pts20030512063 in Forschung

Interoperability Lab at Storage Networking World-EuroStorage in Cannes

Lab to Feature Storage Vendors Interoperating in a Vendor-Neutral Environment

Cannes (pts063/12.05.2003/21:44) For IT users attending the third Storage Networking World-EuroStorage (3-6 June, 2003 in Cannes, France) who are wondering if they have a cost-effective infrastructure to support their disaster recovery strategy, a special Interoperability Lab within the conference will provide answers. In the iLab, numerous storage vendors will demonstrate their mutual interoperability, how SNIA technology specifications make a difference to end-user installations, and will show iSCSI at work.

On hand in the iLab will be "vendor-neutral" technology experts who will be available to answer candid and specific questions posed by delegates. Themed areas will include: business continuance; storage network management; heterogeneous fabric; and virtualization.

Following successful conferences in Seville in 2001 and Cannes in 2002, Storage Networking World-EuroStorage will unveil a compelling roster of end-user case studies when it opens on 3 June at the Hotel Martinez in Cannes, France. Among those users will be Peter Caiazzi, CTO of Benetton, who will provide a keynote address to delegates from the end-user's perspective. Noted television anchor, producer and business journalist Christine Ockrent will open the event with a keynote presentation. In addition to her role as producer and anchor of the weekly current affairs program France Europe Express on France 3 Television, Ockrent is president of the advisory board of METRO International France and is a columnist for various European newspapers.

Among the end-user case study presenters are: Herman Oggel, Managing Director, Dedigate (Belgium); Janos Vrbata, IT Continuity Manager, UBS Switzerland (Switzerland); Mark Sweeney, Principal Consultant, Morse (UK); Anthony Clarke, Open Systems Team Manager of MTS, T-Systems Ltd. (UK); Steven Pals, Senior IT Manager, Belgacom (Belgium); and Bodo Bronnmann, Head of Information Technology; Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (Germany).

In addition to user case studies and presentations from industry leaders, the program will offer special SNIA-Europe tutorials on 3 June that offer tips, tools and techniques covering topics like disaster recovery, backup/restore, virtualization, high availability solutions, and securing and managing storage networks.

Storage Networking World (SNW) is a global event series focused on growing user implementations of storage networking technologies, and is co-owned by Computerworld and the Storage Networking Industry Association - Europe. The event has a rich, educational agenda of tutorials, user case-studies, keynotes and sessions focusing on storage networking technologies. The trade conference and exposition has successfully established itself as Europe's leading IT user/implementer storage networking event. Last year more than 700 delegates were registered. Attended by a range of IT users from CIO to CTO, data manager to enterprise architect, Storage Networking World-EuroStorage provides delegates with access to storage industry leaders and luminaries, as well as peers who have successfully tackled storage challenges.

18 sponsors will participate in Storage Networking World-EuroStorage including Brocade Communications, Ciena, Computer Associates, EMC, Emulex, Fujitsu Siemens, Fujitsu Softek, Hitachi Data Systems, HP, IBM, Inrange, LEGATO Systems,, LSI Logic, Microsoft, Nest, StorageTek, T-Systems, and VERITAS Software.

Earlybird registration through 16 May will be 950 Euro, and 1.390 Euro thereafter.

To register or for information about sponsoring or exhibiting at Storage Networking World-EuroStorage, visit To participate as a vendor in the Interoperability Lab, contact Juergen Deicke, Interoperability Lab Coordinator, at +49 6131 84 6071 or email

About Computerworld
Computerworld is a business unit of IDG, the world's leading technology media, research and event company. IDG publishes more than 300 magazines and newspapers and offers online users the largest network of technology-specific sites around the world through (, which comprises more than 330 targeted Web sites in 80 countries. IDG is also a leading producer of 168 computer-related events worldwide, and IDG's research company, IDC, provides global market intelligence and advice through 51 offices in 43 countries. Company information is available at

About the Storage Networking Industry Association Europe (SNIA-E)
The Storage Networking Industry Association is a not-for-profit organization made up of more than 300 companies and individuals worldwide spanning virtually the entire storage industry - end users, vendors and resellers. SNIA members share a common goal: to set the pace of the industry by ensuring that storage networks become efficient, complete and trusted solutions across the IT community. To this end, the SNIA is uniquely committed to delivering standards, education and services that will propel open storage networking solutions into the broader market. For information, contact the SNIA Europe on +33 1 47 49 06 23 or +33 1 34 58 46 72 or via e-mail at, or visit the SNIA web site at

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Ansprechpartner: Dirk Beiersdorff
Tel.: +49 89 17803717