pts20030430046 in Leben

New official Eco-label for European Tourism Industry

Vienna (pts046/30.04.2003/16:05) Quality-oriented tourist accommodation services are now easily to be identified: Since 1st May they can apply for the common European Eco-label, the Flower, as an added value in quality.

The Flower Logo as a sign of high quality
The European Eco-label for tourist accommodation services was created to reward accommodation services with high-quality standards regarding their environmental performance. Enterprises bearing the Flower Logo have officially been distinguished as being amongst the most environmentally friendly in their area. The target group to apply for the European Eco-label ranges from hotel chains to small farm houses.

The enterprises have to meet minimum requirements regarding environment and health standards as e.g. use of renewable energy resources, overall reduced energy and water use, measures to reduce waste, environmental policy setting, no smoking areas. Most of the environmental measures require some time and effort, but on the other hand they offer added value. They help to discover ecological and economic weaknesses in the enterprises and in some cases will make innovations to take place. Reducing the consumption of natural resources like energy and water helps reducing the individual costs of the operation.

The easiest way to get the Eco-label
A Competent Body is the national organisation responsible for the application for the EU-Eco-label in every EU Member State. The Competent Body gives information on the application procedures, distributes the application pack and is responsible for the verification of compliance prior to the awarding of the EU Eco-label. The application pack comprises a verification form and a user-manual, designed to accompany the applicant through the process of application. Applicants must provide a detailed dossier showing how the technical criteria have been met.

For further information or for contact details of the Competent Bodies in the different Member States visit the or go to the official web-site of the EU Eco-label .

Press contact:
G&L Wien, Ernst Leitner
Kundmanngasse 33/8, 1030 Wien, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-712 28 18; Fax: +43-1-712 28 18-22

Aussender: pts - single press release
Ansprechpartner: Ernst Leitner
Tel.: +43-1-712 28 18