Public disclosure of inside information according to article 17 MAR

Unternehmens Invest AG: extraordinary general meeting/capital increase

Wels (pta020/29.07.2013/19:25 UTC+2) Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft (ISIN AT0000816301)

* ordinary capital increase by issuance of 250,000 no-par value bearer shares
* appointment of two further supervisory board members
* appointment of another management board member

Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft is not compelled to comply with the self-imposed reinvestment policy regarding its use of appropriations since the LIBRO process has been closed and the criminal proceedings has ended in acquittals. It is intended to expand Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft as a holding company and as the case may be to acquire new participations, which fit to Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft investment profile.

In the extraordinary shareholder's meeting of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft held on 29 July 2013 it has been resolved to increase the share capital from EUR 29,080,000 by EUR 1,817,500 to EUR 30,897,500 by issuance of 250,000 no-par value bearer shares (ordinary capital increase). The shareholders will be granted an indirect subscription right pursuant to § 153 para 6 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act ("AktG"). The management director has been authorized to determine the subscription period. Furthermore the extraordinary shareholder's meeting has appointed Mr. DI Dr. Otto Urbanek and Mr. DI Günther Apfalter as further members of the supervisory board of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft.

Today's resolution of the shareholder's meeting has established the requirements provided by law in order to execute the ordinary capital increase. The resolution is neither a request to make an offer for sale of shares nor an offer to purchase shares of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft. The execution of the capital increase requires a capital market prospectus, approved and published pursuant to § 7 of the Austrian Capital Market Act ("KMG"). The shares of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft will exclusively be offered on basis of a capital market prospectus (including any supplements) drafted and published according to the provisions set out in the KMG. An investment decisions regarding the offered shares shall only be made on basis of this capital market prospectus.

Prior to the execution of the capital increase a prospectus will be drafted pursuant to the provisions set out in the KMG, which will be published immediately after approval by the Austrian Financial Supervisory Authority and which will be available free of charge at the specified office of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels. After approval and publication of the capital market prospectus, Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft will provide the shareholders with a subscription announcement to be published in the Official Gazette of the "Wiener Zeitung" and on the website of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft ( In this subscription announcement as well as in the capital market prospectus shareholders will not only be informed about all details of the capital increase, but also about the invitation to exercise the subscription right at a specified financial institution.

The supervisory board of the Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft has appointed Paul Neumann as a further member of the managment board as of 1 September 2013 in its meeting on 29 July 2013. As of 1 September 2013 Dr. Rudolf Knünz and Paul Neumann will manage the business of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft as a two-man board.

Paul Neumann has completed the Bachelor of Science in Business Management at the University St. Gallen and the Master of Business Administration at the University Fontainebleau from August 2012 until June 2013. From 2008 to 2009 Paul Neumann was working as an Analyst at Morgan Stanley and from 2009 to 2011 as an Investment Analyst and Investment Associate at Aabar Investments.

As an affirmation to his engagement with Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft Paul Neumann intents to participate in the share capital of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft. For this purpose Paul Neumann has acquired instruments pursuant to § 91a BörseG from Knünz GmbH, in order to acquire shares of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft of up to 10 per cent of the share capital after the execution of the ordinary capital increase. All persons participating in this agreement and the Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft will submit the notification according to §§ 91 et seq. of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act ("BörseG") within the required deadlines.


This announcement is neither a request to make an offer for sale of shares nor an offer to purchase shares of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft. The execution of the capital increase requires a capital market prospectus, approved and published pursuant to § 7 KMG. The shares of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft will exclusively be offered on basis of a capital market prospectus (including any supplements) drafted and published according to the provisions set out in the KMG. Prior to the execution of the capital increase a prospectus will be drafted pursuant to the provisions set out in the KMG, which will be published immediately after approval by the Austrian Financial Supervisory Authority and which will be available free of charge at the specified office of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft, Edisonstraße 1, 4600 Wels. An investment decisions regarding the shares of Unternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft shall only be made on basis of this capital market prospectus.

For questions please contact:
Dr. Rudolf Knünz
Member of the Management Board
Office Vienna: 0043/(0)1 405 97 71 0


Emitter: Unternehmens Invest AG
Edisonstraße 1
4600 Wels
Contact Person: Andrea Salchenegger
Phone: +43-1-4059771-12
ISIN(s): AT0000816301 (Share)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Regulated Open Market)