pts20210401019 in Leben

The Nathalie Case: 8-Year-Old Girl Abused in Rituals. Offenders Protected by Public Authorities? Please Drain the Swamp

Child Abuse in Satanic Rituals - "Victims Mission" Reports from Switzerland

Basel/Solothurn/Dornach (pts019/01.04.2021/13:15) Part 1 (Original: )

The 8-year-old girl Nathalie* appears to be suicidal and is being examined in the children's psychiatric clinic, where, in April 2020, the child reported ritual abuse, rape, bondage, death threats and bestiality, all allegedly committed by her own Satanist father. Mayor Christian Schlatter: "The present case concerns visitation rights. This is an important right, because a child needs both parents" (quote from: ).

Incompetence? Cover-Up? Corruption? Complicity? Basel (Animal Circle) Zodiac?

Authorities Involved in Paedo-Crime? [1][5]

"Child protection organisations are as susceptible to infiltration by paedophiles as are child welfare offices, kindergartens or children's shelters and homes" writes Oliver Janich in "Sicher ohne Staat" [Safe without State][2]. In "Dark New World Order Part 1" Dr. Marcel Polte quotes the psychologist Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch, who points to certain components in ritual abuse, such as "control of the victim's environment, including child welfare office, police, public prosecutor, judge" [3].

"According to individual witness statements, there were connections to Switzerland from both Belgian and French child molester networks, but these were never thoroughly investigated" (quote from: ).

The Kesb (KESB)

The Swiss child and adult protection authority, abbreviated as "KESB" ("Kesb") [4], corresponds roughtly to the youth welfare office "Jugendamt" in Germany and Austria. At the Kesb a masculine social worker is called a "Beistand", a female, a "Beiständin".

Quotations from Swiss Newspapers: Link, reference to appendix or source follows beneath each.

27 May 2020

On 27 May 2020 Daniel Wahl reports in the Basler Zeitung (BaZ): "The Baselland child psychiatry department blocks allegations of paedophilia for weeks, while, at the same time the Kesb undertakes to push the child into the arms of the alleged perpetrator". "Nathalie suffered enormously from the visits to her father ... and developed suicidal thoughts. The Kesb in Dorneck-Thierstein ignored the eight-year-old, though. The schoolchild confided in those authorities who were to carry out child-centred therapy, after years accompanied by abdominal pain, suicidal thoughts, crying fits and school absences, each time following visits to the father; this all documented by a family physician and known to the Kesb".

"Not until the twelfth day after the shocking statements had been recorded and the lawyer had intervened did the KPD head physician pick up the phone and notify further authorities. In the meantime, the responsible Kesb, in Dorneck-Thierstein/Thal-Gäu (DTTG), had pressed relentlessly to keep the child in contact with the father. The mother was informed by the Kesb that costs had been approved. The visits would henceforth be enforced by the police. In panic, the mother took her child to safety".

Daniel Wahl reports: "But instead of informing the public prosecutor's office of the official delicts and keeping the video recordings for the judicial authorities, the head physician informs the Kesb and fatally sends the father a copy ... The KJP thus enabled the father to destroy all evidence ... in time. Conversely, however, the KJP strives to "protect" Nathalie and her mother from the alleged perpetrator and suggests to the Kesb DTTG that the victims be transferred to a mother-child home". [Author's note: It is proven that children are often not safe in mother-child homes].

Wahl quotes several experts, for example the psychiatrist Werner Tschan: " 'It is impossible for children of this age to make up such experiences with such great detail', he says, after he has listened to the audio-recordings. He finds it inexcusable that the KJP Baselland informed the father but not the public prosecutor's office: 'In the canton of Baselland I am legally obliged to inform the public prosecutor's office immediately in such cases', says Tschan." And: "Criminal charges have been filed against the senior physician and clinic director Contin for breach of official duties." (quotes from: ; ).

At the same time, the BZ (newspaper for the Basel region) and the Solothurner Zeitung (newspaper) published the following article: "Again Massive Accusations: Kesb Remained Inactive despite Reports and Complaints". Balz Bruder writes: "On 25 May a lawyer filed a supervisory complaint against the vice-president of the Kesb (Dorneck-Thierstein), against a senior staff member, a Beiständin and against two physicians of the Baselland child and youth psychiatric department (KJP BL) ...". "Although there were multiple endangerment reports and supervisory complaints and a criminal complaint from December 2019 against the child's father is pending, the Kesb remained inactive". "The communication from one of the two KJP physicians about the child's revealing statements was sent not only to the authorities, but also directly to the accused father. Hence, he is privy to all the evidence, which is a massive threat to the ongoing criminal proceedings. And occassion of a further criminal charge ...".

Balz Bruder reports further: "It is clear from the reports of danger as well as from the supervisory complaint and the criminal charges: There is an urgent need for action ..." and quotes the mother's lawyer: "The Kesb is neither able nor willing really to investigate this dramatically developing child protection case", it says in the supervisory complaint ... While the Kesb protects the father, it discriminates against the mother, as the lawyer states ... And this to the detriment of the child, for whom the authorities have prescribed accompanied visits. These have not been able to be observed hitherto due to Corona regulations" (Quotes from: and ).

"20 Minuten" also reports and quotes the girl: " 'Just last time, Papa said that he wanted us to come to him again the next day. Then he would tie me up, stick his pecker in and then kill me with the sword." She said he had uttered the death threat because she resisted the rape." And further: "Devastating criticism of the Kesb. The Kesb Dorneck-Thierstein, which was in charge of the case, did not do a good job either, remaining inactive and, contrary to expert advice, insisted on the continuation of the child's visits to the father" (quotes from: ).

The BLICK runs the headline: "Girl from Baselland Abused by Satanist Father" and writes: "The girl tells her physician in the Baselbieter child and youth psychiatry department (KJP) of satanic rituals, of painful sexual assaults perpetrated by her father" ... "The 'Basler Zeitung' is in possession of a recording of the interview. For 17 minutes Nathalie describes how her father tied her up and then raped her, how he took her to the pasture where he sexually abused sheep, how he speared himself with excrement and performed satanic rituals, and how he threatened to kill her if she should tell anyone of this" ... "In such a case the responsible physician and the clinic management would actually be obliged to inform the police or the public prosecutor's office immediately, inasmuch as it is an official delict. Nevertheless, the physician waited twelve days before relaying information on the case. Yet, instead of informing the police, she informed the child and adult protection authority (Kesb) and the alleged perpetrator! ... the very one who had threatened to kill Nathalie, if she should spill the beans. Thus, the father had the opportunity to destroy evidence, for example, his hard drive and children's photos, which, according to Nathalie, were 'stained with sperm' ... Almost two weeks later the case finally ended up at the Solothurn public prosecutor's office ... The accused, however, is not currently in custody" (quotes from: ).

