pts20070628015 in Forschung

Intersolar 2007: On the way to a global trade fair

Europe's largest specialist trade fair for solar technology

Freiburg (pts015/28.06.2007/10:15) The positive reaction to Europe's largest specialist trade fair for solar technology has left us anticipating next year

Intersolar, Europe's largest specialist trade fair for photovoltaics, solar thermal energy and solar architecture, concluded on Saturday with a new visitor record. Intersolar furthered its status as the leading trade fair of the European solar technology industry and bid farewell to Freiburg after eight years, with a record of around 32,000 visitors. From 2008, Intersolar will take place in the trade fair centre in Munich.

Thirty percent more visitors than last year

The number of visitors was much higher than expected: At first, the organisers estimated topping around 26,000 visitors, but it soon became apparent that this predic-tion would be further exceeded: 31,964 decision makers from industry, trade, craft and service met in Freiburg - over 30 percent more than last year. "With these figures, Intersolar has once again confirmed its position as the leading platform in Europe. There is no larger event anywhere in the world," said Horst Dufner, Project Manager of Intersolar 2007.

Internationality has increased further

The greatest increase in visitors was in the first two days of the trade fair, which were reserved for specialist visitors. Visitors from almost 100 countries arrived in Freiburg on Thursday and Friday. This confirms the status that the trade fair has earned from the international specialist public. The exhibitor list also showed the internationalisa-tion trend: This year, 37 percent of exhibitors travelled to Freiburg from over 30 countries.

Huge success of the supporting programme

In the run up to the trade fair, Europe's largest industry conference for solar thermal technology, estec2007, took place in the Konzerthaus Freiburg. Experts from science and industry provided insight into the European solar markets, discussed the current trends and used the international platform for interdisciplinary exchange. Most impressive was the internationality of the visitors: 67 percent of the 503 participants came from 50 countries to Freiburg.

The 3rd PV Industry Forum also took place in the Konzerthaus. Here, international speakers from the photovoltaic industry and from various research institutions informed about the international photovoltaic markets and technological innovations. The internationality of the visitors here was also impressive: This year, 62 percent of the 319 participants in the PV Industry Forum travelled from abroad to Freiburg. In total, 42 different nations were represented. After this huge success, the PV Industry Forum will also take place in Munich next year and will be extended to one and a half days in the supporting programme of Intersolar 2008.

Good predictions for Munich

This year's figures have given rise to the first predictions for Intersolar 2008 in Mu-nich. 800 exhibitors and more than 35,000 visitors are expected. The move to the trade fair halls in Munich is therefore unavoidable - with its 51,000 m2, Intersolar's continually increasing need for space will be met there. Intersolar 2008 will take place in the new trade fair centre in Munich from 12th to 14th June 2008.

The industry increases further

Germany is the global leader in the construction of solar systems. A dynamic market and an innovative atmosphere offer the ideal prerequisites for Intersolar. The trade fair lies hand in hand with the industry. The outstanding result of Intersolar 2007 reflects the current standing of the solar industry in Germany. In 2006, around 220,000 new solar systems, with a total value of around five billion Euros, were installed in Germany. In the last year, foreign sales have amounted to around a billion Euros. This year, the industry expects a growth in foreign sales to 1.5 billion euros. According to estimates from the industry association BSW-Solar, the number of employees in the German solar industry could almost double to 90,000 by 2012.

Supporters of Intersolar 2007

Supporters of Intersolar 2007 are the leading associations in the solar industry. German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar), German Solar Energy Society (DGS), the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) and the International Solar Energy Society (ISES).

About Intersolar

The international trade fair Intersolar is Europe's largest trade fair for solar technology and has been organized by Solar Promotion GmbH in Pforzheim in cooperation with Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG in Freiburg since 2000. The two organizers will continue their cooperation at the Munich location.

Intersolar focuses on the areas of photovoltaics, solar thermal technology and solar architecture. Since its beginnings, it has established itself as the leading international industry fair for producers, suppliers, wholesales and service providers. In 2007, In-tersolar further expanded its status as the largest European specialised trade fair for solar technology. Compared with last year, the number of exhibitors rose from 454 to 638, and the exhibition area was increased from 26,000 m^2 to around 34,000 m^2.

For further information about Intersolar 2007 please go to


Solar Promotion GmbH | Postfach 100 170 | 75101 Pforzheim
Mr Horst Dufner | Tel.: +49(0)7231-58598-0 | Fax: +49(0)7231-58598-28 |

fischerAppelt Kommunikation München GmbH | Infanteriestraße 11a | 80797 München
Robert Schwarzenböck, Tel. +49-89-747466-23 | Fax +49-89-747466-66 |

Aussender: Solar Promotion
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner
Tel.: ++49 (0) 7231-58598-0