Announcement according to article 119 section 9 BörseG

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG: Announcement

Vienna (pta038/19.05.2010/19:00 UTC+2) The 23rd General Meeting of CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft of 12 May 2010 has passed the following resolution:
"a. The General Meeting authorises the Management Board according to Article 65 Section 1 No. 8 of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) to acquire the company's own non-par shares, within the maximum legal limit in each case, for a period of 30 months from the date of the resolution. The lowest amount payable on repurchase is not to be less than 30 % and not to exceed 10 % of the average unweighted price at the close of the market on the ten trading days preceding the repurchase. The Management Board can elect to make the acquisition either on the stock exchange, or by way of a public offering, or in another lawful, expedient way.
b. The Management Board shall be further authorised with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to use the shares to service convertible bonds issued on the basis of the resolution of the General Meeting of 13 May 2008;
- to use treasury shares to service convertible bonds issued on the basis of the resolution of the General Meeting of 13 May 2008;
- to use treasury shares as consideration for the acquisition of enterprises, businesses or parts thereof, or shares of one or more companies, at home or abroad;
- at any time to sell same according to Article 65 Section 1b of the Stock Corporation Act on the stock exchange or by way of a public offering and to determine the conditions of the sale;
- for a period of five years from the date of the resolution, to resell the treasury shares without excluding the general purchase opportunity or partly or entirely excluding the general purchase opportunity, by any lawful means, including off the exchange;
- to reduce the company's share capital according to Article 65 Section 1 No. 8 last sentence in connection with Article 192 of the Stock Corporation Act by calling in the treasury shares without a further resolution of the General Meeting, whereas the Supervisory Board shall be entitled to adopt by resolution amendments to the Articles of Association arising from the calling-in of shares."


Emitter: CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
Mechelgasse 1
1030 Wien
Contact Person: Mag. Claudia Hainz
Phone: (+431) 532 59 07 - 502
ISIN(s): AT0000641352 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)