28 May 2020

The "bz" (Basel regional newspaper) provides a summary and states: "And there is no end in sight, not even for the Kesb. On the one hand, it has its hands full with a supervisory complaint, which is currently being examined by the Office for Social Security; on the other, there is the prospect of criminal charges being brought against the Beiständin and another of the Dorneck social region's representatives, one in charge of the child protection case" (quote from:

30 May 2020

Daniel Wahl writes in the Basler Zeitung: "Criminal charges filed. Kesb guardian suppresses indications of paedophilia ... Already a year ago little Nathalie hinted that she was being abused. But the Kesb-Beiständin suppresses information that incriminate the child's father. This is substantiated by a further audio-recording ... rape, sodomy, satanic rituals and excrement play. The child's statements are described by renowned experts as authentic, not fabricated ...". "The staff of the Dorneck social region in Dornach- the extended arm of the Kesb Dorneck-Thierstein/Tal Gäu (DTTG) ... - have long since had evidence of paedophilia and assaults. But the information ... has been suppressed and withheld by staff member R. with the active cooperation of Helga Berchtold, head of child and adult protection." ... "The certified social worker does not then go into the subject of abuse raised by Nathalie. In the course of this oppressive dialogue the child tells several times how she always gets sick after visits to her father. The then first-grader can give no explanation, which is typical of victims of child abuse. No more did these insinuations lead to any investigations than the child's reports in several conversations that the father had 'rubbed his member with something until it moved' in her presence, and that she had had to accompany Papa to a nudist beach." ... On behalf of the Kesb DTTG, the Beiständin R. continually urges the child to continue visits".

"The child tells the visiting supervisor her experience of R. as biased: 'Then it is always said that I am influenced by my mummy, but that is not true'. And there is more: The Kesb office immediately withdrew the mandate from the visitation transfer counsellor who had taken Nathalie seriously and written an urgent and justified recommendation against compulsory visitation with the father. It then replaced him with someone willing to toe the line ... The explanations of the social worker Z. in the Dorneck social region alone ought to have made people take notice. Z. is no longer employed there either. Her enquiries had revealed that the father 'repeatedly had to change jobs' ... 'Kesb-pressure is making the child sick' ...

Nathalie's physician warns of further emotional and physical damage, noting: "Presently Nathalie is suffering from increasing sleep difficulties, crying fits and desperate mood episodes in which she expresses the desire not to go on living, this in addition to the long-known nervous bladder weakness and recurrent abdominal pain. Because of this Nathalie had to use a restroom every ten minutes." ... "But the Kesb and its Dornach Beiständin stubbornly and defiantly cling to the right of visitation." ... "The Dorneck social region offers no response to the accusations made." ... "Knowing that Nathalie has made 'dramatic statements' to the child and adolescent psychiatric services and that criminal proceedings for sexual abuse are also underway, the qualified social worker from Dornach insists on keeping the child with the father, as her most recent letter of 14 May shows.

She appeals in writing to the principle that the accused be considered innocent until proven guilty, and recommends: "As regards the rest, I would adhere to the proposal in my previous statements of accompanied visitation rights be established for the time being." In other words: Now the traumatised child shall have a Kesb-supervisor in the presence of her alleged tormentor" (quote from: ; ).

"20 Minuten" asks: "Was Girl (8) Forced to Visit Paedophile Father?" and writes: "According to information published on Saturday by the "Basler Zeitung", however, the girl's guardian and the Kesb had already had indications of sexual abuse since June 2019 ... Still, the girl was made to continue visiting her father at the behest of those in charge, although she had attempted to resist - unsuccessfully." ... "In the article the accusation is even made that the Beiständin and the Kesb had deliberately suppressed information and insisted on the 'obligation to visit'. A Beistand who had advised against this had been immediately replaced" (quotes from: ).

2 June 2020

"Kesb Beiständin Manipulates Witness. A flatmate reported abuse against little Nathalie. The Dorneck social region urged her, however, to withdraw the report of endangerment. Now criminal charges are being filed for suppression of evidence" writes Daniel Wahl in a headline for the "Basler Zeitung" ... "In the last few days Sandra (name changed) had to read and hear much about the terrible story of eight-year-old Nathalie." ... "She reported her observations to the head of the child and adult protection department (Kesb) of the Dorneck social region, Helga Berchtold, and her co-worker R. as part of an endangerment report as early as spring 2019. ... In conversation with the two women, however, Sandra had been urged to retract the information" ... "The woman lives in a sort of commune ... with a common kitchen and a common bathroom, in which the child's father occupies a room. In his room there are only a few crates and a bed ... In other Kesb cases, visitation would not be granted under such circumstances. Nevertheless, Berchtold and R. insisted on continuing to keep the child in contact with the father, though the child was plagued by stomach pains and bladder infections after contact with the father..." ... "'It was conspicuous that he always locked himself in the toilet with Nathalie. They were there for up to 15 minutes. A six-year-old child, as Nathalie was at the time, can go to the toilet alone', Sandra remarks".

She further writes that she heard Nathalie screaming and crying loudly." ... "Berchtold and R. had already received the corresponding endangerment report a year before ... It was at that same time that Nathalie told the two certified social workers how Papa 'does something creepy every time I am with him'. She reported having to see his 'pecker', 'but I did not want to at all'. But the ladies from the Kesb ignored this".

"Sandra's endangerment report from the spring of 2019 could have been an important building block for the Kesb to get a good image of the existing threat. Now the woman states: 'I was told several times that my statement could have serious consequences for the father. Suddenly I realised that they (Berchtold and R.) did not really wish to hear me. It shocked me that they seemed certain of the child's father's right to do whatever he should wish with his child.' ... 'It grew worse. They asserted that I had been sent by Nathalie's mother, whom I do not actually know, to testify against the child's father,' which corresponds with the child's statements about the social workers, 'Then they always say I am being influenced by my mum, but that is not true at all' ... 'During the conversation with the Kesb I felt I was being attacked. I was sitting across from two people who were both on the child's father's side. Only I was being attacked, although I only wanted to stand up for a helpless child."

For Hans M. Weltert, the mother's lawyer, the matter is now clear: "The Dorneck social region had an endangerment report on the table and is urging the author to withdraw it. This is suppression of evidence" ... A corresponding criminal complaint is to reach the Solothurn public prosecutor's office this week. Christian Schlatter, the mayor of Dornach, has been informed of the events. He has not responded to questions on the matter".

Regarding the "latest development", Daniel Wahl writes of the child's father: "So the authorities not only informed the man early on of Nathalie's statements, so that the alleged perpetrator could eliminate any evidence. Now the Solothurn public prosecutor's office is also giving the man the opportunity to influence witnesses" (quotes from: and ).

"20 Minuten" summarises: "For the KESB It Was Clear: The Father May Do What He Wants with His Child" ... "In April a girl (8) said that she was being abused by her father. The child and adolescent psychiatry (KJP) informed the child and adult protection authority (Kesb) and the accused himself instead of the public prosecutor's office. Now it is becoming public: A flatmate of the father is said to have warned the authorities about the man and his deeds already a year ago" ... "Kesb stands behind the tormentor" ... "Suppression of evidence" ... (quotes from: ).

