pts20070613032 in Forschung

Material-saving technologies take centre stage in the photovoltaic industry

3rd Annual PV Industry Forum, Freiburg, June 20th, 2007

Freiburg (pts032/13.06.2007/13:06) New materials, technologies and exchange of information in the photovoltaic industry at the 3rd PV Industry Forum

The growing use of new technologies, such as thin film and concentrator cells, and the dynamic development of international photovoltaic markets are central themes of the 3rd PV Industry Forum.
Its connection to the Intersolar, Europe's largest trade fair for solar technology, makes the 3rd PV Industry Forum an important international meeting point for the photovoltaic field. 300 decision-makers from over 30 nations are expected to participate.

A focus on material-saving technologies

Current themes in PV industry, such as the use of material-saving thin film technologies and high-efficiency concentrator cells, are the main topics of the PV Industry Forum. The use of substrates like amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) as partial substitutes for crystalline silicon is increasing worldwide. Companies in Asia, Europe and the U.S.A. recognise the chances for cooperation which will allow them to be active in this market segment, whether in the expansion of existing production, the forming of joint ventures or the erection of new production facilities.

International platform for PV experts in industry and research

Decision-makers in the international photovoltaic field are taking advantage of the PV Industry Forum as a great opportunity to hear field reports and information from internationally active experts. Executives, sales and marketing directors, and product managers from manufacturers, retailers, distributors and associations will discuss current trends in market and technology and exchange information. The 3rd PV Industry Forum will take place on June 20th, 2007, in Freiburg -- one day before the opening of the Intersolar, Europe's largest trade fair for solar technology. The event organisers, Solar Promotion from Pforzheim and PSE GmbH from Freiburg, expect at least 300 participants from over 30 countries. Supporting organisers of the 3rd PV Industry Forum are the Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. (BSW-Solar) and the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena).

Sessions focussing on thin film, concentrator cells and rural electrification

The morning session, chaired by Dr. Winfried Hoffmann (Applied Materials Ltd.), will give a general overview of the international PV Markets as well as the new technologies, thin film and concentrator cells. Paula Mints, of the U.S. consulting firm Navigant Consulting, will present a scenario of the PV market's top ten in 2010. Dr. Michael Powalla of the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung (ZSW) in Stuttgart will summarise the current state of thin film technology. An update on the progress of developments in concentrator cells will be given by Dr. Andreas Bett, from the Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (FhG ISE) in Freiburg.

The first afternoon session will delve more deeply into the growing market segment of thin film technology and concentrator cells, chaired by Dr. Michael Powalla and Dr. Andreas Bett. The speakers will address refinements in the thin film manufacturing process, as well as improved efficiency of various materials (a-Si, CdTe, CIS and CIGS). Following this, the speakers will address concentrator cells. The cells' high efficiency of over 30 percent is reached by the material-saving application of double or triple layers of III-IV semiconductors.

The parallel, second afternoon session, chaired by Rafael Wiese of event co-organiser PSE GmbH in Freiburg, is dedicated to the application of PV installations in rural electrification. The speakers will address, among other issues, the innovative use of PV-hybrid and mini-grid systems in developing countries. Examples of such applications include photovoltaic-driven pump stations in India, village electric facilities in China and South Africa, and communication facilities in Gambia which are run on photovoltaic energy.

Gold Sponsors of the 3rd PV Industry Forum

Applied Materials develops and applies nano-manufacturing technologies and is one of the leading producers of thin film applications. IBC Solar AG is a leading systems integrator worldwide for solar electricity technology.
Studer Innotec produces sine wave inverters and inverter-chargers for use in off-grid solar and hybrid systems as well as backup systems. Suntech is a leading solar enterprise worldwide in the area of solar cell and module production.
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3rd PV Industry Forum event organisers:
Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim
PSE GmbH, Freiburg

3rd PV Industry Forum supporting organisers:
Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft (BSW)
Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)

Gold sponsors of the 3rd PV Industry Forum:
Applied Materials GmbH & Co. KG
IBC Solar AG
Studer Innotec
Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd.

Further information on the 3rd PV Industry Forum:
Solar Promotion GmbH
Horst Dufner
Postfach 100 170
75101 Pforzheim
Phone: +49-(0)7231-58 59 8 - 0
Fax: +49-(0)7231-58 59 8 - 28

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Aussender: Solar Promotion
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner
Tel.: ++49 (0) 7231-58598-0