pts20070917020 in Forschung

Rapid increase of current pellets production in Germany

Interpellets 2007 trade fair presents entire wood pellets supply chain

Pforzheim (pts020/17.09.2007/11:41) 7th Pellets Industry Forum, Stuttgart, 9th and 10th October 2007
Interpellets 2007, Stuttgart, 10th to 12th October 2007

Pellet producers throughout Germany are expanding their wood pellet production capacity. The number of new production sites for the alternative fuel has also been rising continually. According to current surveys conducted by Solar Promotion, 44 pellets plants will produce around 1.3 million tons of wood pellets this year. A further 13 pellets production plants are planned or being built. In the last few months, this elevated production capacity has once again led to stable pellets prices. The latest in pellet technology trends will be presented at Interpellets 2007, which will take place from 10th to 12th October at the Neue Messe in Stuttgart. Interpellets is Germany's only trade fair dedicated exclusively to wood pellets.

Significant extension of pellets production plants

In the past three years, the number of pellets production plants has been significantly extended: 290,000 tons of wood pellets were produced in 28 pellets plants in 2005, and just one year later, a further 32 companies in 35 sites had been built. In 2007, Germany's pellets production is expected to first exceed the one-million ton record. According to current Solar Promotion surveys, 44 pellets plants are currently producing around 1.3 million tons of wood pellets for the year. A further 13 pellets production plants are planned or being built. Moreover, the existing factories are expanding their capacities. Within the past two years, the supply of wood pellets has increased four-fold.
According to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), there are currently over 70,000 pellets heating systems installed in German households. On average, these systems burn between five and six tons of pellets each per year, which means that over 350,000 tons of wood pellets must be made available. There is therefore a great potential for pellets heating systems. As there are already over twice the amount of pellets produced as needed, some factories export part of their produce to other European countries such as Sweden, Italy and France. This has led to today's border-crossing wood pellets trade, which has become increasingly international.

New raw material resources - one of many topics at the 7th Pellets Industry Forum

Both new and residual wood is used to supply the pellets production, and new raw material resources are constantly being developed. As well as residual wood, scrap wood such as tree tops and thinner trunks are readily used in pellets production. "In the near future, the growing of energy-rich woods on fallow agricultural areas could provide even more resources for pellets production in Germany," said Barbara Pilz, Project Manager of the 7th Pellets Industry Forum. She went on to state that the supply was also secured by the growing international pellets trade.

Despite a sinking demand for pellets heating systems early this year, the signs of growth look favourable: BAFA's support went up from Eur24 per kilowatt to Eur36 per kilowatt, and a guaranteed Eur1,500 (before Eur1,000). This means that wood pellets are an economic, sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to the fossil fuels available.

The latest trends in pellets technology can be found at Interpellets 2007 trade fair

Experts can find the latest trends in the growing pellets market at Interpellets 2007 and at the 7th Pellets Industry Forum. The Interpellets 2007 trade fair is the only one of its kind which concentrates solely on wood pellets. Manufacturers, dealers and suppliers from the entire value-added chain of wood pellets heating systems will meet and be showcasing their products and services - from raw material to the appropriate chimney system. Interpellets 2007 will take place from 10th to 12th October at Neue Messe Stuttgart. The organisers, Solar Promotion, are expecting around 150 exhibitors and 6,000 visitors, around 20 percent of whom will come from abroad. The first few days are exclusively reserved for specialist visitors. Interpellets 2007 will also open its doors for end consumers from 9:00 to 17:00. As the run-up to Interpellets 2007, the Pellets Industry Forum will take place (9th-10th October, International Congress centre Stuttgart), to which over 400 participants are expected.
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Organisers and supporters of Interpellets 2007 and the 7th Pellets Industry Forum:

The specialist trade fair Interpellets 2007 and the 7th Pellets Industry Forum are organised by Solar Promotion GmbH, Pforzheim. The German Energy Pellets Association e.V (DEPV) and the German Solar Energy Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie, DGS) are sponsoring the event.

Sponsors of the 7th Pellets Industry Forum

BBT Thermotechnik - Buderus Deutschland, Bühler AG, Calimax GmbH, CTM Heiztechnik GmbH, EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, FireStixx Holz-Energie GmbH, German Pellets GmbH, Müller AG Holzfeuerungen, Ökofen Heiztechnik GmbH, Paradigma Energie- und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, RIKA Metallwaren GmbH + Co. KG, Schellinger KG, TONA - Tonwerke Schmitz GmbH, wodtke GmbH

Further information

Interpellets 2007
Solar Promotion GmbH
Horst Dufner
PO Box 100 170
75101 Pforzheim, Germany

Tel. +49-(0)7231-58 59 8 - 0
Fax +49-(0)7231-58 59 8 - 28

Media contact:
Akzent. Strategische Kommunikation
Kirsten Thellmann / Ulrike Feldhusen
Körtestraße 18
10967 Berlin
Tel. +49-(0)30-63 41 32 - 05
Fax +49-(0)30-63 41 32 - 06

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Aussender: Interpellets
Ansprechpartner: Horst Dufner
Tel.: ++49 (0)7231 / 58 598-0