pts20030126007 Unternehmen/Wirtschaft, Handel/Dienstleistungen

Eurofins: Indicative and preliminary results 2002

EBIT* Doubled once again in 2002 - Sales Exceed Euro 160 Million (+25%)

Nantes/Brussels (pts007/26.01.2003/18:29) As an indicative and preliminary result before audit, Eurofins Scientific is pleased to announce that its consolidated sales have exceeded Euro 160 million in the fiscal year 2002 representing an increase of more than 25% compared to the consolidated sales in 2001 (Euro 127.0 million). The consolidated EBIT* more than doubled once again and is expected to be in the range of Euro 7.7 million - Euro 8.0million (Euro 3.8 million in 2001).

Looking back to the different steps of the Group's development, a doubling of the EBIT* has already happened several times. The start-up phase of Eurofins came to an end in 1996, when its technology had been officially recognised as in the USA. In the following first expansion phase from 1997-1999 (geographical expansion), Eurofins already more than doubled its EBIT* in each consecutive year. Almost the same can be stated for the second expansion phase from 2000-2002 (expansion of scope).

Eurofins' annual net income 2002 (after goodwill amortisation according to current IAS accounting rules) is again positive, only two years after its SPO in 2000. This shows that the successful integration of the acquired laboratories, the building up of Competence Centres and the consistent realisation of synergy potentials within the Group are beginning to yield positive effects on the
Group's financial results.

In the current year 2003, Eurofins plans to focus on further improving its economies of scale through the development of its Competence Centres and cross-selling activities. In addition, value-creating acquisitions will be evaluated.

The final consolidated sales will be published on February 14, 2003, as, according to the French Securities law, sales figures have to be disclosed
within 45 calendar days after the reporting period. The final and complete consolidated annual results for 2002 of the Eurofins Group will be disclosed on February 26, 2003.
* before Goodwill amortisation

WKN: 910 251; ISIN: FR0000038259; Index:
Listed: Neuer Markt in Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München und Stuttgart

Aussender: pts - PR Information (A)
Ansprechpartner: Eurofin
Tel.: ++43-1-81140-319