3 June 2020

The BZ, a newspaper for the Basel region, reports: "Public prosecutor's office investigates father ... Several charges have been filed against the authorities in charge ... In addition, there is the suspicion that the authorities did not act sufficiently, despite knowledge of the allegations. A criminal investigation of the child's father is underway, as confirmed by the Solothurn public prosecutor's office. A house search had already taken place at his home in mid-May ... Likewise, a lawyer has filed a supervisory complaint against the two physicians of the child and youth psychiatry dept. of Baselland, and against the vice-president, a senior staff member and a Beiständin of the child and adult protection authority (Kesb), Dorneck-Thierstein. In the supervisory complaint massive accusations are made: Despite multiple endangerment reports, supervisory complaints and a pending criminal complaint from December 2019 against the child's father, the Kesb had remained inactive ... 'The Kesb is unable and unwilling really to look into this dramatically developing child protection case,' the complaint says. While protecting the father, the Kesb is discriminating against the mother, says the lawyer who represents her interests, and this to the detriment of the child, for whom the authorities have ordered accompanied visits. These have been impossible up until now, due to the Corona virus ... In the meantime, a criminal complaint has also been filed against the Solothurn public prosecutor's office ... In the complaint against the Solothurn public prosecutor's office, of which the BZ is in possession, there is talk of 'inadmissible and scandalous preferential treatment of the accused' with reference to the fact that the child's father has not yet been arrested. Particularly, there is talk of 'protecting the perpetrator'.

The authors of the criminal complaint are also concerned that the father of the child had much time to destroy important evidence" (quotes from: ).

The "Solothurner Zeitung" also gives an update:

4 June 2020

"In an interview with '20 Minuten', the mayor of Dornach SO comments on the accusation of failure on the part the authorities of the Dorneck-Thierstein/Thal-Gäu social region. The authoritiy is criticised for having remained inactive in the case of the alleged abuse of an eight-year-old girl" reports Oliver Braams in '20 Minuten' ... The mayor of Dornach SO, Christian Schlatter, comments in an interview with '20 Minuten' on the alleged abuse of an eight-year-old girl by her father, saying: 'I have no knowledge of mistakes on the part of our social services' ... 'I am bound by profession secrecy due to the ongoing proceedings. In the present case, several endangerment reports have been received. Recommendations have been drawn up and measures have been ordered by the Kesb. I have no knowledge of any errors on the part of our social services' ... 'The present case is about visitation rights. This is an important right because a child needs both parents. As the head of administration, and also of the Dorneck social service, I have no evidence that our staff did not do their job properly" (quotes from: ).

*Name changed


Basel 'Animal Circle' (Zodiac), Paedo-Crime:

Oliver Janich:
[Safe without the State]"Sicher ohne Staat", page 95

Dr. Marcel Polte:
[Dark New World Order Part 1] "Dunkle Neue Weltordnung Teil 1", Seite 188


Child Protection, Authorities, Paedo-Crime:
[Their needs and feelings must not be subordinated to the abstract 'preservation of the father-child relationship'. This relationship is irreparably disturbed when sexual assault has been perpetrated] "Ihre Bedürfnisse und Gefühle dürfen nicht der abstrakten 'Aufrechterhaltung der Vater-Kind-Beziehung' untergeordnet werden. Diese Beziehung ist nach sexuellen Übergriffen unweigerlich gestört":
[Long repressed ... scenes from St. Iddazell. Drills in the monastery courtyard. Naked. In the dead of winter. Floggings with the belt. ... The abuse. The humiliations. The sexual assaults.] "Lange verdrängte ... Szenen aus St. Iddazell. Das Exerzieren im Klosterhof. Nackt. Im tiefsten Winter. Die Schläge mit dem Gurt ... Der Missbrauch. Die Demütigungen. Die sexuellen Übergriffe":
[...The Fischingen Torture Monastery ... 'At the age of seven or eight I knew what anal was ... The smallest victim was a three-year-old girl. She suffered an "anal convulsion", which means that her intestines were turned inside out.] "... Das Folterkloster Fischingen ... 'Mit sieben, acht habe ich gewusst, was anal ist ... Das kleinste Opfer war ein dreijähriges Mädchen. Es erlitt eine Analkonvulsion. Das heisst, dass seine Gedärme nach aussen gestülpt wurden'":
[Child Abuse: Convicted Priest Lives Free in Switzerland]"Kindesmissbrauch: Verurteilter Priester lebt frei in der Schweiz":
[The study was occassioned by a report about the children's shelter St. Iddazell in Fischingen, Thurgau, where the inmates were exposed to physical and sexual violence. They were also repeatedly driven across Thurgau to Münsterlingen to take part in experiments with psychotropic drugs.] "Auslöser für die Studie war ein Bericht über das Kinderheim St. Iddazell im thurgauischen Fischingen, wo die Zöglinge körperlicher und sexueller Gewalt ausgesetzt waren. Immer wieder wurden sie auch quer durch den Thurgau nach Münsterlingen gefahren, um dort an Versuchen mit Psychopharmaka teilzunehmen":
[Child Slaves in Switzerland "You Are Nothing"] "Kindersklaven in der Schweiz 'Du bist nichts'":
[Abuse in the Orphanage] "Missbrauch im Waisenhaus - ... Doku | SRF ...":
[Powerful Network of Paedophiles Extends Far into Public Offices] "Mächtiges Netzwerk der Pädophilen reicht weit in die Behörden":
[Courageous Physician Blows Whistle: Child Protection Office, Youth Welfare, Paedophiles, Judges and Politicians] "Mutige Ärztin packt aus Kinderschutz, Jugendamt, Pädophile Richter & Politiker":
[The Business of Child Welfare] "Das Geschäft mit dem Kindeswohl":
[Who Is at the Top in the Child Molester Mafia?] "Wer gehört da ganz oben zu den Großen in der Kinderschändermafia?":
[Child Abuse with a System] "Kindesmissbrauch mit System":
[Abused Foster Children] "Missbrauchte Pflegekinder":
[40 school teachers, nine physicians and nurses, nine pastors or priests, three foster parents, 32 persons - who worked as volunteers in associations where there are children, six persons working in law enforcement - were arrested] "40 Schullehrer, neun Ärzte und Krankenschwestern, neun Pfarrer oder Priester, drei Pflegeeltern, 32 Personen - die freiwillig in Vereinen, wo Kinder sind, arbeiteten, sechs Personen, die in der Strafverfolgung tätig waren - wurden verhaftet":
[How Child Abuse Is Fostered in Germany's Day-Care Centres] "Wie in Deutschlands Kitas Kindesmissbrauch gefördert wird"
[Worms Trials - "Some of the children who had been taken from their families with the intention of protecting them were then in fact sexually abused in the court-ordered placement in the children's shelter "Spatzennest"] Wormser Prozesse - "Einige der Kinder, die man in der Absicht, sie zu schützen, aus ihren Familien genommen hatte, wurden dann in der richterlich angeordneten Fremdunterbringung im Kinderheim Spatzennest ... tatsächlich sexuell missbraucht":
[Youth Welfare Office: The State, Your Enemy] "Jugendamt: Der Staat, Dein Feind":
[For the whole answer, one must take a closer look at how different agents deal with the issue of child abuse and child pornography, such as the police, the judiciary authorities, politicians and other public authorities] "Für die ausführliche Antwort muss man sich den Umgang verschiedener Akteure mit dem Thema Kindesmissbrauch und Kinderpornografie genauer ansehen, etwa Polizei, Justiz, Politik und Behörden":
[Youth welfare offices use brutal methods] "Jugendämter wenden brutale Methoden an":
[Too Mild Sentences for Child Abuse] "Zu geringe Strafen bei Kindesmissbrauch":
[Chronicle of the Lügde Case] "Chronik des Falls Lügde"
[Youth Welfare Office Received Paedophilia Tips Early On] "Jugendamt erhielt früh Pädophilie-Hinweise":
[There is now evidence that indications of child abuse in a family known to the office were not investigated.] "Im Raum steht, dass Hinweisen auf Misshandlung von Kindern in einer dem Amt bekannten Familie nicht nachgegangen wurde":
- (Investigations against the Youth Welfare Office)
[72 Suspects Identified in German Abuse Complex] "72 Verdächtige in deutschem Missbrauchskomplex identifiziert":
- © Salzburger Nachrichten VerlagsgesmbH & Co KG 2020
[Children with Paedophile Foster Parents] "Kinder bei pädophilen Pflegevätern":
[Berlin Youth Welfare Office Placed Children with Paedophiles] "Berliner Jugendamt vermittelte Kinder an Pädophile":
[Youth Welfare Offices Placed Foster Children with Paedophiles] "Jugendämter vermittelten Pflegekinder an Pädophile":
[... the youth welfare office had already been in contact with the family between 2015 and 2016, as the child's social father was known for possession and distribution of pornographic data ... Nevertheless, the family court decided in 2015 not to the child away from the parents. Instead, at the beginning of 2017, the family court decided that the youth welfare office would "withdraw permanently from the family's affairs"] " ... das Jugendamt habe mit der Familie bereits zwischen 2015 und 2016 in Kontakt gestanden, da der"soziale Kindsvater wegen des Besitzes und des Vertriebs pornografischer Daten aufgefallen war ... Trotzdem entschied sich 2015 das Familiengericht dagegen, das Kind den Eltern wegzunehmen. Stattdessen entschied das Familiengericht Anfang 2017, dass das Jugendamt sich endgültig aus Angelegenheiten der Familie zurückziehe":
[A Stunning Verdict: Probation for Child Molester] "Ein Urteil, das fassungslos macht: Bewährung für Kinderschänder":
"Codename Domenico":
[Paedogate Germany] "Pädogate Deutschland":
[The Youth Welfare Office Knew ...] "Das Jugendamt wusste ...":
[Foster Children Placed with Paedophiles] "Pflegekinder an Pädophile vermittelt":!5692887/
[The indications of child welfare endangerment by the foster parents the child had at that time had been ignored by the youth welfare office for years] "Die Hinweise auf Kindeswohlgefährdung durch die damaligen Pflegeeltern waren von den Jugendämtern jahrelang ignoriert worden":
[Study Finds Paedophile Network Even in the Public Authorities] "Studie sieht pädophiles Netzwerk auch in Behörden":
[Victim Advocate ... Lügde ... Cover-Up Attempts by the Authorities] "Opferanwalt ... Lügde: ... Vertuschungsversuche der Behörden":
[Ritual Violence in Satanic Sects] " ... Rituelle Gewalt in satanistischen Sekten":
[The Dark Secret - Abuse in the Family] "Das dunkle Geheimnis Missbrauch in der Familie":
[Suspicion of Sexual Abuse as Alibi for Child Abduction] "Verdacht auf Sexuellen Missbrauch als Alibi für Kindesraub":
[The Church and Sexual Abuse. Guilt without Atonement? - SWR Documentary] "Die Kirche und der sexuelle Missbrauch. Schuld ohne Sühne? | SWR Doku":
[The dissolution of the old value-order began with Freud...] "Die Auflösung der alten Werte-Ordnung begann mit Freud...":
[Blog - Clerical Abuse] "Blog - klerikaler Mißbrauch":
[Abuse in the Church: Protection of the Perpetrators before Protection of the Victims?] "Missbrauch in der Kirche: Täterschutz vor Opferschutz?"
[... The Groer Affair...] " ... Die Groer-Affäre ...":
[... the cardinal, that perverse monster ... ] "... Der Kardinal, das perverse Ungeheuer ...":
[We are ashamed of Bishop Küng] "Wir schämen uns für Bischof Küng":
[That physician accused of having sexually abused 109 boys has been sentenced to 13 years in prison] "Jener Arzt ..., dem vorgeworfen wurde, 109 Buben sexuell missbraucht zu haben, ist zu 13 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden":
[Child Molester ... Does Not Have to Go to Prison] "Kinderschänder ... muss nicht ins Gefängnis":
[Murderer, Child Molester] "Mörder, Kinderschänder":
- (Dr. Franz Wurst)
[Three former pupils of the Herrnhilf children's home of the De La Tour Foundation report sexual assaults] "Drei ehemalige Zöglinge des Kinderheims Herrnhilf der Stiftung De La Tour berichten von sexuellen Übergriffen":
[Put In with a Murderess by the Youth Welfare Office] "Vom Jugendamt zu einer Mörderin gesteckt":
[... when the child had to suffer beatings, humiliations and abuse for years] " ... als das Kind seit Jahren Schläge, Demütigungen und Missbrauch hinnehmen musste":
[Thus, unscrupulous social workers could take at least ten children from their own parents and give them to other families ... for money] "So konnten skrupellose Sozialarbeiter mindestens zehn Kinder ihren Eltern wegnehmen und sie anderen Familien ... gegen Geld übergeben":
[Rather, the Carabinieri came across forged documents and a criminal network] "Vielmehr stießen die Carabinieri auf gefälschte Dokumente und auf ein kriminelles Netzwerk ...":
[Scandal of Sexual Abuse of Children in Shelters Shakes Mallorca] "Ein Skandal um sexuellen Missbrauch von Heimkindern erschüttert Mallorca":
[Guilty are the peddlers of these 'human wares', the customers of the same, and the corrupt officials who do nothing] "Schuldig sind die Händler dieser "menschlichen Ware", die Kunden dieser "menschlichen Ware", die korrupten Beamten, die nichts unternehmen, ...":
[...Abuse of Canadian Children by Catholic Church] " ... Missbrauch an kanadischen Kindern durch katholische Kirche":
[Some Occupied 'Positions of Public Trust' ... ] "Einige hatten "Positionen des öffentlichen Vertrauens" inne ...":
"GOP senator claims Arizona foster kids are being sold into sexual slavery":
"CPS gets a bonus every time they remove a child from their home":
"Kids Abused After Child 'Protection' Services Puts them In Home With Sex Abuse Suspects":
"Microsoft staff were forced to view photos and videos of 'indescribable sexual assaults', and 'horrible brutality' including the rape and murder of children, resulting in severe post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a lawsuit filed against Bill Gates and Microsoft":
"Patsies 'Made in Austria' & 'The Kingston Terminator'":
" ... the youngest just 12 months old, were sexually abused on camera ... ":
"Australian Federal Police (AFP) have arrested nine men in relation to an alleged child abuse network ... ":
"A celebrity psychologist, who was used by the Family Court as an expert in custody disputes, has admitted to sexually abusing children ... ":
"A Greens candidate who ran against Scott Morrison at the last election has been granted bail after being accused of directing and watching the live abuse of a child in the Philippines online":
"NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 2020 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month":

