pts20100217032 Technologie/Digitalisierung, Produkte/Innovationen

AMS-IX löst wachsende Kapazitätsanforderungen mit Brocade Netzwerkkomponenten

München (pts032/17.02.2010/20:38) Die Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), einer der weltweit größten Internet Exchange Points (IXP), hat Brocade für seine neue MPLS/VPLS Netzwerktopologie gewählt und verbessert damit die Netzwerkstabilität und die Ausfallsicherheit für 350 Clients. Mit den Brocade NetIron MLX Series Switches und Routern kann die AMS-IX die nötige Bandbreite bereitstellen, die durch das exponentielle Wachstum des Datenvolumens gefordert wird.

AMS-IX ist einer der weltweit größten Internet-Hubs für globale Service Provider und große Firmennetzwerke. Insgesamt werden über 850 Gigabit pro Sekunde an Internet-Datenverkehr transportiert. Die AMS-IX Plattform bietet einen hoch qualitativen, non-blocking professionellen Peering-Service für alle Arten an IP-Verkehr, wie beispielsweise klassische Daten, Video oder VoIP. Der AMD-IX hosted zudem den ersten Mobile Peering Point weltweit, das Global GPRS Roaming Exchange (GRX), den Mobile Data Exchange (MDX) sowie Lösungen für den Rundfunk mit Multicast-Peering-Service.

Aufgrund des wachsenden Internetverkehrs und der ansteigenden Anzahl an Nutzern, muss der AMS-IX seine Netzwerkkapazität jährlich verdoppeln. Die frühere Dual-Star-Topologie (eine aktiv, eine passiv) hatte das Kapazitätslimit ereicht und nicht einmal die größten Ethernet Switches mit 128 x 10 GbE Ports konnten die Anforderungen erfüllen. Der AMS-IX entschied sich für eine verteilte Core Architektur, um die Kapazität und die Stabilität zu erhöhen.

Gemeinsam mit Brocade baute der AMS-IX zwei identische Netzwerke auf, eines für den operativen Betrieb und das andere als Backup-System. Um einen Abbruch des Internetverkehrs im Fall eines Fehlers zu verhindern, nutzt der AMS-IX photonische Switche, die automatisch vom primären auf das Backup-Netzwerk innerhalb von Millisekunden umschalten. Die 32-Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) Brocade NetIron MLX Router können beliebig und bis zu einer Link-Kapazität von 320 Gbit/s gebündelt werden. Ein zusätzlicher Load-Sharing-Algorithmus sorgt für die optimale Ausnutzung aller Links.

AMS-IX implemented Brocade NetIron MLX routers to facilitate growth in this new architecture. The Brocade NetIron MLX design gives AMS-IX the opportunity to aggregate as many as 32-ports of 10 GbE to provide an aggregated link capacity of 320Gbps. Brocade has applied advanced load-sharing algorithms in order to fully utilize the increased capacity, establishing the industry's highest and most advanced link aggregation solution. These patent-pending load-sharing algorithms help ensure optimal utilization of all links in a link aggregate and reduce correlation between equal cost multipath and link aggregation.

"By changing our infrastructure, we expect to stay ahead of the exponential traffic growth requirements we have been facing over the past couple of years," said Henk Steenman, Chief Technical Officer at AMS-IX. "We have experienced peak traffic in excess of 850 Gbps per second. Brocade was the only networking provider able to deliver us an infrastructure that could accommodate a combination of three key factors: performance, extremely high scalability and reliability. When one of these requirements does not function well, it has a negative impact on our business and on the end user. It is imperative that we offer our clients non-blocking connectivity at an affordable price-point and with a high degree of availability."

"We have implemented the new infrastructure in three different phases to avoid any traffic disruption for the end-users," stated Piet Giesbers, Regional Director Europe North (Benelux, Nordics and Baltics) at Brocade. "AMS-IX carried out the biggest part of the implementation process, but worked closely with Brocade engineers and the Brocade TAC organisation offered remote support. The involvement of both teams were crucial in the preparation, development and testing in the run up to the implementation, which was executed in only three months [during summer 2009]."

"We expect that the new load-balancing core architecture will provide us with sufficient headroom until September 2010," added Steenman. "By then we expect to have the ability to increase the port density of our existing platforms, as well as evolve its features, which will allow us to increase the size of the 10GbE bundles between core and edge switches. We anticipate to expand the distributed load-balancing core beyond the four we now have, and we are confident that Brocade will allow us to keep ahead of our members' traffic and port growth requirements."

"Brocade is committed to fully powering and scaling Internet Exchange growth," concluded Giesbers. "Brocade's current capabilities and recent enhancements to its performance orientated switches and routers are at the forefront of flexible and scalable solutions that enable IXPs to meet stringent bandwidth, high service levels , scalability and efficiency requirements. Our networking solutions provide unprecedented link aggregation capacity, stability and flexibility to set a new industry standard for powerful and efficient scaling of networks"

Job Witteman, CEO bei AMS-IX, über die Zusammenarbeit mit Brocade:

About Amsterdam Internet Exchange
AMS-IX ( is a neutral and independent not-for-profit Internet exchange providing services since the early 1990's. AMS-IX is one of the largest Internet hubs worldwide, where over 350 Internet related parties come together to exchange more than 850 Gigabits per second of Internet traffic amongst them. The AMS-IX platform provides high quality, non-blocking professional peering services for all types of IP traffic whether regular data, video or VoIP. AMS-IX additionally hosts the first mobile peering points worldwide, the Global GPRS Roaming Exchange (GRX) and the Mobile Data Exchange (MDX), as well as solutions for broadcasting with the multicast peering service. For more information please visit

Brocade Communications Systems
Brocade® (Nasdaq: BRCD) develops extraordinary networking solutions that enable today's complex, data-intensive businesses to optimize information connectivity and maximize the business value of their data. For more information, visit

Brocade, the B-wing symbol, BigIron, DCX, Fabric OS, FastIron, IronView, NetIron, SAN Health, ServerIron, and TurboIron are registered trademarks, and Brocade Assurance, DCFM, Extraordinary Networks, and Brocade NET Health are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or in other countries. Other brands, products, or service names mentioned are or may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

Pressekonktakt :

Brocade Communications GmbH
Christine Schmidt
Martin-Kollar-Str. 15
81829 München
Tel: 089/ 427411-24
Fax: 089/4274 11-99

TC Communications
Thilo Christ
Feldstraße 1
84405 Dorfen (b. München)
Tel: 08081/954617
Fax: 08081/954618

Aussender: TC Communications
Ansprechpartner: Thilo Christ
Tel.: +49(0)8081 954617