Announcement according to article 119 section 9 BörseG

Frequentis AG: Publication of an authorization to dispose of/utilize own shares

Vienna / Austria (pta025/06.06.2024/16:03 UTC+2)

Publication of a resolution of the General Meeting pursuant to Section 3 Para 1 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 in connection with Section 119 Para 9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018

The ordinary General Meeting of FREQUENTIS AG held on 6 June 2024 adopted the following resolution in relation to item 13 of the agenda (Resolution on the authorization of the Executive Board pursuant to Section 65 Para 1b Stock Corporation Act to dispose of, or utilize own shares also in other ways than a disposal via the stock exchange or a public offering for any legally permissible purpose and to also exclude the general purchasing possibility of the shareholders as well as revocation of the respective resolution of the General Meeting of 20 September 2019):

The authorization of the Executive Board to dispose of, or utilize own shares in the Company in accordance with Section 65 Para 1b Stock Corporation Act, granted by resolution in the Extraordinary General Meeting of 20 September 2019 under item 6 of the agenda, was revoked to the extent not yet utilized, and at the same time, the Executive Board has been authorized pursuant to Section 65 Para 1b Stock Corporation Act to dispose of, or utilize, own shares repurchased for a period of five years from the day of the resolution, therefore until and including 5 June 2029 with the consent of the Supervisory Board and without a further resolution by the General Meeting, also in other ways than a disposal via the stock exchange or a public offering, in particular

  1. to grant own shares to employees, senior employees and/or members of the Company's Executive Board or the management boards of its affiliates including for purposes of share transfer programs, in particular stock options, long term incentive plans or other stock ownership plans,
  2. to deliver own shares to service any convertible bonds issued,
  3. as consideration for the acquisition of entities, business operations, parts of business operations or shares in one or several companies at home or abroad, and
  4. for any other legally permissible purpose,

and to exclude the general purchasing possibility of the shareholders. This authorization may be exercised in total or partially and also in several parts and for several purposes.

Vienna, 6 June 2024

The Executive Board


Emitter: Frequentis AG
Innovationsstraße 1
1100 Wien
Contact Person: Stefan Marin
Phone: +431811501074
Stock Exchange(s): Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Trade)
Other Stock Exchanges: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt