pts20070711012 in Forschung

Great Potential for Pellets Markets in Europe and Worldwide

platform for the international wood pellet industry

Pforzheim (pts012/11.07.2007/11:07) Specialist trade fair and industry forum offer platform for the international wood pellet industry.

While the trade of wood pellet fuel has been increasing worldwide, the national pellets markets are developing very differently. Along with Sweden, Italy and Austria, Germany has one of the biggest pellets markets in Europe. Recently France has also been showing a promising market development. The 7th Pellets Industry Forum and the specialist trade fair Interpellets 2007 promote exchange between manufacturers, traders, suppliers and service personnel from within Germany and abroad. The 7th Pellets Industry Forum takes place on 9th and 10th October, in the International Congress Center in Stuttgart (ICS), Interpellets 2007 takes place from 10th to 12th October at Stuttgart Neue Messe.

Internationalization has a positive effect on the pellets value-added chain

The internationalisation of the pellets market has a positive effect on the whole value added chain. Potential lies in the expansion of capacity in pellet production, as well as in the import and export of storage and conveyor systems and of pellet heating systems. "As well as the established pellets markets in German speaking countries and Sweden, new markets are emerging across Europe, with country-specific differences in production, consumption, extraction and buyers," said Barbara Pilz, project leader of the 7th Pellets Industry Forum. As the European industry's meeting point, the 7th Pellets Industry Forum and Interpellets 2007 take the increasing internationalisation into account.

Established pellets markets in Germany and Sweden

Differences in production and consumption characterise the international pellets market. Last year Germany produced 550,000 tonnes of wood pellets, whilst 450,000 tonnes were used nationwide. There are a total 70,000 pellet heating systems in place. In addition this year a further expansion of the production capacity is planned, from 1.2 million tonnes to 2.4 million tonnes of wood pellets. Large systems with peak power over 150 kilowatts are being increasingly sought after by large consumers such as hotels. In contrast to countries such as Sweden however, private households are still the main purchasers.

In Sweden, pellets make up a large proportion of the fuel market, with almost 60 percent being used in the large power stations as well as in the local heating network. With a consumption of around 1.6 million tonnes of pellets in 2006, Sweden is therefore the forerunning consumer world-wide. At the same time, Sweden produced around 1.4 million tonnes of wood pellets in around 30 pellet production plants. There are around 80,000 pellet heating systems installed in Sweden, only ten percent of private households are still heated with oil. At a rate of 25 percent, Sweden's annual growth of new installations is consistently high. One of the reasons for this is the high taxation of 52 percent for CO2 on all fossil fuels.

Italy has one of the largest and fastest growing markets for pellet heating systems in Europe. 80 percent of sales are of ovens with an output of ten to twelve kilowatts, a further 20 percent are pellet central heating systems. Due to the strong demand for pellet ovens, they are occasionally available in large supermarkets. There are around 400,000 pellet ovens, mainly in north Italian households, whereas in the south a strong increase in boiler stations has been recorded. Last year, the pellet consumption in Italy was 550,000 tons - higher than in Germany (450,000 tonnes) and in Austria (400,000 tonnes).

France presents a new growth market. Pellets are becoming increasingly known among gas and electrical fitters and consumers. One reason for this is the state, and various regional market incentive programmes: the annual growth of boiler systems and ovens is currently around 30 percent. A further reason for the growth is the construction of 27 new pellet factories in France in 2006.

Export markets for wood pellets are almost exclusively in the Baltic Republic, Finland, Russia, Poland and Canada. They all have low internal sales. Canada produced around 1.2 million tonnes of pellets last year, of which a high proportion were sent to Europe through the trade centre in Rotterdam. The Canadian pellets association estimates that this year 700,000 tonnes of Canadian wood pellets will be used in European power stations. Russia, with its 880 million hectares of woodland, has huge potential for pellet production. Urged on by this rapid development, producers in many countries are increasing their capacity.

Interpellets 2007 and 7th Pellets Industry Forum offers platform for international industry players

Interpellets 2007 takes place from 10th to 12th October 2007, in the Neue Messe Stuttgart as a platform for the innovative pellets industry and for the promotion of the international exchange. The complete value added chain of the pellets industry will be represented: manufacturers, wholesalers, suppliers and service providers, who will present their products and services at Interpellets 2007. From 9th to 10th October, in the run up to the trade fair, over 400 experts from the pellets industry will meet at the 7th Pellets Industry Forum in the International Congress Center in Stuttgart (ICS) to discuss the current industry concerns. All lectures at the congress will be simultaneously translated (German/English). The organisers of Solar Promotion are expecting around 150 exhibitors and 6,000 visitors, around 20 percent of whom will come from abroad.

Organisers and supporters of Interpellets 2007 and the 7th Pellets Industry Forum:

The specialist trade fair Interpellets 2007 and the 7th Pellets Industry Forum is organised by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim. Interpellets 2007 is supported by the German Energy Pellet Association e.V. (DEPV) and the International Solar Energy Society German Section e.V. (DGS).

Sponsors of the 7th Pellets Industry Forum:

BBT Thermotechnik - Buderus Deutschland, Bühler AG, Calimax GmbH, CTM Heiztechnik GmbH, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, FireStixx Holz-Energie GmbH, German Pellets GmbH, Müller AG Holzfeuerungen, Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, RIKA Metallwaren GmbH + Co. KG, Schellinger KG, TONA - Tonwerke Schmitz GmbH, wodtke GmbH.

Further information
Interpellets 2007:

Mr. Horst Dufner
P.O. Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim

Tel. +49-(0)7231-58 59 8 - 0
Fax +49-(0)7231-58 59 8 - 28

Media contact:
Akzent. Strategische Kommunikation
Kirsten Thellmann / Ulrike Feldhusen
Körtestraße 18
10967 Berlin

Tel. +49-(0)30-63 41 32 - 05
Fax +49-(0)30-63 41 32 - 06

Aussender: Interpellets
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner
Tel.: ++49 (0)7231 / 58 598-0