Pellet boilers increasingly used to heat municipal buildings
Practical information at the Interpellets 2009 trade fair
Pforzheim (pts020/10.07.2009/13:50) Wood pellets are increasingly the fuel of choice in new and renovated municipal buildings: According to the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV), more and more municipalities are turning to pellet heating systems to provide heating for non-residential buildings such as schools, kindergartens or city halls. The German government's second economic stimulus package, along with further incentive programs, provides municipalities with additional funding opportunities. "Thanks to financial incentives, the decision to replace heating systems as part of an energy efficient renovation has become much easier. The modernization of roofs, windows, façades and indeed heating systems also guarantees the economic operation of public buildings in the long term," states Horst Dufner, Interpellets 2009 Project Manager, in assessing the trend. At the Interpellets 2009 trade fair, municipal energy officers, architects and building services planners will be able to view the wide range of products, services and technical solutions currently offered by the wood pellets industry. Interpellets 2009 will take place from October 7-9 at the New Stuttgart Trade Fair Center.
Pellets present an attractive heating alternative, particularly for buildings such as civic centers, kindergartens, schools and city halls. The Gaienhofen-Horn fire department at Lake Constance, the Struwwelpeter children's day care center in Grünwald, near Munich, Bavaria, and Kempten's Cambomare leisure pool all have one thing in common: their heating requirements are provided by large wood pellet boilers. More and more municipalities now rely on this modern fuel to supply energy for their buildings. Last year the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV) observed a trend towards larger heating systems with a thermal output of over 50 kilowatts. The majority of these are being employed in municipal and commercial projects.
Economically viable: pellets heating systems have a payback period of between five and eight years
The DEPV believes that savings in fuel costs and the ensuing short payback times are reasons to invest in pellet heating systems. In addition to the ecological arguments for using renewable energies, the use of wood pellets can also be economically advantageous: Municipalities can greatly reduce fuel costs when compared with fuel oil or natural gas, in some cases by up to 50 percent. Long-term energy costs can be more easily calculated since, unlike conventional energy sources, they are not subject to severe fluctuations in price. Moreover, expert opinion states that large pellet plants have a payback period of approximately five to eight years. "The larger the system a municipality invests in, the more economically viable it is," declares Horst Dufner. This is because boiler costs fall with each installed kilowatt of thermal output and the price advantage of the fuel is greater when large heat quantities are produced by bigger pellets heating systems.
Pellets heating systems can be adapted to suit different heating requirements in non-residential buildings
The planning of large pellets plants is complex: An efficient supply of fuel is necessary, and the removal of ashes and the pellets storage must be well thought-out. The pellets storage area should also not be too large. For practical reasons, experts recommend planning storage space for between 60 and 100 cubic meters of wood pellets. One bulk transporter carries approximately 40 cubic meters of pellets. With one and a half transporter loads the operator has sufficient time to order a new delivery once fuel supplies are running short. The user can also purchase one full transporter load and will therefore only require a smaller, more cost-effective store.
The various uses of the building are also important: Schools and kindergartens have different heating requirements to civic centers and exhibition halls for example. These heating requirements must be determined according to the relevant framework and in a clear and comprehensible manner. The wood boiler must then be designed to meet the heating requirements as closely as possible, so that it achieves the high capacity utilization required.
Large pellets heating systems enjoy state subsidies in many European countries
Large pellets heating systems enjoy state subsidies in many European countries. In Germany, biomass heating systems with an output of up to 100 kW automatically receive a subsidy under the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) market incentive program. Numerous regional incentive programs are also available.
Municipal energy officers as well as building services planners and architects require specialist, practical information during the decision-making and preparation phases of a renovation project. Training and current information relating to pellets technology are helpful during this process. The Interpellets 2009 international trade fair provides an overview of the range of products and services currently available in the pellets industry: it is an information platform covering all aspects of wood pellets technology. Manufacturers, dealers and suppliers from the pellets industry will meet at the New Stuttgart Trade Fair Center from October 7-9. Boilers and heaters in different performance categories will be on show at Interpellets 2009, alongside services and innovations in pellets technology. Around 500 trade experts are also expected to attend the accompanying 9th Pellets Industry Forum trade congress on October 6 and 7.
Organizers and supporters of Interpellets 2009 and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:
The Interpellets 2009 trade fair and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum are organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany. Funding for the event is provided by the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).
Sponsors of the 9th Pellets Industry Forum:
Gold Sponsor: FireStixx Holzenergie GmbH
Silver Sponsors:
Meneba B.V., Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Deutschland GmbH, RIKA Innovative Ofentechnik GmbH and Schellinger KG.
Bronze Sponsors:
BayWa AG, Energie, Bühler AG, DIN CERTCO, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, GEE Energy GmbH & Co. KG, Haas + Sohn, SHT Heiztechnik aus Salzburg GmbH, Solarfocus GmbH, STELA Laxhuber GmbH, Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH and wodtke GmbH.
Further information on Interpellets 2009 and the 9th Pellets Industry Forum;
Solar Promotion GmbH
Martin Pfränger / Horst Dufner
P.O.Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany
Phone +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-0
Fax +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-28
Press contact:
Press office Interpellets 2009 and 9th Pellets Industry Forum
c/o pr.moebitz Gabriele Möbitz
Freiaustraße 58
79100 Freiburg, Germany
Phone +49 (0)761 / 881 49-84
Fax +49 (0)761 / 881 49-85
Municipal energy officers as well as building services planners and architects require specialist, practical information during the decision-making and preparation phases of a renovation project. Training and current information relating to pellets technology are helpful during this process. The Interpellets 2009 international trade fair provides an overview of the range of products and services currently available in the pellets industry: it is an information platform covering all aspects of wood pellets technology. Manufacturers, dealers and suppliers from the pellets industry will meet at the New Stuttgart Trade Fair Center from October 7-9. Boilers and heaters in different performance categories will be on show at Interpellets 2009, alongside services and innovations in pellets technology. Around 500 trade experts are also expected to attend the accompanying 9th Pellets Industry Forum trade congress on October 6 and 7.
(end)Aussender: | Solar Promotion GmbH |
Ansprechpartner: | Horst Dufner/Martin Pfränger |
Tel.: | 07231 - 58 598 - 0 |
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