pts20120605025 in Forschung

AIT key partner in MBAT

Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems

Vienna (pts025/05.06.2012/14:15) International research project targets the production of high-quality and safe embedded systems focusing the transportation domain in a cost reducing way

On November 22nd 2011, the MBAT consortium had its project kick-off meeting in Stuttgart. With its nearly 80 participants from 8 countries it involves around 40 companies, including leading industry, tool vendors and research institutes.

Digital controllers are an essential part in modern transportation systems. They are necessary to provide the various state-of-the-art safety and usability functions. Since errors in these systems can easily cause serious harm for passengers and the environment, high demands are particularly placed on their correct and reliable functioning. The MBAT project has set itself the goal to develop efficient and cost-saving methods and tools that guarantee that these requirements are met. Many complex tests and analyses have to be executed to ascertain that the developed system meets all requirements. All possible sources of errors have to be identified and removed. Static analysis techniques adopt mathematical methods and principles to analyze an abstract design specification of a system. Dynamic tests procedures use prototypes and simulate specific scenarios to investigate the impact of erroneous behavior. Both methods complement each other. Static analysis can be used early in the development process allowing a complete analysis of all possible combinations of failures and system configurations. On very large and complex systems the required calculations often cannot be done in acceptable time. Test procedures based on prototypes can analyze specific situations in detail, even in very complex systems. But it is hard to test every possible situation because the amount of combinations of the internal and external states of the system is very huge. Also the effort and the costs for creating a prototype are very high. MBAT aims to achieve better results by combining test and analysis methods.

A new leading-edge Reference Technology Platform (RTP) for effective and cost-reducing validation and verification of Embedded Systems will be developed. This will be of high value for the European industry and future projects.

The Austrian partners are well represented in MBAT:

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Safety & Security Department) is a key partner in this large ARTEMIS project, having been core group member already during the proposal phase. AIT is leading the subproject "Technologies and Innovations", which covers the core research activities,. as well as its work package "Combined Model-based Analysis & Test Methodology". Furthermore, AIT is leading the task on "Standardization" and "Dissemination & Training", with the role of "Dissemination Manager". AIT will contribute their tools and features to the RTP.

The Institute for Software Technology of Graz University of Technology is providing its expertise and tools in model-based testing. Especially, their novel fault-based testing approach for automatically generating test cases that cover certain fault models will be evaluated on the industrial use cases.

AVL List GmbH (Graz) and ViF (Virtual Vehicle Competence Center, Graz) are leading major industrial workpackages, with AVL providing two automotive use cases: Traction Battery (Passive Balancing) and Hybrid power train control unit. Furthermore, AVL is acting as Austrian Country co-ordinator within MBAT. Infineon Austria provides one automotive use case (Virtual Prototype Airbag ECU) and is active in tasks on modelling, timing analysis and testing and analysis of the HW Interface API Layer.

Because of their strong involvement, AIT and AVL are members of the Steering Board and the Technical Board in MBAT.

Enclosure - Further information to this press release:

The MBAT project is a joint effort of 38 partners all over Europe, comprising about 3000 person months. It is supported by the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking (the European Public-Private Partnership for Advanced Research and Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems) and by National Funding of the partners' national public authorities and funding organizations (in Austria these are the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, and FFG, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency). The total costs of the project is about 34 Mio Eur cost, of which 11 Mio Eur are contributed by national authorities and 6 Mio Eur by the ARTEMIS JU. The planned duration of the project is three years (November 2011 - October 2014). Related projects are CESAR, p/nSafeCer and SPES 2020.

The project is coordinated by Daimler (DE), project manager is OFFIS (DE).

The partners involved in MBAT are: Daimler (DE), Aalborg University (DK), AbsInt (DE), Airbus (FR), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AT), Alenia SIA.(IT), ALES (IT), All4tec (FR), Alstom (FR), AMET (IT), Ansaldo STS (IT), AVL List (AT), BTC Embedded Systems (DE), CEA List (FR), Dassault Systemes (F), EADS Cassidian (DE), EADS Innovation Works (UK), École normale supérieure Paris (FR), Elvior (ET), ENEA (SE), Fraunhofer IESE (DE), Infineon Technologies Austria( AT), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology) (SE), Mälardalen University (SE), MBtech Group (DE), OFFIS (DE), PikeTec (DE), Ricardo (UK), Rockwell Collins France (FR), SELEX Sistemi Integrati (IT), Siemens (DE), Technical University Graz (AT), Thales Alenia Space France (FR), Thales Research & Technology (FR), Thales Global Services (FR), Technical University Munich (DE), Virtual Vehicle Competence Center (AT), and Volvo Technology Cooperation (SE).


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Aussender: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Ansprechpartner: Mag. Michael Hlava
Tel.: +43505504040