Part 2

The now 8-year-old girl Nathalie reports that she experienced Satanic rituals involving multiple tortures such as bondage, rape, witnessing unimaginable orgies of violence of regular electric shocks until she almost fainted, and death threats. A small child cannot make this up. Nathalie is highly gifted. A number of experts certify the authenticity of her report. The suspected child molester and satanist is still free.

1. Review (Part 1, Original):

2. Offender Strategies

In light of Nathalie's statements, an intensive and comprehensive investigation and the appropriate consequences would have been indispensable. The authorities involved, however, have provided the alleged child molester and satanist with advantages. If, for example, the public prosecutor's office waits four months before ordering a house search of the chief suspect, if the psychiatry informs the suspected offender and the KESB of the child's statements in advance and the police only later, if KESB employees discuss the child's visits to the suspected offender but at the same time ignore the severe torture of the child, these authorities have taken a clear position.

November 2018: Dr. phil. Dipl.-psych. Joachim Schreiner (head of the Family Law Unit) and Dr. sc. med. K. Ruhe (psychologist Family Law Unit) write of Nathalie on 28 Nov. 2018 in a document*), entitled "Zivilrechtliches Gutachten" and also in a "Psychologisches Gutachten ...". Quotes:

"Individual interview with [N.] on 2 May 2018: ... She also talked about the kindergarten and upcoming school enrolment. Then she suddenly reported that the Kv [child's father. Author's note] had let her play with the sprinkler in the garden for a weekend. Afterwards, she was soaked and froze. The Kv had not allowed her to dress more warmly. She had also been run over by an ewe from behind and had hurt herself. When cycling, she only had a thin board on which to sit on the Kv's bicycle. [N.] said that she would only go to the Kv if she had to. Asked for reasons, she reported that there are none, she just goes when she has to."

"Individual interview with [N.] on 11 Sept. 2018: [N.] spontaneously reports that the holidays with her father were 'not good'. He had frightened her by telling her that they were going to swim in the Rhine, although she was not a good swimmer. In addition, he had walked about the flat naked twice and had cooked naked. She had told him that she did not want him to do so and that he should put something on, but he would not. She had then gone into another room. He had also once rubbed something onto his penis until it moved. He said, 'Mummy has a screw loose', which is untrue. He has a screw loose; he is crazy. If she should be forced to spend the night with him, she would run away to her mother. She thinks it unfair that she has to visit her father. She no longer wants to go to him ... There was nothing good about him at all: he could not play, could not comfort her, could not explain anything to her, could not protect her ... She is on the side of the Km [child's mother]. She is very angry that the Kv asserts that it is because she is negatively influenced by her mother that she does not wish to go to him. This is not at all true. It is her own wish. She believes that her father 'unfortunately' likes her very much, and hence mistakenly assumes that she also likes him. But this is a big mistake."

The Two Psychologists See It as "Central" to "Continue the Currently Regular Contact".

Why do the psychologists ignore the child's cries for help? Why do they not protect the 6-year-old child? Why do they continue to bring her to a man who is naked and rubbing his penis in the child's presence? Why do they expose the child to someone about whom "nothing at all is good"? Why do they advocate contact with the father when the child does not wish any contact because she is afraid of him? Why does it take them a year (!) to submit their report, when the danger to the child was an issue of the utmost urgency? Why do they ignore the clear evidence of sexual child abuse? Why is their "expert opinion" such a threat to the child's welfare? Why do they accept the risk of further torture and even the death of the child?

January/February 2020: The court leaves the question of visits open, referring to the KESB. The transfer attendant, who had filed an official notice of child endangerment against the child's father, was removed "with immediate effect". The mother's petitions for suspension and visits to the father were rejected by KESB (Vanessa Moretti) and the court.

The Child Continued to Be Regularly Raped and Satanically Tortured by Decision of the Authorities in Charge.

Then came the lockdown in spring 2020.

April 2020

"The girl tells her physician in the child and youth psychiatry (KJP) of Basel Region of satanic rituals, of painful sexual assaults by her father ... 'Papa told me that on my next visit he wants to tie me up, kill me with a sword and stick the pecker in' ... the 'Basler Newspaper' has a recording of the conversation ... For 17 minutes Nathalie describes how her father tied her up and then raped her. How he took her to the pasture, where he sexually abused sheep, how he speared himself with excrement and performed satanic rituals and how he threatened to kill her if she should tell anyone." Source:

August 2020

The KESB, Sozialregion Dorneck, in its report on paternal visits, tells of a carefree relationship with both parents, that all children would like contact to both parents, a lack of understanding on the part of the parents, of the question of the restriction of parental custody, that a regular visitation right over the weekend to the child's father is appropriate, all this with reference to the report from 2018, but not a word about the torture perpetrated by the father!

September 2020: Dr. Hans. M. Weltert, Nathalie's and her mother's lawyer, sends a statement to the KESB. Quotes: " ... there are many things that Ms. Remund does not even mention. For example, the counsellor has neither clarified the housing situation of [Kv] ... nor has she shown any appreciation of its gravity. Nor did she clarify the reasons why [N.] refuses to visit her father" ... "Ms. Remund does not respond with even a single word [to the notice of endangerment made by an attendant] ... The explanations by Ms. Remund, the Beiständin, are diametrically opposed to the risk report ... [Nathalie] tells [the person accompanying her] that she finds her daddy 'gruesome' and that they refuse to 'believe' her ... [N.N.][the child's father] called [Nathalie] a 'liar' who was influenced by her mother. [Nathalie] burst into tears. Instead of apologising and appeasing [Nathalie], the child's father came forward again and confirmed that [Nathalie] was a 'liar' ... He attempts thus to cause a conflict of loyalty in the child" and further: "When [the person accompanying the child] asked [Nathalie] if he could do anything for her, she simply said that one should believe her. The KESB is obliged to give this trust; there has been little evidence of it so far. Instead, the KESB found it necessary and appropriate to harass [Nathalie] and the mother of the child ... In any case, the KESB has to this day rejected all requests for investigation or clarification of the child's father."

The renowned psychiatrist Dr. Werner Tschan states with regard to Nathalie's father that "in the current situation he is to be regarded as acutely dangerous to others and himself ... according to his daughter, he is in possession of firearms" and "he has, vis-à-vis his wife [N.N.] or daughter, repeatedly threatened that he will 'kill' her". Dr. Tschan classifies Nathalie's statements as authentic and credible. He certifies the mothers physical and mental health.

In his statement to the KESB, lawyer Dr. Weltert also included lists of questions: some of which are quoted here: " - What does Ms. Remund know about the visits of [N.N.][child's father] together with [Nathalie] to the nudist beach at La Thielle on Lake Neuchâtel? - Did Ms. Remund approve of this? - If so, why? - Why was the mother of the child, who has custody, not informed? - Why did the counsellor not order accompanied visits, as Helga Berchtold asserted at a parents' meeting?"

The lawyer also writes (quote): "... [Nathalie] has been treated therapeutically by Dr. Ruth Meier in recent years ... Instead of investigating the reasons why [Nathalie] refused to visit her father, Ms. Meier, a trained physician, endeavoured to influence [Nathalie] to make these visits ... With these therapeutic attempts Ms. Meier not only endangered the welfare of the child [N.], but actually injured her by inflicting psychological violence on her. It is disastrous that Ms. Meier did not take [Nathalie's] statements that the father was doing 'gruesome things' seriously. The alarm bells should have rung in the summer of 2019. Ms. Meier did not fulfil her obligation to report the case; the suspicion of sexual assault by the child's father had long since been concretised. Ms. Meier has neglected her professional responsibility to act in a thorough and conscientious manner."

And further (quote): "In this context, the lie of Helga Berchtold, the head of the commissioned Social Region Dornach, which she told at the primary school in Dornach, must also be mentioned. At a meeting of the parents' council there, she claimed that [Nathalie's] visits had always been accompanied. This was not true, however, as [Nathalie] was always subjected to her dramatic fate with her father after the transfer. The KESB, for its part, does not comply with its obligation to clarify the matter ... It should also be pointed out at this point that the children's lawyer Melanie [Melania] Lupi has not spoken to [Nathalie] once to date."

3. What Is Ritual Violence?

"Ritual violence is physical, sexualised and psychological violence in the form of ceremonies such as animal sacrifices, ritual sexualised violence, nausea/disgust-training, desecration of corpses, human sacrifice (mostly newborns), black masses, forcing people to absolute obedience and absolute secrecy. The psychological conditioning of the victims (up to and including mind control) makes it particularly difficult to get out. Since the crime scenes are often underground and hidden, as in the Dutroux case, the criminals often cannot be prosecuted for their crimes ... It is very difficult for victims to leave the crime scenes, many therapists have denied the existence of ritual violence for years. Very typical as a consequence of ritual violence is a dissociative identity disorder." Source:

The Infoportal Rituelle Gewalt lists a collection of definitions on its website and states: "This list makes it clear that ritual violence is not a new, short-lived phenomenon, but that since the end of the 1980's / beginning of the 1990's it has been a subject of intensive international examination and professional research and investigation." Source:

In his expert report [Ritual Violence - in Our Midst?] "Rituelle Gewalt - Mitten unter uns?" psychiatrist Dr. Werner Tschan explains: "Kelley defined ritual violence ... as the 'repeated and systematic sexual, physical and emotional violence against children ...'. Then ... the importance of mind control as a central part of ritual violence was gradually recognised ...".

Under the heading [Violence Is What Politics Defines as Violence] "Gewalt ist, was die Politik als Gewalt definiert" Dr. Tschan states: "In Swiss law no penal articles on ritual violence exist ...". Elsewhere he writes: "The testimonies of victims were not believed ... and: "The most effective defence strategy worldwide for accusations of sexual offences is to question the credibility of the testimony." Source: anthology "Das Schweigen brechen", ed. Verein CARA, pp. 55 ff.

"Although silence is the perpetrators' strongest weapon, more and more victims are coming to light with the truth. This is why people are needed who will speak out courageously for those who are trapped in darkness and silence and have no lobby, because the victims are children". Quote from Ruth Mauz, theologian, founder of the CARA association. Source:

4. Further Information

Jessie Marsson
[...ritual abuse of children] "...ritueller Missbrauch von Kindern" - Cine12:
[Paedo-gate Germany] "Pädogate Deutschland ..." -

Mandy Kopp
["Child Molesters from the Highest Circles" ... Cesspool in Saxony] "'Kinderschänder aus höchsten Kreisen' ... Sachsensumpf":

Meike Büttner
[Ritual Child Abuse ... - The Missing Piece:] "Ritueller Kindesmissbrauch..." - Der Fehlende Part:

Anneke Lucas
[As a child I was raped for hundreds of hours] "Ich wurde als Kind hunderte Stunden lang vergewaltigt" (RT Deutsch):
"I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite...":

Cathy O'Brian
"Mk-Ultra...Stop Mind Control" (deutsch):

Hampstead Kinder
[Terrible Insights Follow] "Es folgen entsetzliche Einblicke" (deutsch):

Fiona Barnett
"VIP Satanic Ritual...", German subtitles:

Alison Carey
"...she saw babies being stabbed in...'satanic rituals'":

[Raped by Satanists ... Child Welfare Office Is Powerless] "Vergewaltigt von Satanisten...Jugendamt kann nichts machen":

Ronald Bernard
[Banker Unpacks ... Rituals - Children - Sacrifice - Satanism]"...Banker packt aus... Rituale - Kinder - Opferung - Satanismus":

[Torture with Knife and Fire ... Even to Death] "Folter mit Messer und Feuer...bis zur Tötung" ZDF (Kennz. D):

John Wedger
[Child Molester Circles; a Police Officer Tells]"Kinderschänderringe, ein Cop erzählt", abuse in the social care and welfare system:

Ted Gunderson

Birgit Doll

[The Fall of the Cabal] "Der Fall der Kabale" (english)

"Adrenochrome Human Trafficking Celebrity Fail"

[Abused Children Freed in California] "Misshandelte Kinder in Kalifornien befreit":

Liz Crokin
"President Trump's War On Human Trafficking":

Pedogate2020 (German)

Pedogate2020 (part 2) Tom Hanks (German)

[The ... Satanic Order Is Controlled by a Central Office in Switzerland...] "Der...Satansorden wird von einer Zentrale in der Schweiz gesteuert..."

