2018: Eur 345.9 million) with revenues of Eur 363.6 million and constituted the all-time strongest quarter. Expenses for staff and materials rose with the increased operating performance and EBIT reached Eur 51.9 million (2018: Eur 48.8 million). At 5.3%, the EBIT margin was down slightly on the previous year, with delayed deliveries and exchange rate differences in particular impacting profitability.
Revenues and results of operations
The global firefighting industry held its ground despite the weakening global economy in 2019, performing robustly. The strongest sales regions were Europe, North America and Asia, the biggest single markets the US, China and Germany. The markets showed signs of weakening slightly in countries highly dependent on the price of oil. In 2019, some procurement volumes were down on the previous year's level.
Against this backdrop, the Rosenbauer Group continued its growth trajectory as planned and significantly increased revenues year-on-year. Central and Eastern Europe in particular as well as North America reported more deliveries; growth here amounted to 24% and 16% respectively. By contrast, business in Asia declined, with the biggest single market of China stagnating as expected.
EBIT was well above the previous year's level at Eur 51.9 million in 2019 (2018: Eur 48.8 million). The bulk of this, namely Eur 36.8 million, was generated in the fourth quarter. The significant increase in earnings is mainly due to a strong production output resulting from the very good order situation, and a favorable product mix. A new logistics center was put into operation in Asten in March 2019 to relieve the burden on Plant I at the Leonding location and activate additional capacity.
Due to increased financing requirements as well as the first-time application of the IFRS 16 standard, the financial result deteriorated compared with the same period last year to Eur -6.7 million (2018: Eur -4.6 million). Earnings before taxes (EBT) amounted to Eur 45.5 million (2018: Eur 43.8 million).
At Eur 1,073.0 million, incoming orders again reached the previous year's record level in 2019 (2018: Eur 1,107.7 million). Orders increased in the NISA area (Northern Europe, Iberia, South America, Africa) and the APAC area (Asia, Pacific, Australia, China). For instance, a total of 14 aerial devices were sold to Australia, namely the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, the Tasmania Fire Service and the Australian Capital Territory. As of December 31, 2019, the order backlog amounted to Eur 1,149.5 million, up 9% on the previous year's figure (2018: Eur 1,052.3 million).
Financial position and net assets
The Rosenbauer Group's total assets increased significantly to Eur 977.5 million in 2019 (2018: Eur 782.3 million). This was due to the very good order situation and the massive delivery volume at the end of the year, as reflected in increased inventories and receivables. The first-time application of IFRS 16 and the separate disclosure of right-of-use assets increased total assets by Eur 37.7 million.
Equity amounted to Eur 253.4 million as of the end of the year (2018: Eur 237.1 million). Given the increase in total assets, the equity ratio fell to 25.9% (2018: 30.3%).
The financial structure of the Rosenbauer Group remains solid. With the successful issuance of a bonded loan in June 2019 the Group could optimize the maturity profile of its liabilities entailing a reallocation from short-term to long-term. As interim financing requirements grew in total, current interest-bearing liabilities decreased from Eur 165.4 million to Eur 140.1 million, non-current interest-bearing liabilities increased from Eur 92.2 million to 216.1 million.
The high trade working capital due to contract manufacturing increased to Eur 467.1 million as of the end of the year (2018: Eur 397.4 million). Due to strong customer business, net debt rose to Eur 342.5 million (2018: Eur 231.5 million). The gearing ratio climbed to 135.1% (2018: 97.6%).
Net cash flow from operating activities was negative at Eur -26.6 million in 2019 (2018: Eur -13.6 million). This was primarily due to the significant increase in inventories and customer receivables.
The Rosenbauer Group follows a growth-oriented and sustainable dividend policy that is consistent with the company's performance. In view of the current economic uncertainties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of Eur 0.80 (2018: Eur 1.25) per share at the Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, the distribution volume for 6.8 million no-par-value shares will be Eur 5.4 million (2018: Eur 8.5 million). Based on the closing price of Eur 40.2, this corresponds to a dividend yield of 2.0% (2018: 3.8%). The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board reserve the right to reevaluate the appropriation of profits and dividend distribution.
The global firefighting industry started 2020 with stable demand. The firefighting markets in North America and Asia in particular as well in the Middle East showed signs of stronger demand than in the reporting year, and the European firefighting market was set to reach the high level of 2019 again.
The stronger, more global spread of the respiratory disease COVID-19 has considerably increased the risks to industry demand, supply chains and production capacity. A serious estimate of the extent of these uncertainties is not yet possible. Accordingly, it is too early for a revenues and earnings forecast for the Rosenbauer Group in the 2020 financial year.
Emitter: |
Rosenbauer International AG Paschinger Straße 90 4060 Leonding Austria |
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Contact Person: | Mag. Tiemon Kiesenhofer, MBA | |
Phone: | +43 732 6794-568 | |
E-Mail: | | |
Website: | | |
ISIN(s): | AT0000922554 (Share) | |
Stock Exchange(s): | Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade); Free Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate |