pts20080626017 in Business

Seminar on IP strategies for expansion in growth markets

Munich (pts017/26.06.2008/11:00) Effective protection of intellectual property (IP) is becoming an ever more important factor in international trade. As a result, companies marketing products and services around the globe are increasingly opting for the protection afforded by patents, trade marks, design and copyrights. The strategic exploitation of such rights often has a decisive impact on the competitiveness of a company and its products.

That applies particularly to European firms seeking a foothold in growth regions such as China, India and South America. Expertise in intellectual property rights not only affords a significant competitive advantage but at the same time serves as an effective weapon in the battle against counterfeiters.

"Growing business with IP - winning strategies in emerging markets" is the title of a two-day seminar to be held jointly by the European Patent Office and Bocconi University on 17 and 18 July 2008 in Milan. IP experts from prestigious manufacturers and service enterprises such as Bayer Health Care, Airbus, Ferrero, Business Software Alliance Italy and China Business Solutions Ltd. will report on the latest IP developments in non-European markets and outline the major opportunities and risks.

The seminar is designed for R&D managers, IP specialists, heads of innovation departments and technology transfer units, and for European venture capitalists, investors and start-up companies. Information on the programme and how to apply can be found at

The deadline for applications is 7 July 2008.

For further details please contact:
Florent Resche-Rigon
phone: + 49 89 2399 5672

Aussender: European Patent Office / Europäisches Patentamt
Ansprechpartner: Rainer Osterwalder
Tel.: +4989/23991820