ptp20160512012 in Leben

Dopamine 2016

International Scientific Conference

Vienna (ptp012/12.05.2016/09:30) Dopamine 2016
September 5-8, 2016
Campus of the University of Vienna
and Brain Research Institute, Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

The dopamine 2016 conference is in line with a number of preceding conferences, which discussed the timely and novel findings in relation to dopamine research, both from a preclinical and a clinical perspective. The last conference took place in 2013 in Alghero, Italy. The upcoming conference aims at fostering the translational aspect in dopamine research to bring together researchers from bench and bedside. Moreover, our plenary speakers (listed below) will cover a broad range of ground-breaking basic research including the use of optogenetics up to clinically oriented research in psychiatric disorders.

Dopamine is one of the major catecholaminergic neurotransmitters in the brain. It controls movement and plays a major role in the development of addiction and psychotic illness. The lack of dopaminergic innervation underlies the clinical picture of Parkinson's disease - which is of special importance to the current application.

Furthermore, we will celebrate the 90th birthday of Oleh Hornykiewicz with a special plenary symposium highlighting current research themes in Parkinson's disease (listed below). The format of our conference specifically supports the interaction between senior researchers and junior fellows: we plan (i) to grant junior fellowships/travel grants to foster the attendance of young fellows - with the help of the current grant application - and (ii) the speakers for short oral communications have predominantly been chosen from the junior attendants to give them an increased visibility.

Invited Plenary speakers:
Abi-Dargham Anissa (CUMC, USA)
Deisseroth Carl (Stanford, USA)
Janak Patricia (JHU, USA)
Lüscher Christian (Univ. Geneva, CH)
Robbins Trevor (Cambridge, UK)
Volkow Nora (NIDA, USA)
Weinstein Harel (Cornell, USA)
Wightman Mark (UNC, USA)

Invited speakers for the Hornykiewicz Birthday Symposium:
Graybiel Ann M. (MIT, Boston)
Poewe Werner (MUI, Innsbruck)
Schlossmacher Michael (OHRI, Ottawa)

More details see

Univ. Prof. Dr. Harald Sitte & Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthäus Willeit
Medical University of Vienna

Published by APHAR: Austrian Pharmacological Society

Aussender: VWGÖ - Verband Wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften Österreichs
Ansprechpartner: Michaela Pinkawa
Tel.: +431 40160 31103