pts20061221021 in Forschung

Solar Heating in Europe grows considerably

European Conference will discuss the perspectives of Solar Thermal

Brussels/Berlin (pts021/21.12.2006/11:11) The use of solar thermal has increased significantly in 2006, the same applies for sales of solar thermal systems in Europe which grew by 35 % up to 1.900 megawatts of solar thermal power. The most dynamic markets are in France, in the UK, and in Germany, where growth rates are in between
40 % and 70 %. Industry and research institutions - motivated by their large success - are developing a common vision for the use of solar thermal in 2030 and have just launched the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP). Current developments in the international markets, in industry, in technology and in politics will be discussed at the European Solar Thermal Energy Conference (estec2007) on June 19 and 20, 2007, in Freiburg, Germany. This expected for an exchange about market-, technological and political developments. Abstract proposals can be submitted online until January 8, 2007. Interested participants and press representatives can pre-register online as of the beginning of December.

The estec2007 is a conference of the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation, ESTIF, and organized by the German Solar Industry Association, BSW, in co-operation with Intersolar2007. This industry-oriented conference is supported by the most important European Solar Heating companies, among them the German manufacturer of absorbers and collectors, KBB Kollektorbau. The copper industry is highly positive about the development of solar thermal, which is the rationale for the commitment of the European Copper Institute to be one of the important sponsors.

Further information about this conference is available at , where you can register for the monthly newsletter, giving information about the international development of solar thermal in the lead up to the conference and about the most important conference topics.

Press Contact:

Silvia Döffinger
Tel. +49 30 2977788 11

Information about estec2007:

estec2007 is a conference of the Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) organized by the German Solar Industry Association (BSW), in co-operation with Intersolar2007, supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program of the European Commission.

Further information:

Sponsors of estec2007:
Gold Sponsors: European Copper Institute; KBB Kollektorbau

Silver Sponsors: Aeroline Tube Systems; Alanod-Sunselect; Armacell GmbH;
Conergy AG; Dr. Valentin Energiesoftware GmbH; Gasokol; ratiotherm; Resol-Elektronische Regelungen GmbH; Ritter Solar; Steca Batterieladesysteme und Präzisionselektronik GmbH; Wilo AG

Bronze Sponsors: Alcan Singen GmbH; AllSun A/S; Consolar GmbH; PARADIGMA Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG ; Roth-Werke GmbH; Tinox GmbH; Tyforop Chemie GmbH


Silvia Döffinger
Conference Manager estec2007
BSW - German Solar Industry Association
Tel.: +49-30-29 777 88-11
Fax: +49-30-29 777 88-99

Aussender: Solar Promotion
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner
Tel.: ++49 (0) 7231-58598-0