pts20060830032 in Forschung

Experts to discuss current developments in pellets industry

New sources of raw materials and a sustainable supply of pellets

Pforzheim (pts032/30.08.2006/11:25) 6th Pellets Industry Forum
Stuttgart, 10th and 11th October 2006

The pellets market is booming. In the first six months of the year, the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) received three times as many applications for pellet heating systems as it did in the same period last year. As the market grows, so too do the challenges facing the pellets industry. How will the supply of pellets as a fuel develop in the future? What sources of raw materials are available? And how can dust emissions be further reduced? These questions as well as current market developments and technical innovations will be discussed by around 250 pellet experts when they meet for the 6th Pellets Industry Forum in Stuttgart from 10th to 11th October. The conference will take place as part of the Pellets 2006 trade fair, at which over 100 exhibitors will be showcasing their products and services from 11th to 13th October.

Current developments in the pellets market

How much longer can energy demand be met by oil reserves? In the opening address to the 6th Pellets Industry Forum, guest speaker Jeremy Gilbert, former Chief Petroleum Engineer for BP, will speak about the current and future supply situation in the oil industry. In the subsequent plenary presentations, the respective chairmen of the German and Austrian pellet associations will give an overview of current developments in both the German and international pellets markets.

Focus of discussion on future pellet raw material sources

The conference will also focus on the question of ensuring a secure and sustainable pellet supply in the long term. After an overview of pellet production in German, participants will discuss other suitable sources of raw materials for future production of pellets. Wood chips and logs, but also forest residues and so-called short rotation forestry will play a crucial role in future pellet production and supply. Competing uses of these raw materials will also be examined. For example, Prof. Udo Mantau, timber and forestry industry economist at Hamburg University, will give an overview of the current quantities and use of different wood raw materials. Pellet producer Helmut Schellinger will outline the previously unused raw material sources that are available for future production.

Measures to reduce fine dust emissions

At present, the topic of fine dust - another focus of the conference - is often the subject of heated public debate. Volker Lenz from the Institute for Energy and Environment will report on the emissions arising from different domestic wood-fired heating systems in comparison with each other as well as in the context of the total emissions. Practical examples from other speakers will highlight the possibilities for fine dust reduction through new combustion techniques, filter systems and the use of exhaust gas washers/heat exchangers. The Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) is currently considering at what level emission values for small-scale heating systems should be set in the future. There will also be a report on the current status of the corresponding legal amendment.

Technical innovations

The extensive programme will be rounded off by a series of presentations on technical innovations in the pellets sector. These will look at greater fuel flexibility in wood pellet boilers, combined heat and power and new developments in furnace technology.

Simultaneous interpretation (German/English) will be provided for all conference presentations.

Further information as well as graphics and visual material on
the 6th Pellets Industry Forum and Pellets 2006 can be found at and .

Information on Pellets 2006
and the 6th Pellets Industry Forum:

The Pellets 2006 trade fair and the 6th Pellets Industry Forum are being organised by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim. The event is supported by the German Energy Pellet Association ( ) and the German Solar Energy Society ( ).

The sponsors of the 6th Pellets Industry Forum are
Calimax GmbH, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, Firestixx, Müller AG Holzfeuerungen, Neuero Farm- u. Fördertechnik GmbH, ÖkoFEN Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, PH-Fleximatic Handels GmbH, Raab Abgassysteme, RIKA Metallwarenges.m.b.H. & Co KG, Salmatec GmbH, Schellinger KG, Karl Schräder Nachf. and Wodtke GmbH.

Further information:

Solar Promotion GmbH
Ms Barbara Pilz
Postfach 100 170
D-75101 Pforzheim

Tel. +49-(0)7231-58 59 8-0
Fax +49-(0)7231-58 59 8-28

Press enquiries:

York Communications GmbH
Frau Milena Jokisch
Sasbacher Str. 5
D-79111 Freiburg

Tel. +49-(0)761-48080-18
Fax +49-(0)761-48080-55

Aussender: pts - single press release
Ansprechpartner: Solar Promotion GmbH