pts20080812014 in Business

Production capacity grows: 2.6m tons of wood pellets to be produced in Germany

Pellets industry manufacturers, dealers and suppliers will meet at Interpellets

Pforzheim (pts014/12.08.2008/10:30) There is an increasing number of wood pellet manufacturers in Germany. According to current statistics from the organizer of the Interpellets 2008 trade fair and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum, Solar Promotion GmbH, 48 companies will produce modern wood pellet fuel at 55 sites this year. The total production capacity of the plants amounts to 2.6 million tons per year. The largest production plants have fabrication machinery capable of manufactu­ring more than 100,000 tons of wood pellets per year. "Only a few years ago this was the total output of all the producers put together," emphasized Barbara Pilz, project manager of the 8th Pellets Industry Forum. The international trade conference takes place at the Inter­national Congress Centre in Stuttgart from October 28-29. It addresses current market issues and developments, and offers pellet industry decision-makers a platform for discussion. The trade fair Interpellets 2008, which takes place from October 29-31 at New Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart as well, also serves as a meeting place for the international pellet industry.

This year, the wood pellets production capacity in Germany will rise to a planned 2.6 million tons. This is supported by current statistics from Solar Promotion GmbH. Last year the capacity was still only around 2 million tons. At that time, 36 pellet companies produced wood pellet fuel in 48 locations. Today, 48 wood pellet manufacturers are active in a total of 55 locations. According to the estimates of pellet manufacturers, around 2.2 million tons of wood pellets will be produced this year; twice as many as in 2007.

"These figures clearly reflect the capacity expansion that has been driven by pellet manufacturers during the last year," says Barbara Pilz of Solar Promotion GmbH. "New companies have entered the pellets market and existing firms have expanded their capacities so that the consumer fuel supply is assured," she added. Today's available wood pellet production capacity of 2.6 million tons could supply over 400,000 households nationwide. With a supposed consumption rate of six tons per building, this means four times as many pellet heating systems as the total estimated by the German Energy Pellet Association e.V. for this year. Particularly new plants with production capabilities between 20,000 tons and 50,000 tons, whose main market is regional distribution, have recently started operation. "An end to capacity expansion is still not in sight," says Barbara Pilz. In the next two years, a further 11 wood pellet producers are expected to go into operation at a total of 13 sites. With an expected capacity of over 700,000 tons per year, a further 100,000 pellets heating systems could be supplied to households.

The raw material base for the manufacture of wood pellets has hardly changed in comparison to past years. Most pellet producers receive their raw material in the form of sawdust or wood shavings, which are by-products of sawmills. Nevertheless, new sources of raw materials are becoming available: wood from forestry residues such as weak branches and treetops, and now also short rotation wood from fast growing willow trees, will contribute to raw material availability in the coming years.

Pellets industry manufacturers, dealers and suppliers will present their products, services and technical solutions at the Interpellets 2008 trade fair. New markets such as large-scale industrial plants for wood pellets and innovations in production technology are popular subject areas, which will find a platform at the Interpellets trade fair taking place at New Trade Fair Centre Stuttgart, Germany from October 29-31. Around 150 exhibitors are expected in a space of 7,000 square meters. On the eve of the trade fair, current pellet market developments will be discussed by around 500 pellets industry experts at the 8th Pellets Industry Forum, which takes place in the International Congress Centre Stuttgart, Germany.

Organizer and supporters of Interpellets 2008
and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum:
The Interpellets 2008 trade fair and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum are organized by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim. The events are supported by the German Energy Pellets Association (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).

Sponsors of the 8th Pellets Industry Forum:
Anton Heggenstaller GmbH, Bühler AG, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, FireStixx, Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, RIKA Metallwaren GmbH + Co. KG, Schellinger KG, STELA Laxhuber GmbH, Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co KG, Windhager Zentralheizung GmbH, wodtke GmbH.

Further information on Interpellets 2008 and the 8th Pellets Industry Forum:
Solar Promotion GmbH
Barbara Pilz / Horst Dufner
Postfach 100 170
75101 Pforzheim

Tel. +49 (0)7231-58 59 8 - 0
Fax +49 (0)7231-58 59 8 - 28

Press contact:
Press office Interpellets 2008
and 8th Pellets Industry Forum
c/o pr.moebitz Gabriele Möbitz
Freiaustraße 58
79100 Freiburg

Tel. +49 (0)761-881 49 84
Fax +49 (0)761-881 49 85

Aussender: Interpellets 2008
Ansprechpartner: Barbara Pilz/Horst Dufner
Tel.: +49 (0)7231-58 59 8 - 0