pts20081029037 in Business

Interpellets 2008 opening in Stuttgart

Latest report on the wood pellets industry indicates a positive mood

Stuttgart (pts037/29.10.2008/15:23) Interpellets 2008 will today open its doors for three days. It focuses exclusively on wood pellet fuel and pellets technology. 120 pellets industry manufacturers, dealers and suppliers, 33 percent of whom are from abroad, will present their products and services across an area of 7,000 square meters. The organizers, Solar Promotion GmbH, are expecting 6,000 visitors over the three days of the show, with around 20 percent of them coming from abroad. The first two days are exclusive to specialist trade visitors, but on Friday, October 31, the show will be open to the general public from 9.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. Increased industry growth was also a focus of presentations at the 8th Pellets Industry Forum in the run-up to the show. Around 480 conference participants from 37 countries were present to discuss current trends and developments in the pellets industry.

Larger booth area bookings at Interpellets 2008 reflect the upward trend in the pellets industry

The three-day Interpellets 2008 begins today in Stuttgart under favorable auspices. "After the difficulties of 2007, all signs are positive for renewed growth in the sector," states Markus Elsässer, managing director of the organizer, Solar Promotion GmbH. "Interpellets, the meeting point for the manufacturers, producers, suppliers, wholesalers and service providers of the industry, reflects this optimistic outlook. The political conditions for pellets heating systems have continued to improve since the beginning of this year and the market incentive program is offering consumers higher grants than ever," he continues. A total of 120 exhibitors will present their products, technical solutions and services at this year's Interpellets, across an area of 7,000 square meters.

German Energy Pellets Association: 105,000 pellets heating systems to be installed in Germany by the end of 2008

Martin Bentele, managing director of the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV), is also pleased with growth in the industry: "The upward trend forecast in the industry has materialized. This year we have noted a change in trend with a distinct increase in demand for modern wood pellets fuel." According to Bentele, a communications offensive is required if this development is to be perpetuated: "We want to get the message across to consumers that local, renewable heat sources are the best and most reliable choice, especially in these economically unstable times."

DEPV chairwoman, Beate Schmidt, estimates that the number of pellets heating systems in Germany will rise from 83,000 to 105,000 by the end of this year. Current findings in the 2008 pellets industry report show that this forecast is realistic. This annual survey on the situation in the German pellets market is conducted by Solar Promotion GmbH in collaboration with the German Energy Pellets Association amongst manufacturers, dealers and specialized pellets technology installation companies. According to the survey, 50 percent of pellet stove suppliers expect growth of over 25 percent this year in comparison with last year. Two thirds of the boiler suppliers deem this growth to be realistic; a quarter of them even expect a sales increase of 75 percent.

Interpellets 2008 also offers end-users a concise overview of heating with pellets

The forecast for 2009 shows that 42 percent of stove manufacturers expect growth of up to 10 percent. Around a quarter even think that growth of between 36 and 50 percent is possible. The boiler suppliers are more optimistic: over half of them are predicting growth of over 25 percent. Pellets industry manufacturers, dealers and suppliers will present the entire range of the pellets value added chain until Friday, October 31 in Hall 5 of the New Stuttgart Trade Show Center. Around 6,000 visitors including specialists in refurbishment, heating and climate, architects, planners, energy advisors and chimney sweeps are expected. Interpellets is also open to the general public on Friday, October 31. "Interpellets gives home owners, as well as commercial and industrial enterprises, a quick, concise overview of heating with pellets," says Markus Elsässer.

Organizers and supporters of Interpellets 2008 and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum

The Interpellets 2008 trade fair and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum are organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany. The events are supported by the German Pellets Association (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).

Sponsors of the 8th Pellets Industry Forum:

Anton Heggenstaller GmbH, Bühler AG, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, FireStixx, Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, RIKA Metallwaren GmbH + Co. KG, Schellinger KG, STELA Laxhuber GmbH, Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co KG, Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH, wodtke GmbH.

Further information on Interpellets 2008 and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum:
Solar Promotion GmbH
Barbara Pilz / Horst Dufner
P.O. Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany

Phone +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-0
Fax +49 (0)7231 / 58 59 8-28

Press contact:
Press office Interpellets 2008
and 8th Pellets Industry Forum
c/o pr.moebitz Gabriele Möbitz
Freiaustraße 58
79100 Freiburg, Germany

Phone +49 (0)761 / 881 49-84
Fax +49 (0)761 / 881 49-85

Aussender: Solar Promotion GmbH
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner/Barbara Pilz
Tel.: +49 7231/58598 - 0