*) Document available

Part 3

1. Background, Retrospective:

Part 1:

Part 2:

2. Monstrous Events in November 2020, Cover-Up by Authorities:

9 Nov. 2020: Two men appear at Nathalie's school. One of them threatens the 8-year-old girl with a pistol. The child is frozen with fear. She recognises the faces of the men as friends of her father. Did someone send them? If so, who? Nathalie's supervisor at the school flees with the child.

10 Nov. 2020: Family members on the mother's side go to the police. They are ridiculed and discredited. The police refuse to take up a report.

12 Nov. 2020: Lawyer Dr. Weltert files a complaint*) with the police and states: "The subjects of the complaint are two men dressed in black who were seen ... on the school grounds. They are alleged to have carried a weapon (pistol) and to have given [Nathalie] a sign signifying a pistol shot ... The incident was observed by [Nathalie], by a (completely uninvolved) ... person and by [the supervisor], who accompanies [Nathalie] to school and watches her there ... I presuppose that the police are aware of the course of the investigation of the child's father [N.N.], in particular of what threat he poses ... An imminent danger has ... manifested itself here. To ignore it would be grossly negligent. [Nathalie] is in danger; she is not even safe at school. The police of Basel-Landschaft Canton must do their duty...".

The renowned psychiatrist Dr. Werner Tschan states with regard to Nathalie's father that "in the current situation he is to be regarded as an acute danger to others and to himself ... according to his daughter, he is in possession of firearms" and "he has repeatedly made threats to [his wife][N.N.] or daughter to 'kill' her". Dr. Tschan classifies Nathalie's statements as authentic and credible.

17 Nov. 2020: The well-being of the child, who has survived satanic-ritual violence up until now, does not seem to interest the KESB, which rather puts all its efforts into covering up the atrocities of the paederast-/satanist-elite. The KESB itself thus fuels the rumour that it was founded by paedocriminals and writes in its "decision of 17 November 2020"*): "... 1. the facts of the case ... 1.2 3.1 The application by the lawyer Dr. Hans M. Weltert ... that [the child's father] be subjected to forensic/psychiatric investigation is dismissed ... 2.2 The application by the lawyer Dr. Hans M. Weltert that [the child's father] be investigated with regard to possible paedophilia is also dismissed ... 2.4 ... the application by Dr. Hans M. Weltert for an expert opinion on the parental capacity of the child's father must therefore be rejected ... 3.2 The applications of the lawyer Dr. Hans M. Weltert dated 19 September 2020 are dismissed ...".

This is how protection of perpetrators and cover-ups works. No one checks the child's father. The KESB rejects all applications in this regard. The alleged child molester, Satanist and violent criminal is still free, nor does any court summon him. He can send his brothers in arms back to the school armed. Nathalie's protectors must continue to fear for their own lives and for the life of the child. They guard the child 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; Switzerland 2020.

So Switzerland protects its adrenochrome addicted and compulsively violent monsters! Its deep state creatures! Its heavily armed elite! But not the child!

Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga: Stop this madness immediately! Lock these hunters away! Save Nathalie from these killers! Remember your oath!

3. Everyone Who Can Should Show Support for Nathalie

More and more compassionate people are gathering around Nathalie. The people takes a stand. The terror of the deep state is no longer tolerable for feeling individuals. The family asks all fellow human beings to help bear their various burdens. Nathalie's legal, security and therapeutic care is very expensive. Please help! Every little contribution counts; see:

4. Further Information

"The [Basel Zodiac/Animal Circle] 'Basler Tierkreis' for child trafficking, child abuse, child torture and even infanticide" ("It is not surprising that the false, long-time First Public Prosecutor of Basel, Thomas Hug, also FDP, did not have any 'Justizdiplom' [a juristic degree/certificate] ... arms trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, including infanticide by ritual torture ..." ... "Until this day a monument for the missing children from the orphanage in Basel is still missing. And it can be assumed that many more children from orphanages have simply 'disappeared' - abused, tortured, killed and disposed of in rubbish bags" ... Point 8-10):

"... The 'Basler Tierkreis' was a paedocriminal ring i.a. of academics, lawyers, physicians and businesspeople from 'Basel's better circles' ...":

Ritual Violence: What Has Come to Light so Far:

Free the Children: (Note - New: Menu - Criminal Charges)

Jessie Marsson, survivor of ritual violence, writes: "... politicians, lawyers, public prosecutors, judges and business leaders have enjoyed themselves in the child brothel 'Jasmin'. And, of course, compromising pictures were taken of them to render them susceptible to blackmail. The police officers in charge knew of the dirty deeds of their superiors and did nothing about it ... the victims attempted to see justice done through legal channels ... the greatest irony consists in that former clients in all seriousness are working as judges on these cases ..." and further: "... one of the largest child pornography rings on the internet was exposed. Among the perpetrators: judges, members of parliament, local politicians, teachers, public prosecutors, so-called government officials, including police officers and other officials ...".

"MKUltra survivor Cathy O'Brien: Protect our children from the paedophile agenda" ("Paedophiles live on the adrenaline of tortured children, while we are socially brought to accept their idea that 'children desire to be raped' ":

Dr. Marcel Polte writes in his book [Dark New World Order Part 1] "Dunkle Neue Weltordnung Teil 1", p. 121: "In the proceedings the children had claimed that they were taken in underground corridors from the school to ceremonial places. No one believed them. After the trial was over, a team of professional archaeologists found evidence of the tunnels ..." and on p. 122: "They also reported ritual acts familiar from other cases. These included: imprisonment in cages, drug injections, pornographic images, perpetrators wearing masks and capes, torturing and killing animals, participation in or observation of torture and sexual abuse of other children, and killing and dismemberment of babies and young children, including cannibalism. A child ... described how adults were tied to trees with cables and burned ... The child's parents later found a burnt tree with power cables wrapped around its trunk." Source: See also:


New World Order:

The Fall of the Cabal (German, complete):
(English, complete):

Child Sacrifice Factories and Adrenochrome:

Perpetrators Operated an International "Rotation System":,view=conversionToLogin.bild.html

Münster Abuse Complex:

*) document is available

Part 4


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

16 February 2021: "Paedophile Artwork before the Dornach Monastery?" (Below: Letters to the Editor. KERNPUNKTE)

"In connexion with the 'Nathalie' case (name changed) Dornach authorities gained the reputation of being paedophile-friendly. In this regard the 2006 iron sculpture 'Alpha & Omega' by René Küng, which stands in front of the Dornach monastery's church deserves special attention. Next to this is the entrance of the Dorneck-Thierstein civil registry office. Who types in the words 'paedophile signs' in the course of an internet search will easily find listings of symbols used to show paedophiles that they have found the 'right' place. On 28 January an article on this topic appeared in the free newspaper '20 Minuten' with the following headline: "Coop Changes Design of 'Paedophile Bag' after Criticism" - Severe criticism of the illustration of the new Coop bags, which depicted symbols circulating in the paedo-criminal scene. Coop has already reacted to a customer complaint."

