Change of total number of voting rights and capital according to article 135 section 1 BörseG

PORR AG: Announcement on total number of voting rights in acc. with 93 Stock Exchange Act

Vienna (pta026/30.04.2014/12:00 UTC+2) The Executive Board of PORR AG (the "Company") announces that the total number of voting rights as per the end of April 2014 stands at 14,547,500 voting rights in total. The change in the total number of voting rights relates to 2,164,138 additional voting rights effective April 12th 2014 and a further 480,862 voting rights effective April 30th 2014.

As of April 30th 2014, the Company's share capital stands at EUR 29,095,000.00 and is split into 14,547,500 no-par bearer shares, whereby each share represents an equal amount of share capital.


Emitter: PORR AG
Absberggasse 47
1100 Wien
Contact Person: Dir. Prok. Rolf Petersen
Phone: 050626-1199
ISIN(s): AT0000A17548 (Share) AT0000609664 (Other) AT0000A0F9G7 (Bond) AT0000A0KJK9 (Bond) AT0000A0XJ15 (Bond) DE000A1HSNV2 (Bond)
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)