pts20190621005 in Business

TÜV AUSTRIA Annual Report 2018

Strong growth in Austria, on international markets brings significant improvement in earnings

Vienna (pts005/21.06.2019/08:30) 2018 was the second year in a row for TÜV AUSTRIA Group to achieve a double-digit growth rate both in sales and operating profit. This growth rate puts TÜV AUSTRIA well above the market and comparable competitors. Total sales amounted to 205.7 million euros.

This dynamic development of Austria's TÜV can now be read up on in its current Annual Report 2018.

The Group's activities in the areas of testing, training, inspection, consulting and certification are examined on 120 pages, as are innovative solutions for customers and partners. This year, the focus is on presenting safety and security solutions in the areas of Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things and automation.

Founded in 1872, Austria's TÜV is completely independent. Profits are invested exclusively in the Company, new ideas, concepts and above all in our employees. A worthwhile investment: It reduces dependence on individual markets and contributes to greater stability as a group of companies.

At the end of 2018, TÜV AUSTRIA Group employed more than 1,700 people worldwide.

The TÜV AUSTRIA Group Annual Report is now available at:

Aussender: TÜV AUSTRIA Group
Ansprechpartner: PhDr. Andreas Wanda
Tel.: +43 504540