"An original document created by the FBI was revealed by Julian Assange/WikiLeaks in November 2007 [see link below ...]. Among the tell-tale signs listed there is also the shape that constitutes one half of the iron sculpture. Why has a sculpture with this sign been placed there? If one searches for the social service region from the Dornach municipality website, one will find a presentation on 'Adult and Child Protection (EKS)', at the top of which a photograph appears, showing the monastery church with the forecourt and the sculpture with the paedophile symbol. What kind of a statement is this? Does this mean: 'Paedophiles everywhere, here, at this child protection office you will find support?' And what does it mean for this sculpture to be located beside the entrance to a Catholic church? I do not wish to place any blame on the artist. Artists must be free to follow their imagination, without constantly having to consider whether anyone might see something completely unintended in their work. I should like to know, however, why this work was placed there of all places. In them atmosphere of the 'Nathalie case', terrible surmises assert themselves. Max Flintkorn" (Source: KERNPUNKTE. )

"Truth for Nathalie" (Source: KERNPUNKTE)

Mayor Christian Schlatter (Dornach) may be leaving next summer, but things can only improve if the untruths he spreads are cleared up. For what is good can only flourish on the ground of truth. On 10 September 2020, the BaZ quoted Dornach mayor Christian Schlatter regarding the "Nathalie case" (name changed): "We must have listened to every party to the case ten times. Also the child." This is not true. I have made enquiries with the child's mother. After the child's initial insinuations regarding sexual abuse, a single conversation took place on 12 June 2019 with the social worker from the Dorneck social service region. But the social worker decided not to press abuse charges, and nothing happened. Since then, no conversation has taken place between the Dorneck social service region's representatives and the child.

I cannot judge whether Christian Schlatter or the ladies from the social service region have had ten discourses with the perpetrator. On 8 June 2020, when asked how long he had known about the case, he told Bajour: "That was about a year ago, when the media started to report on the case." Yet the first article about the "Nathalie" case appeared in the BaZ on 26 October 2019.

Does he regard such a serious matter so lightly as to make a year out of a good seven months, or does he mean to imply that he has known of the case for a considerably longer time? According to the files, the girl had spoken of her father's sexual assaults for the first time during an interview at the university psychiatric clinic on 28 November 2018. Another interview by the Dornach social service region took place on 12 June 2019 , about a year before 8 June, when Schlatter said he had known of the case for about a year.

Both of the women who questioned the girl would have been legally obliged to report the father to the authorities immediately, which did not occur. A flatmate of the father filed a report of endangerment with the social service region in spring 2019, but she was urged by the women working there to withdraw the report, and so she did. Still Schlatter told Bajour: "All endangerment reports were taken seriously."

In the same interview, he also asserts that it had been stated in the BaZ that "a medical report had only reached the child's father", which is untrue. It says there that "a copy was also sent to the child's father" (see BaZ of 27 May 2019). Schlatter's statement to 20Minuten on 4 June 2019 was altogether confusing: "The one-sided view of the victim was reproduced unfiltered and without context."

How can one speak of the "one-sided view of the victim" in the case of an abuse victim? Did Schlatter mean to say that the statements of the violent and paedophile father ought to be given the same weight as those of the abused girl? In any case, this would explain why he did not stop the ladies of the social service region and KESB from continuing to expose the child to her father. Johannes Greiner, Dornach (Source: KERNPUNKTE. )

17 February 2021: "Nathalie Case: Chief Prosecutor Intervenes" (Report by Balz Bruder. Solothurner Zeitung):

"The top prosecutor in the canton defends the investigation, yet doubts the credibility of the accusations."

"Exactly 82,507 Swiss franks have been raised by supporters for the mother of Nathalie (name changed by the editors) to help her pay the legal and court fees she has incurred (and is still incurring) in the fight for justice in the case of the 9-year-old girl allegedly abused by her father.

While the fundraising on Wemakeit has been completed, the investigation by the Solothurn public prosecutor's office continues. 'In the present case, the public prosecutor's office can confirm that a criminal investigation against the child's father is underway and that the accused is not currently in custody,' the public prosecutor's office states upon request. Last May, the father's house was searched. Whether charges will be brought at all, and if so, when, is currently uncertain. The presumption of innocence applies.

Even if nothing has physically happened since then: The same public prosecutor's office has issued a non-prosecution order (Nichtanhandnahmeverfügung] that raises eyebrows. As a reminder: at the beginning of June last year, the prosecution received a criminal complaint in which serious accusations were made.

'Undue favouritism...'

Literally, the complaint said: 'The conduct of the Solothurn public prosecutor's office and the prosecutor in charge of the proceedings, Ralph Müller, is in our opinion untenable and a downright unacceptable refusal to take officially urgent action to expedite the criminal proceedings.' The public prosecutor's office and public prosecutor Müller allowed the possible destruction of evidence by the accused father of the child in 'what is at least a grossly negligent manner' and did 'far too little to guard against the possibility of future criminal offences'. This inaction thus constituted 'an inadmissible and scandalous preferential treatment of the accused and raised the question 'to what extent the Solothurn public prosecutor's office and public prosecutor Müller are at all in a position to conduct and lead these proceedings'.

'With all this, the complainant is not only endangering the child's welfare, but also the criminal investigation.'

Now the prosecuting authority's reply is available in the form of a non-acceptance order [Nichtanhandnahmeverfügung] - the public prosecutor's office sees no reason to pursue the accusation of favouritism, nor will they leave it at that. Senior public prosecutor Hansjürg Brodbeck has very clear words for the group of complainants - among them Riedholz SVP councillor Stephanie Ritschard. He refers not least to a decision of the Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Court issued shortly after the criminal complaint against the public prosecutor's office. The latter stated that the criminal investigation in the Nathalie case was 'certainly not dragging on' - if anything, the investigation was being 'made more difficult by the actions of the complainant, i.e. the mother of the child, and her environment.'

The chief public prosecutor goes even further: Nathalie's mother is endangering 'not only the welfare of the child, but also the criminal investigation' with her behaviour, the top Solothurn prosecutor states in all clarity. Moreover, the non-order of pre-trial detention for the child's father was 'very well justified'.

'...very big question marks'

And further: 'Namely, there are very big question marks about the credibility of the charges expressed by Nathalie which arose on the occasion of the questioning carried out by her mother on her own authority and in an irresponsible manner with regard to criminal procedure', Brodbeck states. For example: 'It is noticeable that the charges became more and more serious in the course of time and that certain stories could only be true if the perpetrators were capable of overriding natural laws.'

Surprising words from the mouth of the chief public prosecutor at a time when investigations are ongoing and it is unclear whether charges will be brought against the child's father or not. For the core question was simply that of whether the prosecuting authority was conducting the proceedings properly." (Source: )

to be continued ...

Aussender: Verein VICTIMS MISSION
Ansprechpartner: Sissi Kammerlander
Tel.: +43 676 7807229